01. Liz {
W} My favourite B/G moment (besides the almost-dance ;p) is Giles pausing in the middle of the S6 apocalypse to notice that Buffy has cut her hair... the hug she gives him at that is just amazing.
02. Satine {
W} The end of 'Helpless' when Giles is helping Buffy tend to her injuries.
03. Gail {
W} At Giles' door in Dead Man's Party.
04. Abby {
W} "That" scene in Helpless where Giles is tending to her injuries. That look he gives her made me a B/G shipper instantly.
05. Alessandra {
W} In Faith, Hope & Trick, when Giles got Buffy to tell him about how she killed Angel. For one thing, it was touching that he recognized her need to get it out. And just the fact that he did it was so sweet.
06. Morgan {
W} Simply put, Prom.
07. Gileswench {
W} Too many to choose from...
08. bg_girl {
@|W} The prom and the hug and laugh fest in Grave.
09. Jen {
W} Buffy telling Giles about Dawn in 'Family'.
10. Ellie {
W} When Giles stabbed the mayor for picking on Buffy!
11. Karesia {
W} Bad Girls - when Buffy enters the library, hops on the desk to sit by Giles and just keeps scooching over closer to him. She says so much about how she feels about him without words. Of course the classic lines from both of them for the rest of that scene make it all the more one of my fave B/G moments!
12. sav {
13. Faith Bowie {
W} I think it was the moment in Innocence out in the car when Giles was comforting Buffy after Angel turned evil. Giles: "If it's guilt you're looking for, Buffy, I'm, I'm not your man. All you will get from me is, is my support. And my respect."
14. Sus {
@|W} Giles wiping his eyes in the kitchen when Buffy comes home. And of course, "You're a miracle."
15. Kerrie {
16. Erin McBroom {
@|W} The almost crying smile that Buffy gave Giles in "Grave", just after he said, surprised, "You've cut your hair", and they hugged. *sniffling* I love B/G!!!
17. theCAT {
18. Kaneda {
@|W} Ending of A New Man, and 'the look' on OMWF
19. Kim {
@|W} When Giles returns from England when Buffy's brought back. The look on his face...... If he'd just said he loved her we could have avoided Season 6.
20. Gretchen {
W} Giles casting the counter-spell that saved Buffy's life in the first season.
21. MG {
W} The gang is being attacked and giles is injured, buffy and him are talking
22. Luisa {
W} Giles being honest about his feelings in "Fool for Love".... "I suppose if they're anything like me, they found the whole subject too..." "Unseemly?" "Painful, I was going to say."
23. Humaira {
W} Definetly the Prom, and just after Willow went evil and Giles came back. That hug said a lot *winks*
24. Donna Rowe {
@|W} OMWF's "Standing In The Way"/"Wish I Could Stay" was a lovely, heart-breaking expression of just how much Giles loves Buffy.
25. Carolee {
@|W} There are so many. I think my favorite is when Giles stabs the Mayor after the Mayor threatens her. A moment filled with passion!
26. Jacqui {
@|W} Buffy at Giles' door in Dead Man's Party.
27. Valérie Lamarre {
@|W} The hugging scene in "Passion" and, in "Helpless", the "If you touch me, I'll kill you" scene.
28. Rainne {
@|W} The hug when he comes back from England after her resurrection. They SO should have run with that.
29. Lams {
@|W} Reality has crossed with fanfiction and I can't remember if most of my favorite "moments" are actually fanfic or not. I'll definitely have to go with the car scene at the end of Innocence, though.
30. Prophecy Girl {
@|W} Well I love it when he sings to her in OMWF, but she should have heard him! There are other moments, but I guess I am waiting for the moment when they first kiss!
31. Sweetdoggie {
@|W} When Buffy hugs Giles after his attack on Angelus.
32. Jessika {
W} When Giles turns into a Fyarl demon and Buffy looks in his eyes and knows it's him.
33. Michelle {
W} I love the scene at the beginning of Band Candy when Giles blindfolds Buffy. She accuses him of just doing it to take funny pictures of her.
34. Neena {
W} There's so many... but the first one that got me thinking B/G was in "The Witch" when Giles lays Buffy down on the lab table. I swear, he would have kissed her if they'd been alone :)
35. Angie {
W} Many, but the quote: "they also picked the perfect thing. I can't lose you" (quietly) "thank you" has to be the best.