aired on: May 1, 2001
written by: Shawn Ryan
directed by: Turi Meyer
Angel, Gunn, Cordelia and Wesley are out to dinner to celebrate Cordelia's good news - she's got a national commercial gig. The next day, Angel goes to the set where Cordelia is shooting her commercial, and basks in the glow of the fake sunlight. He also has a question to ask Cordelia about her vision of the Hacklar demon they're after. While he's there, he watches the commercial director treating Cordelia like a commodity, and stands up to him to defend her honor.
As Wesley explains to Gunn how to kill the Hacklar, Gunn's friends Rondell and George come by, asking Gunn for help with some vampires. But when Angel returns with the location of the Hacklar, Gunn says he has to take care of that job first. His friends feel he's abandoning them.
Meanwhile, at The Caritas, while the Host belts out a karaoke version of "Superstitious," a portal opens behind him, and a demon leaps out.
Back at the office, Angel, Wesley and Gunn return from killing the Hacklar. Angel apologizes to Cordelia for embarrassing her, but Cordelia says she embarrassed herself. She just wanted to act; she never wanted to feel like this.
Then the Host rushes in to ask for their help. The demon that came through the portal is a Drokken demon, and he says they must kill it. He imagines it's getting pretty hungry by now, and he's right - the Drokken is already out on the streets, killing. They take the case and prepare to head to Caritas to start their search when Cordelia has a vision. She sees a woman at a public library, reading a book, and a portal that opened up behind her. They race to the library.
There, Cordelia describes the girl in her vision to a librarian. It matches the description of a fellow librarian named Fred who disappeared about five years ago. On the day she disappeared, one minute she was cataloging in the foreign language section, and the next minute she was gone. They race to the foreign language section, where Cordelia finds the book Fred was reading in the vision. When she reads the text on the front page, it conjures a portal - which spits out green-headed demon looking for a fight.
Angel battles it, and then suddenly the Host recognizes it - it's his cousin, Landok. The Host originally came to L.A. through a similar portal five years earlier. Landok calls the Host by his full name (though the Host says he prefers Lorne), and reports that Lorne's disappearance brought great shame to his family back home. When they tell Landok about the Drokken, Landok says he can help them track it and slay it.
As they track it, Lorne tells Angel about his land, where everything is good and evil, and there's no gray area. There's no music, no feelings, and debates are solved with swords. Lorne is glad to be gone from there, but it doesn't sound so bad to Angel.
Finally they find the Drokken. It's taken a woman captive, up on a rooftop. Landok chases after it, but the Drokken bites him. The Drokken's bite contains a powerful venom, poisonous to Landok, Lorne and their people. The antidote can only be found back in their world. As Lorne sits with Landok, Wesley looks for the woman, and Angel hunts for the Drokken. Wesley finds the woman - and then the Drokken finds him. Wesley shoves a flare in its mouth, and then Angel puts a sword through its head. The Drokken is defeated, but Cordelia feels like they're still missing something.
Meanwhile, Gunn heads back to his place where his crew is gathered. One of his friends is dead, killed by vampires. Gunn is mad - he tells his friends they should have waited for him. With tears in his eyes, he looks on as his friend's lifeless body is burned.
Looking through the library book, Cordelia thinks she understands the vision - the portal works both ways, and she thinks they can use it to send Landok back if they read the incantation at a place where they know the portal exists. They take him to The Caritas, where Landok reads from the book, and is sucked back through the portal.
But so is Cordelia. She falls to the ground in a strange new world, where two suns hang in the sky.