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season one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | index


  name: Colin (The Anointed One)
first episode: Never Kill A Boy On The First Date
details: He becomes the Anointed One when killed with four others by vampires following the prophecy, "from the ashes of five shall rise the One." Prophesied to lead the slayer to the Master in hell. Plots to kill Buffy with Spike and Dru, but is himself killed by them instead.


  name: Daryl and Chris
episode: Some Assembly Required
details: Daryl is a jock brought back to life by his brother Chris and a friend from the science club. Lonely, they go grave robbing together to patch together a perfect girlfriend. He is engulfed in flames when trying to save the patchwork girlfriend from a laboratory fire.


  name: Spike
first episode: School Hard
details: Known also as William the Bloody, Spike has already killed two slayers. He arrives in Sunnydale with Drusilla to kill Buffy. After a behavior modification chip in implanted in his brain, he is unable to hurt or kill humans. He finally falls in love with Buffy and becomes a strong ally.


  name: Drusilla
first episode: School Hard
details: Driven mad and made a vampire by Angel. Together with Spike and Angelus, they awaken Acathla to destroy the world. Causes Spike to join forces with Buffy by flirting with Angelus when Angel loses his soul. She attempts to get Spike back after leaving him for a Chaos demon but is rejected because Spike now loves Buffy.


  name: Ampata
episode: Inca Mummy Girl
details: Sacrificed to the Gods and buried alive, this five-hundred-year old mummy awakes from sleep when a pictogram covered plate is stolen from her coffin and broken. She is able to appear young by sucking the life force from any living human but she needs a continual supply of victims or she will return to her mummy state.


  name: Tom and Machida
episode: Reptile Boy
details: A half-man, half-snake creature that is protected and worship by the Delta Zeta Kappa fraternity in return for riches and fame. It can survive being sliced in half but cannot tolerate being treated inappropriately


  name: Ethan Rayne
first episode: Halloween
details: An old childhood friend of Giles', they were both member of a group that dabbled with magic in their youth. After raising the demon Eyghon and experiencing the extreme ecstasy of possession, he turns his life over to chaos and magic. He is very powerful and sadistic, and likes to wreak havoc for his own amusement.


  name: Billy Fordham
episode: Lie To Me
details: An old schoolmate of Buffy's who wants to become a vampire. He strikes a deal with Spike and Drusilla to bring the Slayer to them in return for them turning him into a vampire. He is staked by Buffy on his first night as a vampire.


  name: Eyghon
episode: The Dark Age
details: A demon who can only exist in this reality by possessing an unconscious host. It can take control of the dead but its evil energy soon disintegrates the host so it must soon jump to the next nearest dead or unconscious person. It fought with Angel and it is unknown if it was destroyed or if it retreated to its own dimension.


  name: Teraka
episode: What's My Line Parts 1&2
details: A society of deadly assassins that are represented by images on tarot cards.


  name: Ted
episode: Ted
details: A handsome computer software salesman who dated Buffy's mom until the gang discovers that he is a robot. He murdered four previous wives and kept them "alive" by turning them into robots.


  name: Gorches Brothers
first episode: Bad Eggs
details: Cowboy vampire brothers who are best known for massacring a mexican village - before they became vampires. Drawn to Sunnydale by the evil aura of energy, they get caught in the middle of the Bezoar debacle that ends with Tector being eaten and Lyle running for his life.


  name: Momma Bezoar
episode: Bad Eggs
details: A slimy expanse of black that moves and breathes, the Bezoar is a prehistoric parasitic egg-laying monster that hibernates underground. The baby bezoars attach themselves to a host, taking control of their mind and bodies, using the human host to free the mother and kill anyone who tries to stop them in the process.


  name: Angelus
first episode: Innocence
details: Cursed by gypsies to have a soul until he experiences a moment of true happiness. Angel falls in love with Buffy and loses his soul when they have sex. He becomes a normal vampire until Willow again curses him. Buffy send Angel to Hell when he awakens Acathla who will suck the earth into Hell. He returns to Sunnydale to reunite with Buffy but leaves, knowing they can't be together.


  name: The Judge
first episode: Surprise
details: An enormous, vicious blue demon with a horned head and black eyes. He is able to burn the humanity out of a person with the touch of his hand. Brought forth to eradicate humanity from earth but was dismembered by an army who spread the parts across the globe. He was not able to be killed by an weapon forged but was blown apart by a well aimed rocket launcher.


  name: Cain
episode: Phases
details: A werewolf hunter that comes to Sunnydale on reports of a werewolf sighting. He attempts to kill Oz in his werewolf form but is stopped by Buffy before he succeeds.


  name: Amy Madison
first episode: The Witch
details: Her body was inhabited by her mother, Catherine, who was a witch. She is forced to cast spells on other cheerleaders to try and make the cheerleading squad so her mother can relive the past. She regains her body when Giles reverses the spell. Later turns to witchcraft in her own right. She turns herself into a rat to escape being burned at the stake.


  name: Der Kindestod
episode: Killed By Death
details: Only seen by the young, the crazy, and the feverishly sick, Der Kindesod "child death" in german, prowls hospital wards looking for sick children. A bogeyman who has eyes that press against the foreheads of its child victims, sucking the life out of them.


  name: James Stanley and Grace Newman
episode: I Only Have Eyes For You
details: A student and teacher at Sunnydale High School who were lovers during the 1950's. James shot Grace when she tried to leave him. Their spirits remained at the school and possessed Buffy and Angel in an attempt to recreate their tragic deaths.


  name: Swim team members
episode: Go Fish
details: Sunnydale High's human-eating, steroid infused swim team. They were given steroids unknowingly by their coach, infused in the steam room. One by one the swim team is turned into fish men. They have to undergo plasma infusions to return to their human form.


  name: Coach Marin
episode: Go Fish
details: The swim team coach who gives his team steroids that turn them into fish men so that they will remain a winning team. He is eaten in a pool of water by the fish monsters.


  name: Acathla
episode: Becoming Parts 1&2
details: A demon with the power to suck the world into Hell, he is found by Angelus, Spike, and Drusilla in the form of a stone statue with a sword sticking out of its chest where a knight had impaled him. Awakened by Angelus, the whirlpool that will suck the world into Hell is opened. It is only closed when Buffy stabs the newly rensouled Angel with the sword that defeated Acathla in the past.