aired on: February 13, 2001
written by: Jim Kouf and Shawn Ryan
directed by: Scott McGinnis
At the teen shelter, two scared kids, Kenny and Leslie, come knocking on the door. It's past curfew, but they plead with Anne not to make them stay out there. Something is chasing them.
The next morning, Anne asks Kenny why he came in last night. He says there are cops out there harassing people; he was minding his own business when a cop came up and just hit him. Anne thinks she knows someone who can help, and goes to see Gunn, who used to come to the shelter. When she hears the name of the agency, she asks if it's the same Angel. She says he tried to help her a few weeks back, but it was just a scam to steal money from this law firm.
Gunn heads back to the shelter with Anne. The kids there tell Gunn the cops have been on an all-out war against them. Gunn has an idea - walk the streets with a camcorder, and wait for cops to hassle them.
While Angel lurks outside the shelter, a cop approaches him and asks him to put his hands above his head. When Angel complies, the cop tries to arrest him, and grabs him from behind. Angel resists, and knocks the cop down, but the cop is resilient. Then Angel delivers a kick to his head - and knocks it off. Angel can see the cop wasn't human, but demon.
Angel visits Kate at the police station. He tells her what happened, and shows her the dead cop's badge. Kate looks up the badge number and finds that the officer is already listed as dead - and she went to his funeral six months ago. Angel and Kate go to the cemetery where the officer is buried, and Angel notices the ground has been disturbed in the last few weeks. Other cops are buried there as well; Angel thinks someone's been unearthing dead cops and putting them back on the streets.
At the shelter, Wesley and Cordelia come by looking for Gunn. Anne tells them where he went, and Wesley heads out to find him. Out by 45th street, Gunn and two friends are out walking, waiting to be harassed. Soon enough, a cop comes walking down the street, and asks Gunn to put his hands against the wall. As Gunn tries to talk with him, and find out if he's being arrested, Wesley comes down the street, trying to tell the cop that Gunn is a friend of his. The cop turns and shoots Wesley in the gut. As Wesley slumps against the wall, Gunn knocks the gun away from the cop, and one of his friends picks it up.
When the cop reaches to his ankle to pull out another gun, the friend shoots him. As Gunn and his friends pick up Wesley to get him out of there, the cop sits up. He's not dead - he's calling for backup. Gunn gets Wesley around the corner, and they call for an ambulance.
Soon an ambulance arrives, but as they try to drive to the hospital, two police cars block the road. The ambulance driver steps out to figure out what's going on, but the cops shoot him - and then start shooting at the ambulance. Gunn takes the wheel and drives away, but not to the hospital. He brings Wesley back to the shelter, and they take him inside.
As Wesley struggles to survive, demon cops converge on the shelter. Wesley needs to get to a hospital, and Cordelia decides they can't wait any longer. But when she opens the door, the cops are already there.
Meanwhile, Angel and Kate visit the precinct station where the cops have been wreaking havoc. Angel steps into the office of the "chief" to ask questions. But the chief doesn't want to talk - he wants to shoot. That just makes Angel turn vampire. He wants to know how to stop these cops. The chief turns to run.
Angel follows him into a room where ritual candles are lit in front of photos of the dead officers. There he notices the idol of Granith - that's how he's keeping them animated. When Angel smashes the idol, the demon cops, who had broken into the shelter, slump over, dead once again.
Back at the police station, Kate shows Angel the file for that precinct with the demon cops ruling the beat - almost no crime. Then the police report comes in that says Wesley's in the hospital.
He doesn't look great, but Wesley is going to be okay. Outside his hospital room, Angel watches Wesley talking with Gunn. Then Cordelia comes up behind him. "Wesley doesn't need you right now," she says. "We don't need you. You walked away. Do us a favor, and just stay away."
Angel walks away.