
aired on: October 17, 2000

written by: Meredyth Smith

directed by: Joss Whedon

At the offices of Wolfram & Hart, Darla tells Lilah that she's using a powder to keep Angel sleeping when she's with him. The powder lets you see into people's dreams and truly understand them.Meanwhile, Wesley and Cordelia's bickering about whether to pay Gunn for his help wakes Angel - even though it's ten at night. He's been sleeping strangely of late; he sleeps more, but he's less rested. As Wesley asks if he's having dreams, Cordelia is hit with a vision, of a girl being chased down an alley. Angel races out to take care of it.

In the alley, two men chase down the girl, named Bethany, ready to attack her with a knife. But before they can, she does something - and a dumpster shoots across the alley, crushing them both against the wall.

When Angel arrives, he finds the crushed guys, but no sign of the girl. Exploring a nearby building, he finds her. When he tries to talk to her, a rebar shoots across the room, impaling him through the shoulder. When he stands up and pulls it out, Bethany is confused. He explains who he is and gives her a card, but she doesn't want help, and runs away.

Bethany heads home - she's staying at Lilah's apartment. Lilah befriended Bethany when she spoke at her school; she knew Bethany had a power about her. Later, as Bethany lies in bed asleep, Lilah tiptoes in her bedroom. Bethany's dreaming of her father - a bad dream - and in her fear, she shoots a lamp across the room, hitting Lilah in the eye.

Meanwhile, Angel is dreaming, too, of when he was Angelus, and he killed Darla. But he's not alone - Darla is there in bed with him.

Cordelia and Wesley's research determines that the girl is telekinetic, but they can't find her - and then she walks in the door and introduces herself.

The next morning, at the W&H offices, Holland is concerned that Lilah's losing control of Bethany. "She's got the profile," he says, "but an assassin's no good if it can't be controlled."

Back at Angel's, Bethany tries to explain what it's like when she unleashes her power; she's never done it on purpose. When Wesley comes in the room and mentions her father, she sends him and Angel flying across the room. As Bethany cools off and Cordelia applies ice to Wesley's back, he explains that he mentioned her father to see if it would set her off; the sort of trauma that can produce this level of psychic power usually involves abuse of some kind very early on.

Later that night, Angel is dreaming again, of he and Darla feeding on the gypsy girl. While he dreams, Bethany wanders into his room; she'd heard a voice and thought he was awake. Then she comes on to him, but he rebuffs her. She tells Angel that most men think she's fragile and innocent, and love taking advantage of that; then she suggests that maybe he's not qualified to help him with her problem. He says maybe he's the only one who is.

The next morning, Angel works with Bethany on her telekinesis - she's learning to control it. Then Angel gets a call from Gunn - his research has turned up something.

While Angel goes to investigate, Cordelia takes Bethany out to the plaza. But they're being tailed, and after one guy sticks her in the neck with a tranquilizer, three others grab her and throw her in a van. But Gunn and Angel are right behind them. Angel leaps onto the van, tossing the goons out, and saving Bethany.

Back at the Hyperion, Angel tries to tell Bethany that Lilah is not her friend, but she's frightened, and she's making things shake telekinetically. When Bethany opens the door to walk out, she finds her father standing there - and blows the windows out of the whole top floor of the Hyperion.

He tells Bethany that Lilah has called him, and tries convincing her to come back with him, to be a family again. But she's rattled - things are shaking and falling off the walls. As he steps toward her, though, Bethany shows how much control she has over her power - she launches her father out the window, stops him a few feet above the ground, then lets him fall the rest of the way.

At Lilah's, Bethany packs up her things. Lilah tries to convince her to stay; she says she hired those guys in the alley to attack her to make her stronger. When Bethany closes her suitcase from across the room and it shoots into her hand, she shows Lilah just how strong she is. Then she heads for the door, where Angel is waiting for her.