A Fluke Between Two Wiccans

By SpikeMe4Now4200

Copyright © 2004


Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This Story is mine. However, I don't own the Buffyverse or any of the characters created by Joss Whedon et al; you all know who they are. I don't wish to harm them; I simply want to play with them a little :-)
Distribution: /au.geocities.com/spikeme4now4200/index.html    /mysticmuse.net
Everywhere and anywhere, just let me know where.
Feedback: Yes Please!!!! I would really appreciate feedback on this story; I'll reply to anyone who emails me. Constructive criticisms are very welcomed; outright flames will be ignored.
Spoilers: It would help if you've seen season 3.
Author's Notes: We know Tara was born in 1980; and since Willow graduated in the class of '99; that would mean our blonde Wiccan was 18 going on 19 during that year. Theoretically that would make her old enough to be at college. Furthermore, since it was never established exactly when Tara started college, my storyline could technically have taken place... in my own mind anyway... <lol>
Special thanks goes to Chris Cook of Through the Looking Glass and Artemis for creating the title graphic at the top of the page. Thanks, Chris!
Pairing: Willow/Tara

Summary: What would have happened if Willow and Tara had met at the start of Tara's freshman year at UCSD?

Chapter 6B Continued

Tara and Buffy turned to look at one another as they reached the library the next morning. This was it.

"Good luck," Tara whispered and gave Buffy an encouraging smile.

"Thanks," Buffy sighed.

And with that, she pushed on the door and entered the library. Giles was standing up near the steps, while Xander, Cordelia, Oz and Willow were seated at the center table. Each one of them looked like they'd just been to a funeral.

"What's with all the tragedy masks?" Buffy quipped, choosing to start the mood off on a light note. She was still feeling a little buzzed from the meditation Tara had walked her though this morning.

"Better take a seat, Buffy," Giles ventured towards a nearby chair.

In response, Xander stood up and nudged his chair to the head of the table, and moved to stand next to Cordelia. He wasn't pleased to see Buffy show up with Tara in tow. Ten to one the witch had given the Slayer a heads up.

He gave her a disapproving look, which Tara shrugged off. She'd known he was gonna be upset with her, but she'd had no other choice. She then turned to look at Willow, who motioned her over.

Tara smiled softly at Willow and moved to stand behind her. She placed her hand against Willow's left shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze. Willow looked up at Tara and smiled, lifting her right hand to briefly cover Tara's in greeting.

"What's going on?" Buffy ventured lightly as she took a seat.

"I think you know," Xander frowned, nodding his head towards Tara and glaring at her pointedly.

Willow frowned at Xander and moved her hand back up to cover Tara's. She opened her mouth to object to his behavior, but Tara pre-empted her.

"D-d-d-don't," Tara stood up for herself, her confidence rising as Willow gently squeezed her hand in a show of support. "I j-j-just told her what to expect. I-it was only fair…"

"Yeah," Buffy defended. "Don't put this on Tara."

"No," Giles agreed. "We're putting this on you, Buffy. You, uh…you lied to us."

Buffy sighed and looked to the ground. She'd known it was gonna go like this…

Willow instantly moved to clarify Giles' statement. She'd spoken to everyone about not using negative words. Why hadn't they listened?

"Nobody's here to blame you, Buffy," she said softly. "But this is serious. You need help."

"It's not what you think," Buffy looked up at Willow appealingly.

"Hope not," Xander retorted snidely. "Because I think you're harboring a vicious killer."

Buffy looked to Xander sadly, unable to believe his callousness. Just as well she was still feeling the effects of the meditation.

"This isn't about attacking Buffy," Willow frowned at Xander. "Remember, I statements only. I feel angry. I feel worried."

"Fine," Cordelia snapped. "Here's one. I feel worried… about me! Last time around, Angel barely laid a hand on Buffy. He was way more interested in killing her friends."

"But he's better now," Buffy protested.

"Better for how long, Buffy?" Xander shook his head disapprovingly. "I mean, did you even think about that?"

She'd done her best to remain calm, but Xander was just pushing it. "I'm sorry," she appealed to Tara, apologizing for not seeing this through like she'd promised her this morning. "But I won't stand for this," she turned back to face Xander. "I don't need an intervention here…"

And with that she turned to leave.

"Oh, don't you?" Giles interjected.

Buffy sighed and turned to face him.

"You must've known it was wrong seeing Angel," he continued, "or you wouldn't have hidden it from all of us."

Tara looked down at Willow and squeezed her shoulder gently. She knew Giles had just voiced her own thoughts, and she could feel the girl's mood shifting.

"I was going to tell you," Buffy said defensively. "I was," she insisted. "I-it was just that I…I didn't know why he came back. I just wanted to wait – "

"For what?" Xander interjected. "For Angel to go psycho again the next time you give him a happy?"

Buffy could feel her anger rising. "I'm not going to…" she raised her voice and lifted a hand in frustration. "We're not together like that."

"But you were kissing him," Oz pointed out.

Et tu Brute? Willow gave Oz a look. Why couldn't everyone play nice? No one was using positive statements.

Tara looked at Oz as well, and then down at Willow. She released a little more of her energy for support.

Willow squeezed Tara's hand in appreciation, before glancing at Buffy with a worried look in her eye. She hoped the Slayer wasn't gonna take Oz's words the wrong way.

Buffy frowned at Oz, and then at Xander. "That's right," she raised her voice, "you were spying. What gives you the right – ?"

"What gives you the right to suck face with your demon lover again?" Cordelia interjected caustically.

"It was an accident," Buffy retorted defensively.

"What," Xander clenched a fist in frustration, "you just tripped and fell on his lips?"

"It was wrong, okay?" Buffy relented. "I know that, and I know it can't happen again. But you guys have to believe me. I would never put you in any danger. If I thought for a second that Angel was going to hurt anyone…"

"You would stop him?" Xander spat out menacingly. "Like you did last time with Ms. Calendar?"

Buffy's eyes widened. She hadn't expected Xander to be quite so mean spirited.

Willow could see it was time to speak up. Once again she frowned at Xander, before looking towards Buffy appealingly.

"Buffy," she began nervously, not wanting to make the situation worse, "I, uh…I feel that when it comes to Angel, you can't see straight. And that's why we're…we're all gonna help you face this."

"But he's better now," Buffy insisted. "I swear. Look, you guys, he's the one that found the glove. H-he's keeping it safe for us in the mansion."

"Right!" Xander spread his arms wide in exasperation. "Great plan," he continued sarcastically. "Leave tons of firepower with the scary guy, and then leave us to clean up the mess."

With that, he moved towards the exit. He'd done enough talking for one day. It was daylight now, which meant he had a pretty good shot at catching Angel off guard.

Sensing Xander's plan, Buffy grabbed him by the arm and spun him around to face her.

"You would just love an excuse to hurt him," she spat out, "wouldn't you?"

"I don't need an excuse," Xander retorted. "I think lots of dead people actually constitutes a reason."

"Right," Buffy furrowed her brow. "This is all nobility. This has nothing to do with jealousy."

Xander opened his mouth to respond, but Cordelia pre empted him.

"Hello?" she interjected haughtily. "Miss Not-Over-Yourself-Yet?"

Buffy shook her head in frustration and turned to face Cordelia. She didn't need this from her. "Don't you start with me," she threatened.

Cordelia looked up at Giles for some support, as did Willow. This wasn't going how she'd planned. Why wasn't anyone doing the 'I' statements?

"Giles," Willow appealed, "no one's doing the 'I' statements!"

Tara once again released a little of her energy to relax Willow, as she too looked at Giles for support. He was the only grownup around here. If he couldn't stop this from getting out of hand, then who could?

"That's enough!" Giles finally stepped in. "Everybody. Now, Buffy knows our concerns, and her actions, however ill advised, can be understood. Our…priority right now is to retrieve the Glove of Myhnegon and try to destroy it. Now, all of you, back to class."

Tara looked down at Willow and squeezed her shoulder, inviting her to stand up. Willow complied and reached for Tara's hand as she turned around to face her. Meanwhile, Xander and Cordelia were already piling out of the library.

Oz stood up as well, nodded at Tara in acknowledgement, and then nodded at Willow, before he too left the room. With that, Tara laced her fingers with Willow's and took a few steps towards Buffy. Willow kept her gaze on the floor as Tara reached her free hand up to Buffy's shoulder.

"Bye," she gave her a warm smile, "and, uh…good luck," she nodded over towards Giles' office. She knew that Giles wasn't done with her yet, despite the way he'd kept things from getting out of hand. Giles was a true gentleman. He was gonna discipline his Slayer in private.

"Thanks," Buffy smiled at Tara.

Once the two witches had left, Buffy turned around and headed into Giles' office.

"Thanks for the bail in there," she ventured nervously.

Giles sighed and unbuttoned his vest, not bothering to turn around in greeting.

"I know this is a lot to absorb," Buffy continued, oblivious to her Watcher's silent anger. "But Angel did find the glove, and that was good…"

"Be quiet!" Giles finally turned around. He was done being polite. "I won't remind you that the fate of the world often lies with the Slayer," he told her steadily but firmly. "What would be the point? Nor shall I remind you that you've jeopardized the lives of all that you hold dear by harboring a known murderer. But sadly, I must remind you that Angel tortured me…for hours…for pleasure. You should have told me he was alive. You didn't. You have no respect for me, or the job I perform."

Having said his piece, Giles turned around and sat down at his desk in quiet meditation.

Buffy lowered her gaze to the floor in shame. She hated herself at this moment. Just as much as the rest of the gang was probably hating her. Including Willow. With a sigh, she turned to leave, hoping to catch up with Willow while Tara was still with her.

"I can't believe Xander," Willow glanced up at Tara as they reached her locker.

Tara smiled and shook her head while Willow struggled with the combination. "It's okay," she reassured. "I was expecting it."

Willow beamed. "You know, I'm real proud of you. The way you stood up for yourself."

Tara blushed. "I guess I must've gotten something from my gran," she said modestly. "My mom was never… she always let my dad walk all over her. And in the end…I guess it killed her. My gran was the opposite. Whenever I'd go to visit, she'd always have a new spell for me to learn, even though grandad disapproved. Theirs was an arranged marriage…just like my mom's, but my gran never let it get to her."

Willow's eyes widened. "I never knew that. They still do arranged marriages? They haven't arranged you to be married have they?"

Tara chuckled. "If I'd stuck around, I'm sure they would have. My father was the son of my grandfather's best friend. They owned neighboring farms and the marriage was more of a merger than anything else. To them, us women weren't really much more than cattle."

"Why'd your mom put up with it?" Willow asked curiously.

"Because she was weak," Tara sighed. That and the family curse…

"But not your gran?" Willow prompted.

Tara nodded. "I think it's because she found love."

"Love?" Willow was confused. "You mean she actually fell in love with your grandfather?"

Tara shook her head. "Not exactly." Off Willow's puzzled frown she quickly clarified her comment. "My, uh…grandmother had a very, uh… special, uh…friend…since high school."

Willow's jaw dropped. "Your gran had an affair!? And she never got caught…?"

Tara grinned. "Her friend was another woman…a fellow Wiccan. And my grandfather was too afraid to ask what kind of spells they did alone. He's a very devout Christian and thinks all magick is evil. And my grandmother always had the good sense to use that in her favor. Had him running scared she'd turn him into a toad or something…"

"Oh gods," Willow chuckled. "You're gran sounds like one hell of a woman. I'd love to meet her."

Tara sighed sadly. "Yeah? Well, she passed away a few years ago. But, if you like, we can take a trip to her farm one weekend. She died a year after my grandfather, and she made sure the farmstead was left to her, uh…friend…special means you know. Auntie Gail as I call her is seventy-eight years old and still going strong. I'm sure she'd love to meet you. We can even go horseback riding – "

"H-h-horses?" Willow stammered nervously. "Like…big tall teeth that could take your arm off-horses?"

Tara chuckled good naturedly. "Well sure, I learned to ride when I was a kid. I-it's fun. And by the way, most horses don't like arm very much…"

Willow gave Tara a sheepish look, feeling a little embarrassed about her childish fear. "I had a bad birthday party pony thing when I was four," she explained. "I-I look at horses and I see…really big ponies."

Tara smiled at Willow adoringly. She was so cute. She lifted her hand lovingly to Willow's cheek. "You should ride with me some time. I guarantee safety and fun."

Willow smiled and sighed when Tara's hand left her cheek. The girl really did make her feel safe.

"Well," she grinned flirtatiously, placing both her hands on Tara's hips and pulling her closer. She momentarily forgot they were both in public and leaned her forehead against Tara's. "If you promise you'll look after me," she whispered, moving her hands down to the girl's ass and squeezing boldly.

Tara shuddered and wrapped her own arms around Willow's waist. She then moved to capture those sensuous lips of hers, but out of the corner of her eye she spotted Buffy heading towards them.

"Buffy," she whispered instead and pulled away.

Willow frowned and moved her hands up against Tara's back. "That wasn't the response I was hoping for – "

Tara shook her head and once again said her friend's name. "Buffy" she called out to the Slayer who was now standing right behind Willow.

"Oh," Willow turned around nervously. "B-b-buffy," she stammered, wondering how much the girl had seen.

"Hey," the Slayer greeted the two witches, attributing their nervousness to the pre-existing tension she was responsible for.

"Hey," Willow glanced at the floor uncomfortably, before moving her attention to the inside of her locker.

"So," Buffy ventured as Willow began to gather her stuff. "On a scale of one to a million, how much are you hating me right now?"

Willow exhaled in relief, but didn't turn around. She was glad Buffy hadn't actually seen what she and Tara were doing. And it quickly dawned on her how much of a hypocrite she was being. What gave her the right to be upset with Buffy, when she still hadn't told her about her own secret?

"Zero," she glanced briefly at Buffy and smiled weakly. "You were scared," Willow continued as she zipped her backpack closed. "You kept a secret, you know?" She placed the bag on her shoulders and closed her locker. "That's-it's-it's okay," Willow gave Tara a sheepish smile as they began to walk off in the direction of her first class. "I mean, secrets aren't bad. You know, they're normal. They're better than normal. They're good. Secrets are good. Must be a reason why we keep them, right?"

Tara looked at Willow with bemusement. However, she couldn't help but think how close to home her words were. If only Willow knew about her secret…

"Yeah," Buffy ventured, not sure what to make of Willow's words. At least she didn't seem mad at her. "I guess…" she looked at Tara for clarification.

Tara smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah," she reached out for Willow's hand and laced their fingers together. "Some secrets are good…necessary…"

Willow squeezed Tara's hand before changing the subject. "So," she finally looked at Buffy. "Are you going to the Bronze tonight, or, uh…are you gonna sneak away for a not-so-secret rendezvous with Angel?"

"None of the above," Buffy sighed. "I'm gonna try and kill this Lagos guy. Peace offering to Giles."

Willow nodded and gave her a weak smile.

"Well," Tara ventured, "Angel has the glove now, right?"

"Yup," Buffy nodded her head. "But Lagos doesn't know that. I figure sooner or later he's bound to show up at the crypt looking for it."

Tara smiled as she realized what the girl's plan was.

Willow smiled too, her thoughts matching Tara's. "Ah," she grinned, "but instead, he finds a Buffy in a not-so-good mood."

"That's my brilliant plan," Buffy confirmed.

"And that's my exit," Tara stopped walking and pointed to the end of the hall. "I better get to class," she let go of Willow's hand.

"Okay," Buffy gave her a warm smile. "And Tara," she reached out and wrapped her arms around the girl for a brief hug. "Thanks for everything," she smiled as she pulled away.

Tara smiled back before turning to embrace Willow. She moved to kiss the girl's cheek as well, but pulled back. She didn't want to embarrass her.

Willow noticed Tara's hesitation and instantly felt awful. Maybe it was time she developed a backbone…?

"Bye Tara," she closed the gap between them and placed a brief kiss against her cheek. "I'll see you this afternoon," she smiled.

Tara smiled back. Willow was definitely growing up…

That afternoon, Buffy headed to the nearest pay phone and dialed Faith's number. It was time to head out to the Restfield Cemetery, and she figured she could use a bit of Slayer backup. The phone rang off the hook, so she dialed again, thinking maybe Faith had been in the bathroom or something.

She let it ring off one more time, before deciding the girl wasn't at home. Still feeling the need for a bit of backup, she decided to call Willow and Tara instead. Two witches were almost as good as one Slayer.

What she didn't know, was that Faith was currently at the Bronze. Her new Watcher had put it in her head that the Scoobies were keeping her at a distance.

A little while later, at the Restfield Cemetery, Buffy and Tara were sitting on a stone bench outside of the Von Hauptman family crypt, while Willow was pacing in front of them. She was a little nervous as she contemplated a revelation.

Tara smiled at Willow adoringly as she broke the nervous tension. "Um," she turned to face Buffy, "not to downplay our own slaying abilities, which in some circles are considered formidable, but shouldn't Faith be here?"

"Yeah," Willow stopped her pacing and glanced down at Buffy.

"I tried calling," Buffy explained, "but no one was home. Look, if you guys are feeling any demon-o-phobia, please, splitting is totally an option. You're not the ones in trouble with Giles."

"That's true," Willow began pacing again.

"How long do you think he can stay angry at me, anyway?" Buffy questioned the two witches.

"The emotional marathon man?" Willow shrugged.

"Yeah," Buffy sighed. "I can't really blame him. It's weird, though. Now that my secret…Angel, is all out in the open…I feel better.

Willow instantly stopped her pacing and gave Tara a look.

Tara smiled back up at her encouragingly.

"Well, sure you do," Willow shifted her gaze to Buffy. "This big burden's been lifted. I mean, keeping secrets is a lot of work," she paused, realizing what she'd said. "One could hypothetically imagine," she covered.

Tara forced a smile. If only she knew how hard it's been keeping 'my' secret…

"You have no idea," Buffy agreed.

Willow chuckled nervously. "None whatsoever," she sat down next to Buffy. "Can I ask you a question?" she took a deep breath. Off Buffy's nod, she looked over at Tara for support. Tara smiled back and nodded her head encouragingly.

"When you were with Angel," Willow looked back at Buffy, "and nobody knew about it. Did that make it feel, you know…sexier somehow?"

Tara chuckled.

"Not really," Buffy frowned. "It's too much pressure. After a while, it even makes the fun parts…not so fun."

Willow sighed and looked at Tara in disappointment. "Oh…"

Buffy frowned as she began to wonder about Willow's line of questioning. "What makes you think all this secret stuff is sexy, anyway?"

Willow blushed and gazed at the floor nervously. "Nothing," she stood up defensively and began pacing again. "I'm just wondering. Gotta keep asking the big old questions when you're blessed with this girl's thirst for knowledge and…"

Tara knew Willow was stalling. "Willow," she prompted, giving the girl a warm smile.

"Okay," Willow sighed in resignation. "There's something I have to tell you," she timidly met Buffy's glance.

"What?" Buffy smiled, her curiosity peaking.

"This will make me feel better, right?" She looked at Tara, but didn't wait for an answer. "You know," she continued nervously. "I always consider myself a good person. Floss, do my homework, never cheat. But lately, and please don't judge me on this, but I, uh want you to know that…that…"

Willow broke off her rambling as she spied Lagos approaching Tara and Buffy.

"There's a demon behind you," she pointed.

Tara instantly stood up and ran straight for Willow's side. Buffy on the other hand, looked behind her, kicked her legs up and spun herself around, launching a running attack on the demon.

Willow and Tara looked on in concern as the Slayer and Lagos entered their sparring match. They both wanted to do something to help, but were unsure of what would be the most helpful. Besides, Buffy was definitely holding her own, and before long she was using the demon's very own battle-axe against him.

"Yes!" Willow raised her fist in the air when the demon's head rolled off and landed a few feet away from them. Realizing how she looked, Willow glanced sheepishly at Tara and folded her arms over her chest.

Tara chuckled and wrapped an arm around the girl's waist. She loved it when Willow got excited. She was just so cute.

"Sorry about that," Buffy moved back to stand in front of the two witches. "So," she met Willow's gaze, "what were you saying?"

Willow looked at Tara and then at Buffy. After all the excitement, her momentum had been broken. She no longer felt up to a revelation. "Oh, I…I…I opened my SAT test book five minutes early."

Buffy gave Willow a blank look as Tara chuckled softly.

"Just doesn't seem important now, does it?" Willow smiled sheepishly.

"You're secret's safe with me," Buffy smiled. "Come on," she glanced down at Lagos' body, "lets go bring Giles some happiness."

Willow looked at Tara as Buffy began walking on ahead of them. "I know," she whispered ruefully. "Just call me Chicken…"

"It's okay," Tara whispered back reassuringly.

"I, uh…I wanna tell her Tara," Willow whispered. "I feel like such a hypocrite…"

"Then tell her," Tara encouraged softly, feeling like a hypocrite herself.

"I can't," Willow sighed.

Tara smiled knowingly. "You want me to test the waters?" she suggested. "Come out to her first…?"

Willow instantly warmed to the suggestion. "You-you'd do that?"

"Of course," Tara smiled.

Willow grinned. "You're the best," she whispered into her ear.

Tara smiled.

"You guys coming?" Buffy turned around, wondering why the two witches had lagged behind.

"Come on," Tara squeezed Willow's hand and nodded towards Buffy. "We don't have to make any revelations tonight."

"Okay," Willow smiled at Tara. "We're coming," she called out.

"Giles is gonna be psyched that we showed up stuffy old Mrs. Post," Buffy grinned as they entered the library.

Her grin quickly turned sour when she noticed the paramedics. Willow and Tara frowned also and rushed towards Giles' who was lying on his back on a stretcher.

"Oh my God," Buffy cried as she reached Giles' side. "What happened?" she turned to the paramedic who was phoning the accident in to Sunnydale Medical. "Giles," she glanced back down in worry. "What happened?" she repeated her question.

"…blunt object head trauma," the paramedic spoke into the CB. "Notify ER, we're bringing him in."

"What happened?" Buffy asked him again.

"No time for this," the paramedic shook his head and began to wheel Giles out of the library.

"Wait…" Giles begged.

The paramedic paused.

"Buffy," Giles continued weakly, "you must…must destroy the glove."

The paramedic frowned. "You want him to live?" he glanced at Buffy. "Get out of the way."

Buffy sighed.

"Use…Living…Flame…" Giles called out as the paramedics began wheeling him out again.

"Move!" The paramedic insisted.

With another sigh, Buffy finally stepped out of the way.

"What happened?" Buffy noticed Xander standing next to her.

"You're boyfriend's not as cured as you thought," he retorted.

"What makes you think that Angel had anything to do with this?"

"We saw what you saw," Xander motioned towards Giles' office.

"So you just assume?" Buffy frowned.

"I didn't," he shook his head. "Faith did."

Willow and Tara glanced at each other in concern. They both knew what Faith was capable of.

"What did you tell her?" Buffy demanded of Xander.

"Only what everyone knows," Xander shrugged. "She's a big girl. Came to her own conclusions."

Buffy was fuming. "How much of a head start does she have?"

"Ten minutes," Xander frowned.

"Willow, Tara," she glanced at the two witches. "Go through Giles' research. Figure out how to destroy the glove."

She then turned towards Xander and glared at him disapprovingly, before exiting the room. She needed to stop Faith before it was too late.

Xander moved to make a retort at Buffy's back, but Willow pre-empted him. "Shut up and help us," she said sternly.

Tara merely frowned at him, before moving to follow Willow into Giles' office.

Xander sighed in resignation and followed the two witches. He knew when he was beat.

A few minutes later, Willow and Tara were mixing and grinding the final ingredients for the spell to invoke Living Flame.

"Think you've got it?" Xander ventured.

"Well," Tara looked at Willow and sighed. Neither of them had done this spell before. "It's either the catalyst for Living Flame or just some really smelly sand."

Willow frowned. "We'll have to test this…"

"I'll double check," Xander offered and picked up the book.

Willow and Tara looked up as Xander let out a sharp exhalation of breath.

"What?" Willow prompted.

"I know what the glove does," he shoved the book between the two witches.

Willow and Tara glanced at each other in horror as they finished reading the passage.

"There's no time to test this," Tara grabbed an empty plastic bag and opened it.

Xander nodded and blew out the candles on the table, while Willow picked up the bowl and poured the mixture into the plastic bag. Tara sealed it up, and they all raced out of the library.

When they arrived at the mansion, they instantly noticed Gwendolyn Post propped up against the wall in a daze, and Angel lying face down a few feet away from her. Willow looked at Tara and frowned, before rushing to the Watcher's side. Apparently Buffy had been wrong about Angel after all…

"The glove!" Gwendolyn pointed. "It's in the trunk."

"We'll get it," Xander reassured.

The Watcher shook her head. "Help Faith," she instructed, pointing outside to the atrium.

Xander nodded and rushed outside as Willow and Tara helped the Watcher up.

Xander looked at the two Slayers sparring and moved to intercede. "What are you…? Stop! Guys, listen!"

Disgruntled by his imposition, Faith grabbed his shirt and threw him into the nearby lamppost.

Tara and Willow glanced at each other as Xander bounced off the lamppost and hit the stone walkway.

"Go," Willow nodded, knowing Tara could appeal to the Slayers better than she could.

"Okay," Tara let go of her arm. "Will you be alright?" she directed at the Watcher.

"Help Faith," The Watcher instructed. "We'll be fine."

With that, Tara headed outside to see if she could talk some sense into the two Slayers.

Gwendolyn Post instantly let go of Willow's arm and made a beeline for the nearby trunk; opening it and unwrapping the glove.

Willow watched in confusion as Gwendolyn Post reverently cradled the glove in her hands.

"Finally," the Watcher smiled wickedly, before swinging the glove around and smacking Willow in the face, knocking her to the ground. She then reverently put the glove onto her right arm.

As Tara reached the atrium, she swung around at the sound of a thump. Her eyes widened when she noticed Gwendolyn Post was wearing the glove and reciting the words to invoke its power…

"Taou huogan maqachte milegaing!"

As the Watcher said the Gaelic spell, Tara moved her gaze around the room to find Willow, and let out a gasp when she noticed her lying face down on the ground.

"Willow!" She called out in distress, but it was too late. Gwendolyn Post had already invoked the spell and thunder and lightening was crashing through the ceiling, making it difficult for her to move without fear of getting hit. That wasn't gonna stop her though. Willow was hurt.

With that, she made a bolt for Willow's side but Gwendolyn Post noticed the movement and swung her hand out, effectively clothes-lining Tara to the ground.

The two Slayers stopped their fighting as the thunder and lightning became apparent to them.

"What's going on?" Faith stepped in through the atrium and frowned in confusion.

Gwendolyn Post lowered her arm and smiled maliciously at the Slayer. "Faith! A word of advice, you're an idiot." And with that, she returned her arm up into the sky.

Tara sat up and blinked her eyes.

"Taou freim!" Gwendolyn spoke, causing a bolt of energy to strike at the two Slayers.

Tara shuddered with fear as Buffy and Faith leaped out of harm's way. Her first thought was for Willow though, and she glanced over at the girl. She was pleased to see Willow picking herself up off the floor. At least she's okay…

Gwendolyn also noticed Willow getting up. "Taou freim!" she repeated, spinning around and aiming the glove at the young witch.

"Willow!" Tara exclaimed and rushed towards the girl in a mad dash to save her.

Unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough. Angel however, was. He had regained consciousness a few moments ago and noticed the rogue Watcher's actions. So, thinking quickly, he rushed for Willow and threw her to the ground, covering her body with his.

Tara arrived at their side a few seconds later, trembling in shock. She placed her hand on Willow's back as Angel rolled off of her. This vampire had just saved Willow's life, and she would be forever grateful to him.

"Thank you," she whispered tearfully, before turning back to Willow and engulfing the girl in her arms.

Willow closed her eyes and hugged Tara tight, resting her head against her shoulder. Both girls were trembling with emotion.

Meanwhile, Gwendolyn Post had returned her attention to the two Slayers.

"Can you draw her fire?" Buffy asked Faith.

"You bet I can," Faith nodded.

"Go do it!"

With that, Faith ran into the mansion, as Buffy searched around for a weapon. She quickly settled on a large glass shard lying on the walkway, before running back inside.

"There's nothing you can do to me now," Gwendolyn Post grinned at Faith, who was using the nearby couch for cover. "I have the glove. With the glove comes power."

"I'm getting that," Buffy interjected from behind her.

Gwendolyn Post turned around in surprise.

With specific purpose, Buffy threw the glass shard and severed Gwendolyn's upper arm, ripping the glove from her body. This caused the glove to direct its energy bolt at herself instead of the Slayer.

Everyone in the room watched with horror. Lightning enveloped the rogue Watcher and she screamed in pain as she gradually disintegrated.

From outside, Xander got up and headed into the mansion. Faith got up from behind the couch, while Angel headed over towards Buffy.

Willow and Tara stood up as well, but did not take their arms from around one another's waists.

The whole gang watched in silence as the glove opened up and released all that was left of Gwendolyn Post's body – her arm.

Willow and Tara walked home in pensive silence. They were both shaken up after what had happened – Tara in particular. The girl was holding onto Willow's waist as tightly as she could, almost as if she were afraid she'd disappear if she let go. When they finally arrived at Willow's, they stopped outside the front door as Willow unlocked it.

Tara gazed at Willow silently. She could have lost her tonight if Angel hadn't saved her. She didn't want to leave her alone. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She was still in shock. Her whole body was trembling, and it was all she could do not to burst into tears.

As Willow turned around, she noted the look of distress in Tara's eyes. Feeling emotional herself, Willow blinked away a tear of her own, and wrapped her arms around Tara.

"Tara," she whispered against her neck. "I, uh…I know what we said about spending the night, but…would you…?"

"Mmm hmm," Tara mumbled tearfully, still finding it difficult to speak. There was no way she was leaving Willow alone tonight.

"Thank you," Willow whispered and pressed a soft kiss against Tara's cheek. "Come on," she smiled, "lets get inside."

Tara nodded through her tears as Willow turned around. She then wrapped her arms around the girl's waist from behind and kept them there as she followed her through the hallway and into the kitchen. She wasn't ready to let go – needing continuous proof that the girl was still alive and here with her.

"I'll make us some tea," Willow ventured, placing her arms around Tara's. She gently tried to lift them from around her waist, but the girl's hold remained firm. With a smile, Willow craned her neck and rubbed her cheek against Tara's.

Deciding to humor her, Willow went about slowly filling the kettle, finding a couple of mugs and grabbing some chamomile tea from the cupboard, all with Tara's body draped around her from behind.

"Chamomile," she explained as she placed the teabags in the mugs, "should calm us down…"

"Mmm hmm," Tara nuzzled Willow's neck dazedly, not fussed about the tea. All she cared about was Willow, and the fact that she could feel her in her arms – safe and alive.

Willow smiled and let out a pleased sigh. She couldn't help but be a little worried for her though. She'd never seen Tara in shock before. And while she loved the way the girl was holding onto her, it didn't cover the fact that Tara was in distress.

Once the kettle had boiled, she poured the water over the teabags and returned it back on its pedestal. She dunked the teabags a few times, before letting them sit. She then turned around in Tara's arms while she waited for the tea to brew in the hot water.

As soon as Willow turned around, Tara wasted no time in leaning over and capturing her lips. She moved her hands up to the girl's cheeks as she thrust her tongue deep into Willow's mouth, tasting her and proving to herself that the girl wasn't gone.

Willow placed her hands against Tara's back. She moved her own tongue to meet Tara's and trembled in her arms. She knew what Tara was doing, and a part of her needed this too.

However, she pulled away after a moment. If she kept kissing Tara, her rational side would soon give way to her hormones.

"Tea," she explained huskily to Tara, before turning around.

Tara whimpered from the loss, but instantly returned her arms around Willow's waist and rested her chin on the girl's shoulder.

With a smile, Willow grabbed a spoon and drained the tea bags against the side of the mug before dumping them in the garbage disposal.

"Lets take these to my room," Willow said as she picked up the mugs. She didn't wait for a response, knowing one wasn't forthcoming. Instead, she just headed towards her bedroom with Tara holding onto her from behind.

"Can you open it?" Willow asked Tara once they'd reached her room, seeing as how both her hands were full.

Without a word, Tara removed a hand from around Willow's waist and opened the door. She followed her into the room and flicked the nearby light switch.

"Thanks," Willow said as she placed the mugs on her desk. She then grasped Tara's hands, and turned around to face her. "You need to drink," she instructed gently. "The chamomile will make you feel better."

Tara opened her mouth to protest, but something in Willow's gaze told her not to. Instead, she nodded reluctantly. I guess this is the 'Resolve Face' Xander told me about…

With a smile, Willow let go of Tara's hands and picked up the mugs. She handed one to Tara and then motioned towards the bed.

They both sat down on the mattress and turned to face each other.

"Drink," Willow instructed, leading by example and lifting the mug to her own lips.

Tara nodded and did as she was told. After a few sips, she could feel her nerves easing off a little. Willow was right; the tea was a good idea. She still didn't feel up to talking though. So she continued to drink in silence.

Willow remained silent as well, letting the warm chamomile work its way into her system. As she drank, she kept her eyes on Tara, noting the way she seemed to be slowly relaxing.

Tara really cares for me, she thought to herself. She's so shaken up. Gods, I am too. If anything ever happened to Tara… Willow shuddered at the notion, and took a long sip of her tea, downing the last of it.

She noticed that Tara still had a fair bit of tea left. "Drink," she prompted with a smile as she got up and placed the empty mug on the table. "I'm gonna have a quick shower."

Tara frowned and shook her head. "Mngh," she mumbled in protest, not wanting to be away from Willow for that long.

Willow smiled warmly and sat back down on the bed. "I won't be long," she placed a hand on Tara's thigh. "I promise."

Tara pouted. "P-p-p-promise?" she whispered.

Willow's heart went out to Tara. The girl looked so vulnerable. "I promise Sweetie," she lifted her hands to the girl's cheeks and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. "Drink your tea. I'll be out by the time you're finished, okay?"

"Okay," Tara said in a really small voice.

With an encouraging smile, Willow gently kissed Tara's forehead and stood up. It didn't take her long to locate a nightshirt and a change of underwear, before heading into her en suite.

Tara took a sip of her tea as she watched Willow leave. This time however, the chamomile wasn't enough to soothe her. Willow was no longer in the room. She needed Willow. Willow could've died today. She hadn't dreamt it had she? Angel really had rescued her? This wasn't just some grief-stricken fantasy where she only thought Willow had made it?

Tara stood up and placed her mug on the nearby desk. "W-W-Willow!" she called out the girl's name as she reached the bathroom door. "Are you in there?" she knocked gently. "You d-d-decent? C-can I come in?"

Willow looked down at herself. Her blouse was on the floor along with her jeans, leaving her dressed only in her bra and panties.

"I, uh, I'm…not exactly decent," Willow ventured. "But, uh, you can come in…if you want…" She'd heard the desperation in Tara's voice and knew the girl needed her.

With that, Tara opened the door and burst into the bathroom. She let out a huge sigh of relief when she spied Willow – alive and well.

"Willow!" she exclaimed, wrapping the girl in her arms, completely oblivious to her semi-nakedness. All she could think about was Willow's safety. The girl was alive. She was here. Angel had saved her. Willow wasn't gone.

Willow closed her eyes and shuddered as Tara's hands covered her bare back. In response, she lifted her own arms to Tara's back and held her tight. The girl was now crying against her shoulder and trembling.

"Oh Sweetie," Willow whispered, realizing just how deep Tara's distress had become. "I'm okay. It's okay," she soothed, lifting a hand to stroke the girl's hair. "It's okay Tara, it's okay."

"You-you-you w-w-w-weren't there," Tara sobbed, allowing the tears to run free. "I-I-I c-c-c-c-coulda l-l-l-lost you," she was done with holding in her emotions.

"But you didn't," Willow reassured softly, pressing a kiss against the top of her head. "I'm right here Baby. I'm safe."

"S-s-safe," Tara stammered. "W-W-Willow…"

"Oh Tara," Willow continued stroking her hair. "It's okay," she repeated. "It's okay. Shhh Sweetie, it's okay."

As Tara continued to cry in her arms, Willow realized she wouldn't be getting a shower tonight.

"Come on," she whispered into Tara's ear, "let's go into the bedroom."

Tara shook her head, not wanting to let go of Willow. She was scared the girl was going to leave her there and go back into the bathroom for a shower.

"I'm not gonna leave you," Willow insisted, sensing Tara's thoughts. "I promise."

"Okay," Tara mumbled eventually. Nevertheless, she didn't let go of Willow. She kept her head buried against her neck and walked backwards, forcing Willow to guide her safely into the bedroom.

When they reached the bed, Tara finally released her hold as they both sat down. She grasped Willow's hands instead and just gazed into her eyes.

"I'm gonna turn off the light in the bathroom," Willow stood up once she was satisfied Tara had relaxed.

Tara stood up as well, not wanting to let go of Willow's hands.

Willow smiled indulgently, allowing Tara to hold onto her as she headed towards the bathroom. Tara only let go of one hand once she'd reached the light switch, and only long enough for Willow to flick it on and then close the door behind her.

When they got back to the bed, Willow sat back down with Tara and smiled at her warmly.

Tara smiled back and reached for Willow. She engulfed her in a tight hug and rested her head against her shoulder. "Willow," she whispered.

Willow closed her eyes and returned the embrace fiercely. While it warmed her that Tara cared so deeply for her, she nevertheless hated to see her so distressed.

"It's okay Sweetie," she whispered against the crook of Tara's neck. "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere Baby. I'm safe. You're safe. We're both safe."

"W-W-Willow," Tara repeated, allowing her tears to fall on Willow's soft skin.

"Tara," Willow replied gently. "It's okay," she soothed. "It's okay."

In response, Tara's sobs intensified. She was no longer crying tears of anguish, but of sheer elation that Willow was safe. "Willow…"

"Oh Sweetie," Willow lifted a hand to stroke Tara's hair as she gently kissed her cheek. "You've got me. It's over."

"I-I-I was s-s-s-s-so scared," Tara mumbled through her tears. "You-you coulda g-g-gone. I don't wanna lose you. W-W-Willow…"

Willow continued to hold onto Tara as she cried, allowing the girl to let go of all her emotions. After a long while, Tara's tears finally subsided.

Willow didn't let go of her though. She maintained her grip on Tara, wanting to make sure the girl really was okay. When she was finally satisfied, she pulled away gently.

"You okay Sweetie?" she lifted her hands to Tara's face and tenderly wiped at her tear tracks.

Tara merely nodded and closed her eyes, allowing Willow's touch to soothe her.

"We should get you out of these clothes," Willow said as she placed her hands on Tara's shoulders. "I've got a nightshirt you can borrow."

Tara nodded but didn't make a move. She just opened her eyes and looked at Willow.

Willow smiled and brought her hands to the hem of Tara's shirt. She could see the girl was still too shaken up to move. With that, she slowly lifted Tara's shirt up and over her head, tossing it unceremoniously at her desk chair.

Willow chuckled ruefully when the shirt missed and hit the floor instead. She then turned back to face Tara and placed her hands on the top button of the girl's jeans, looking up at her for permission.

Tara smiled and nodded.

Permission granted, Willow deftly unbuttoned Tara's jeans. She then gently worked the denim down her legs, coming to a stop at Tara's boots. From her kneeling position, Willow looked up at Tara and smiled. She then went about untying the girl's laces and taking off her boots and socks.

"Thanks," Tara smiled as she stepped out of her jeans.

Willow stood up and smiled back. "You're welcome," she said softly, before making a move towards her dresser.

Tara reached for her hands and stopped her. She didn't want to wear a nightshirt. She wanted to feel Willow's skin against her own as she fell asleep. It was the only way she could reassure herself of the girl's presence during the night.

"Tara?" Willow questioned gently, trying to decipher the look in Tara's eyes.

"H-h-hold me," Tara appealed softly. "I w-w-w-wanna f-f-feel you," she explained. "Your s-s-skin…my skin…to-together…safe…warm…"

"Oh," Willow smiled, instantly getting the gist of Tara's thoughts. "Okay," she agreed.

Tara grinned and pulled Willow in for a warm hug. Both girls shuddered at the intimate contact of skin against skin.

"I'll get the light," Willow pulled away after a minute.

Tara sighed form the loss, but didn't make a move to stop her. Instead, she turned down the covers and crawled into bed to wait for Willow.

When Willow finally joined Tara on the bed, she stopped the girl from pulling the covers back up. If the girl needed reassurance, then she was gonna give it to her.

"Willow?" Tara questioned as the redhead straddled her hips.

"Touch me," Willow instructed, grasping Tara's hands with her own. "Feel me," she pressed them against her belly. "I'm alive."

"Alive," Tara repeated, allowing her hands to slowly travel upwards.

"Yeah," Willow shuddered and closed her eyes as Tara's hands came to rest underneath her breasts. "I'm alive…"

Tara closed her eyes as well, realizing what Willow had planned. Allowing herself to succumb, Tara sat up so she could get better leverage. She then slowly moved her hands to cover Willow's breasts. She held them reverently in her hands and squeezed them gently.

"Mmmm," Willow moaned in response and arched her back.

Tara opened her eyes and exhaled, moved by Willow's reaction. She then lifted her hands up past Willow's breasts, to her chest, before coming to rest on her shoulders. She gently ran her thumbs over the girl's skin, taking in her softness.

A moment later, she moved her hands back down over Willow's body. She paused only briefly to give the girl's breasts another squeeze, before traveling down her belly and on to her thighs. She massaged Willow's thighs gently, enjoying the way her skin felt underneath her fingers. Willow was definitely here and alive.

Willow sighed as Tara finished with her thighs and moved back up to her breasts. She held back a moan as she squeezed her nipples, but was unable to hold back the gentle shudder coursing through her body.

"Tara," she moved her hands up to Tara's cheeks. "Kiss me," she trembled.

Lifting her hands from Willow's breasts, Tara smoothly captured Willow's lips and wrapped her arms around her back. She pulled her close so that their breasts were pressed together.

"Mmm," Willow shuddered, opening and closing her lips against Tara's. After a while, she felt the girl's tongue seeking entry, and she instantly granted it.

When their tongues met both girls moaned and began their familiar dance. However, it wasn't just their tongues dancing this time, their upper bodies were moving too. Each time their breasts would press together, an electric current would run through them.

Pretty soon, Tara began to need more. Not relief, but proof – reassurance. She moved her lips from Willow's and started pressing soft kisses against her cheeks, down her jaw, along her neck, before reaching her chest. She lifted her hands to Willow's shoulders and guided her backwards, just enough to give her lips better access.

Willow moaned and quivered as Tara's tongue reached out to taste the skin of her chest. Her tongue and her lips moved sensuously downwards until they reached the hollow between her breasts.

"Oh gods!" Willow arched her back and lifted her hands to Tara's hair. "Oh wow!" she sighed as Tara's moved over her left mound, and then her right.

Tara was losing herself in Willow's softness. This was Willow. She was here. And she was alive.

With that thought, Tara surprised Willow by rolling her onto her back. She then positioned herself between the girl's legs and placed her hands over Willow's breasts as her mouth moved to the girl's belly.

"Mmmm," Willow returned her hands to Tara's hair, entangling them gently as the girl's tongue circled her skin and her hands kneaded her breasts. When Tara finally reached her navel and pressed her tongue lightly inside it, Willow felt lost. "Oh wow!" she tightened her grip on Tara's hair. "Oh gods…mmm…wow…oh Tara…Baby…mmm…"

Tara relished Willow's soft moans and subtle gyrations. Hearing and feeling the girl's reaction was just as powerful as actually sampling her. It served to further cement the girl's state of existence.

But it still wasn't enough. Letting go of Willow's breasts, Tara sat herself up in a kneeling position. She then moved her hands to the back of her own bra strap and unclasped it.

Willow's eyes widened as she met Tara's gaze. "Tara?"

"I w-w-wanna f-f-feel you," Tara explained, nodding down towards Willow's breasts. "S-s-skin against s-s-skin…"

Willow sat up in realization, her eyes still locked with Tara's. "You sure?" she whispered, even while she moved her hands to her own back.

"Please," Tara appealed quietly.

Willow simply nodded and snapped open the clasp.

Tara smiled and reached her hands for Willow's shoulders. In turn, Willow reached for Tara's, and as one, they slowly lowered the straps down before tossing one another's bras to the floor. They kept their eyes locked together. Neither wanting to look until they were both ready.

"Tara," Willow said her name nervously.

"You okay?" Tara asked gently.

"Just nervous," Willow smiled tentatively. "I-I know it's dark and we, uh…we can't see that well anyway, but…Oh gods Tara, I've been thinking about this so much…what you look like…feel like…"

"Me too," Tara smiled back shyly.

"Look at me," Willow prompted huskily.

With a smile, Tara hesitantly began to lower her gaze downwards, as did Willow.

Both girls let out a soft sigh at the sight that beheld them, and without a word they reached for one another.

"Oh gods," Willow closed her eyes as her hands covered Tara's breasts. They were more magnificent than she'd ever imagined. And they felt amazing. She was so beautiful.

"Willow," Tara said as she cupped her breasts. "You're so perfect," she began to gently knead them.

"You too," Willow trembled and followed Tara's lead.

A moment later, the girls leaned forward and pressed their lips together. They continued to lightly massage one another's breasts, occasionally stopping to tenderly squeeze a nipple.

"Oh Willow," Tara eventually pulled away. She looked into the girl's half-closed eyes and lifted her hands to her shoulders. She guided her down onto the bed and pressed her lips against her chest.

"Tara," Willow moaned and lifted her hands to the girl's hair. "Oh Baby," she felt the heat between her legs rising when Tara's tongue moved down to her left breast. The girl teased her by slowly running around in a spiral, taking her time in reaching her nipple. Her left hand meanwhile moved to her right breast and began to gently knead it.

When Tara's tongue finally reached her nipple Willow felt like she would melt. "Tara!" she gasped and arched her back.

In response, Tara took Willow's peak into her mouth and moved her fingers to press against the tip of her right breast.

This caused Willow to quiver even more violently. Especially once Tara began to lightly suck on her nipple. She'd never had anyone do that to her before, not without a cloth barrier. And the warm, wet sensation of Tara's mouth applying a gentle pressure on that most sensitive of peaks, was more exhilarating than she'd ever imagined.

This was a first for Tara as well. And to feel the taut crown of Willow's breast against her tongue, inside her mouth, was just the thing she needed to reaffirm the girl's existence.

"Mmmngh," Willow protested when Tara's lips left her nipple. Her protests were short lived however, as the girl quickly replaced her mouth with her fingers, and moved her lips to her other breast. "Tara!"

Once again, Tara took her time in spiraling around Willow's breast. When she finally reached her nipple, she reduced the pace even more. First, she extended her tongue and slowly licked her way around the nipple, before pressing against it, and eventually taking it into her mouth.

Tara's gentle sucking was rapidly bringing Willow close to the edge. In fact, if Tara didn't stop soon she would have to take matters into her own hands. As it were, she was having a hard enough time keeping her fingers entangled within Tara's hair, and not moving them down between her own thighs to relieve her tension.

Sensing this, Tara reluctantly pulled away and sat up. She looked down at Willow and smiled shyly. She hadn't meant to get so carried away with the girl's breasts.

As her breathing steadied, Willow gradually opened her eyes and looked up at Tara. "Hey," she said huskily.

"Hey," Tara responded in kind.

"C'mere," Willow lifted her hands up invitingly.

Tara smiled and nodded before leaning down and covering Willow's body with her own. She pressed her forehead against Willow's, and rested her forearms on either side of her face. Only then did she allow herself to completely rest atop Willow – nipple against nipple, belly against belly.

Willow exhaled sharply at the impression, and moved her hands to Tara's back.

"Mmm," Tara shuddered. But she didn't want to hurt the girl. "You okay?" she whispered. "Not too heavy?"

Willow chastely kissed Tara's lips. "Just right."

Tara smiled and allowed herself to relax. She was now finally satisfied that Willow was real. How was it that the girl had known exactly what she needed? She was incredible. And I love her so much more than I ever thought possible.

After a while, Tara tentatively rolled onto her side. She knew Willow couldn't sustain her weight all night. She then pulled her as close to herself as she could, wanting to be like one with the girl she loved.

"Night Tara," Willow whispered against Tara's lips.

"Night Willow," Tara whispered back, kissing her lips chastely.

And with that, the two girls fell asleep in each other's arms – something they hadn't done in a long time.

Early the next morning, just as the first rays of sunlight were making their way between the curtains, Tara's eyes flew open and she sat upright in terror.

"Willow!" she screamed the girl's name, convinced that she was no longer with her.

Willow stirred at the sound of her name. "Tara?" she mumbled, brushing the sleep from her eyes as she sat up.

Tara turned towards Willow and sighed in relief. It had just been a dream. Willow hadn't disintegrated into nothingness.

"Willow," she reached for the girl's shoulders and pulled her into her arms.

"Tara?" Willow questioned, moving her hands to the girl's back and resting her head against her shoulder.

"Mmm," Tara sighed and closed her eyes.

Willow responded in kind and let out a soft sigh. "Bad dream?" she whispered against Tara's neck.

"Mmm hmm," Tara mumbled as their nipples brushed together. "But this makes it better…"

Willow smiled and lifted her lips to Tara's cheek. "How 'bout this?" she moved her lips against Tara's.

"Even better," Tara smiled, pulling away to meet Willow's gaze.

"You okay?" Willow lifted her right hand to Tara's cheek and lovingly caressed her. "You still upset about last night?"

Tara smiled hesitantly. "A little," she admitted, her eyes fluttering closed as she responded to Willow's touch. "Bad dream didn't help." Tara opened her eyes and smiled. "But seeing you next to me…"

Willow grinned and leaned her forehead against Tara's. "It was nice," she confirmed, "waking up together."

"Yeah," Tara agreed huskily, closing her eyes again.

"I missed it," Willow admitted. "Holding you, seeing you last thing at night, first thing in the morning …"

Tara trembled. "I missed it too…" she pulled away and lifted her hands to Willow's cheeks. "I was so scared," she met her gaze fiercely. "When I saw the energy bolt coming for you…all I could think about was…was…oh gods Willow. If anything had happened to you…"

Willow tenderly wiped at the tears forming on Tara's cheeks, and blinked away her own. She'd had her doubts in the past, but she was now certain that the girl loved her. Only love could cause such a reaction.

"You know I feel the same way?" Willow moved her forehead back to Tara's. "If I ever lost you…" she shuddered at the thought. "Gods Baby, I don't know what I'd do. You're…you're…you're my family. You know what I mean?"

Tara pulled away, teardrops falling down her cheeks and welling in her eyes as she met Willow's gaze. She knew exactly what the girl meant. "And you're mine," she said huskily. "My family…"

Willow responded by lifting her hands to Tara's cheeks, capturing the girl's lips with her own, and falling backwards against the bed.

Family, Tara thought to herself as she thrust her tongue deep into Willow's mouth. I'm her family… Tara straddled her thigh and quivered. Family loves each other…Willow loves me like family? She loves me, she loves me, she loves me!?

Tara eventually pulled away and moved to lie on her side, resting her elbow against the bed and her head against her hand. "My family," she smiled down at the girl before her. "My Willow."

"My Tara," Willow smiled back.

Absently, Tara reached down with her right hand and languidly began to play with Willow's left nipple. She pinched it gently, thumbed it, circled it with her finger, and then cupped the whole breast in her hand and pressed her palm against its peak. The girl loved her…?

Willow closed her eyes, allowing Tara to touch her as she wished. She loved the way Tara's hand felt against her bare breast, the way it created instant warmth between her legs.

As Tara continued to work her breast and tweak her nipple, Willow began to let out a small sigh every now and again. She also began to moan softly, needing more contact than what she was getting.

"Tara," Willow fluttered her eyes open and whispered the girl's name huskily.

Tara smiled and removed her hand. "Sorry," she said sheepishly.

"It's okay," Willow reassured, reaching out and placing Tara's hand back onto her breast. "I like how you touch me," she said softly, pressing the girl's palm against her nipple. "But I want more…"

Tara silently allowed Willow to guide her. The girl slowly moved her hand from her breast, down her belly, and brought it to rest against the waistband of her panties.

Tara's eyes widened when Willow brought her hand even further down. Her fingers were resting at the apex of Willow's sex, and she could clearly feel how wet the girl was through her panties.

She instantly pulled her hand away. "W-W-Willow?" she questioned.

Willow smiled sheepishly. "I just…I wanted you to, uh, know what you do to me…"

Tara's lips curled into a grin. "Oh," she returned her hand to rest against Willow's breast. "You mean this?" she gently pinched the girl's nipple.

"Mmmm," Willow responded by arching her back and quivering.

"This what you like?" Tara squeezed again.

Willow moaned and fluttered her eyes open. She was done playing. With that, she sat up, heatedly thrust her tongue into Tara's mouth and roughly pushed her down onto her back. It was her turn now.

Willow began to capture and recapture Tara's lips as her hands moved up to the girl's cheeks. She pressed her knee against the blonde's heat and allowed her own slickness to meet with Tara's thigh .

Meanwhile, Tara placed her hands on Willow's back and passionately ran her fingers up and down her skin. All the while, she began to gradually thrust upwards, letting her desire meet Willow's knee as her own thigh afforded Willow the same kind of pressure.

After a while, Willow began to move her lips downwards. She pressed soft kisses against Tara's cheeks, along her jaw line, down her neck and over her chest. In turn, Tara moved her hands up to Willow's hair, holding her gently as she accepted her attentions.

When Willow's lips finally reached the top mound of Tara's right breast, the redhead pulled away. Last night she'd only gotten a shadowy glimpse of Tara's magnificence, and she wanted to fully savor the sight of the girl's uncovered breasts.

Willow sighed as she took in the vision before her. She stared at Tara for a long time, marveling at how perfect the girl was. She'd never seen breasts as breathtaking as Tara's.

"You're so beautiful," she whispered huskily, reaching down with her hands. She trembled when she felt the imprint of Tara's nipples against her palms and moved her fingers inwards. "I love how this feels,' Willow lightly twisted her nipples in emphasis.

"Mmmm…" Tara arched her back and let out an unsteady moan. "Me too…" She moved her hands to her sides and clenched at the bed sheets as her eyes closed shut and her mouth opened in a gasp.

Willow smiled, pleased with Tara's reaction. And with that, she abruptly lowered her head down. She didn't bother with teasing and savoring. Instead, she boldly covered Tara's left nipple with her lips and hungrily took it into her mouth.

"Mmmm," Willow moaned. She hadn't been prepared for just how incredible this would feel. She's mine!

As Willow changed breasts, Tara lifted her hands to the girl's hair and held her tightly. "Oh gods," she sighed, feeling the warmth flooding her body. She'd never afforded another girl such intimacy, and she was overwhelmed by how sensitive and responsive her body was.

When Willow's lips finally released her nipple and began moving downwards, Tara began to get a little nervous. Willow's tongue was now exploring the small recesses of her navel. Her hands meanwhile had moved to her hips and her fingers were playing a dangerous game with the edge of her panties.

She knew it wouldn't be too long before Willow's ravenous mouth reached even further down, and her fingers stopped toying with her and slipped those panties down completely…

A moment later, Tara's fears came to fruition. Willow's lips inevitably found their way to the waistband of her panties.

"Willow," Tara gently but firmly tugged her upwards. "S-s-stop," she struggled to explain. "I-I-I don't…n-n-n-not…not ready…"

Willow pulled away grudgingly. It's not like she intended on making love right this minute. She wasn't ready for that either. But it would've been nice to have gotten a little taste.

She wasn't even planning on taking off the girl's panties. She just wanted to tease her a little – tease them both. Why did Tara always have to stop things just as they were getting interesting?

With Oz, Willow had always felt reluctant to take things further; to lose her virginity. But it was different with Tara. Whenever she kissed the girl, touched her even, all she wanted to do was culminate the tension. She was never in control of herself, unlike Tara.

However, a part of Willow could appreciate that. It was a good thing that at least one of them could keep a clear head. But it also meant that Tara wasn't as caught up in their relationship as she herself was.

As a result, Willow had come to her own conclusions. She'd figured out why the blonde never lost herself…

Tara wasn't in love with her.

Willow sighed at the thought. She'd hoped that after last night, things had changed. What do I have to do to get her to fall in love with me? Willow sighed again. Will she ever fall in love with me?

"I'm sorry," Tara apologized as Willow sighed for the third time.

"Oh no," Willow forced a smile to her lips and moved off the bed. "My bad.," she smiled warily, "It's just…"

"What?" Tara prompted, getting up and reaching for Willow's hands to prevent her from moving away. She felt bad for upsetting the girl. It's not like she didn't want Willow to touch her – to make love to her. She just wanted to wait for the right time; for when they were both in love. Couldn't Willow understand that?

Willow tentatively met Tara's gaze. She wanted to be honest with the girl. "Last night…" she ventured reluctantly. "This morning…" she continued. "I just thought…"

"Thought what?" Tara's puzzlement increased.

Willow sighed again. "I thought you…"


"Nothing," Willow exhaled, losing her nerve. She felt like a fool for thinking Tara might have fallen in love with her.

With that, Willow extricated herself from Tara's arms and hurriedly located something to wear. She needed some time alone to reorganize her thoughts and deal with the blonde's rejection.

Tara watched helplessly as Willow headed into the bathroom. A part of her wanted to stop the girl so they could talk, but the look on her face told her to leave her be.

With a sigh of her own, Tara slowly gathered up her clothing and got dressed. She hated the tension she'd caused – hated to see Willow in such a bad mood because of her. Unfortunately, Willow wasn't in the mood to discuss it.

When Willow got out of the shower, she headed straight for the kitchen to find Tara. The time alone had helped put the situation into perspective for her. As usual she'd rushed into things without thinking. And after how she'd behaved, she wouldn't blame Tara for hating her.

Willow greeted the blonde with a hesitant smile. The girl had brewed them a couple of mochas and was pensively sipping hers at the table.

"Hey Tara," she said as she joined her, doing her best to sound cheerful. "Thanks for the coffee," she took a large sip.

Tara smiled back. She was pleased to see Willow in better spirits. She'd been worried. "We okay?" she asked in a very small voice

Willow instantly put down her coffee. "Of course," she said softly, reaching her hands for Tara's. "I'm sorry I got all bad moody," she smiled ruefully. "Still love me?" she quipped.

Tara's lips curled into a warm smile as she lifted her hands to Willow's cheeks. Of course she still loved her.

"Always," Tara assured huskily.

Willow smiled and closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh as Tara's lips met with hers in a brief kiss. She hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath as she awaited the girl's response. Tara's love – even if only platonic – was something her whole being craved.

"Willow…?" Tara ventured, moving her forehead to rest against Willow's. Now that the notion was out there, she wanted to say the words, but was afraid of sounding too intense. She didn't want to cross any boundaries and frighten the girl…


Tara took a deep breath and smiled, doing her best to keep her tone light. "Love you," she said huskily, pulling away to meet Willow's gaze shyly. She just hoped her eyes didn't betray the full extent of that love.

Willow's heart skipped a beat. It was the first time Tara had said the actual words. "Love you too," she beamed. Tara loves me! She loves me! She loves me! She loves me!

Tara impulsively pressed another kiss against Willow's lips. The words had taken a lot out of her. They were hard to say when she meant them on so many levels. But hearing them back was just as powerful. Oh, if only Willow meant them like she did…

"Family," Tara said as she pulled away. She wanted Willow to know she wasn't pushing things.

Willow smiled, guessing where Tara was going with this. "And family loves you no matter what."

"Exactly," Tara confirmed with a smile. "Even if you get all bad moody…"

"Just blame it on hormones," Willow smirked. "Thank God for showers…"

Their words of love had caused the pair to deliberately lighten their tone. Neither felt ready or comfortable to take their relationship to the next level. Not yet anyway.

Tara smiled. "So that's why you're in such a good mood now?" she teased.

"Uh huh," Willow grinned and took a sip of her mocha. "Had to finish what we started…"

Tara chuckled. "Lucky you…"

"You coulda joined me," Willow flirted.

Tara smiled good-naturedly. "Maybe next time," she said huskily. "I wouldn't mind watching…"

Willow put down her coffee and met Tara's gaze boldly. "You show me yours and I'll show ya mine," she quipped.

Tara blushed, but didn't lower her gaze. "It's a deal…"

Willow chuckled and lifted the mug to her lips. She would definitely hold Tara to that. It was one of her more frequent fantasies. Among others…

You've got it bad girl, she chided herself. If Tara backs off whenever you get too snugly, just think how she'd react if she knew you were in love with her. You better get out of here Rosenberg, before you ruin things for good…

With that thought, she stood up and put down her mug.

"I should go," Willow explained nervously. "Don't wanna be late for school."

"Okay," Tara nodded and stood up as well.

"I'll see you this afternoon," Willow reached for Tara and pulled her close. "I'll miss you," she whispered, pressing their lips together. Despite her intentions, she was unable to stop herself from voicing her feelings.

Tara leaned into the kiss and lifted her hands to Willow's back. "Me too," she said as she pulled away, willing herself not to get emotional.

Willow smiled and pressed another kiss to Tara's lips before heading out.

Not long after Willow left, Tara had a recollection. She'd organized a job interview at the local grocery store yesterday, and in all the commotion, she'd forgotten to tell Willow about it.

She eventually caught up with Willow at the student lounge. She was sitting on a couch with Oz. Xander and Cordelia were there too. They were seated on another couch opposite them.

"Hey," she greeted her friends.

Willow's face lit up as she spied Tara. "Hey you," she grinned, scooting to the left of the couch to give Tara room to sit down. "What are you doing here?"

Tara smiled as she took a seat between Oz and Willow. "I, um, I just wanted to let you know I'd be a little late this afternoon," she explained.

"Late?" Willow frowned. "How come?"

"I have an interview at the grocery store. It's not the Magic shop…but it's still a job," she chuckled.

"Oh," Willow beamed, reaching her hand for Tara's. "I hope you get it," she squeezed her hand gently.

"So, anyway," Cordelia interjected. "Before the interruption," she turned to face Willow. "You were saying that there's no more glove thingy?"

"No," Xander answered his girlfriend. "Little Living Flame, little mesquite, gone for good."

"Sounds like we missed a lot of fun," Oz noted.

"Then we're telling it wrong," Xander replied.

"What do you think Buffy and Angel are gonna do?" Willow asked.

"Boy, do I don't know," Xander answered her sarcastically.

Willow locked eyes with Tara meaningfully. "Well, he saved me from a horrible flame-y death. That sorta makes me like him again," she smiled sheepishly.

"Me, too," Tara said softly, giving Willow's hand a gentle squeeze. She could have lost Willow. Whatever Angel's past transgressions were, they mattered not to Tara. In her eyes, the guy was a saint – a savior.

"Well, as long as she and Angel don't get pelvic, we'll be okay," Xander interjected, "I guess…"

Buffy chose that moment to enter the student lounge. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oddly enough, your boyfriend…again," Oz replied.

"He's not my boyfriend," Buffy sighed, taking a seat next to Xander. "Really, truly, he's…" she sighed again, not sure exactly what they were. "I don't know…"

She then turned to face Xander and Cordelia, remembering their argument. "Are we cool?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yeah!" Xander replied with a half-smile. "Just, seeing the two of you kissing again after everything that happened…I leaned towards the postal…." He paused then, taking a deep breath before finishing. "But I trust you," he told her sincerely.

"I don't," Cordelia interjected. "Just for the record."

Buffy rolled her eyes at Cordelia. She'd kinda expected her to react like that.

Just then, Giles made his presence known by clearing his throat. He gave the group a hesitant smile.

"Let me guess," Buffy turned to face him, "Gwendolyn Post…not a Watcher?"

"Yes, she was," Giles corrected. "She was, uh…kicked out by the council a couple of years ago for misuses of dark power. They swear there was a memo."

"Well, I better go," Buffy ventured, turning to face Xander. "Little more damage control," she explained.

"You going to see Faith?" Tara asked softly.

"Yeah," Buffy replied.

"I'm glad," Tara smiled. "She needs you…"

"What do you mean?" Buffy frowned.

"The two of you share a-a bond," Tara explained. "And Faith might not admit it…but she's not as tough as she makes out sometimes. You know?"

Willow pondered Tara's words with a frown. She still didn't like how close Tara and Faith were. And now, Buffy and Faith shared a bond. It was as if Faith was stealing all her people. Who was next? Xander?

"I'll keep it in mind," Buffy said with a smile.

Willow sighed as she watched her best friend leave, deciding not to dwell any further on her Faith issues. Her thoughts drifted towards the events of the last couple of days instead.

"The whole Angel thing is so weird," she voiced her thoughts.

"Yes," Giles agreed, taking a seat next to Xander. "We'll have to see how that unfolds, won't we?"

"It's hard," Tara sighed.

"What's hard?" Willow smiled at her friend.

"Having to hide your feelings," Tara said softly, giving Willow a meaningful look.

"Yeah," Willow agreed, wondering if Tara knew just how much she was holding back.

"Right," Xander piped up, missing the double meaning behind the girls' conversation. "But she can feel all she wants. Just no touching…"

"Xander!" Cordelia frowned, crossing her arms to portray her displeasure. "Is that all you think about?"

Xander looked at her sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway," Tara let go of Willow's hand, deciding this was neither the time nor the place to discuss their own feelings. "I, um…I better go."

"Oh," Willow sighed, not wanting her to leave. She always felt happy when Tara was around. "Now?"

"Yeah," Tara smiled as she stood up. "I have c-c-classes soon and then I have to get ready for my j-j-job interview."

"Okay," Willow smiled back. "I'll see you later. Oh, and good luck at the interview."

"Thanks," Tara acknowledged, before saying goodbye to the rest of the gang.

That afternoon, Tara walked home from the grocery store with a huge grin on her face. The interview had gone well, and she'd been asked to start work on Monday. While it wasn't her dream job, the hours were flexible, and the rate of pay was reasonable. Which is why she was in the mood to celebrate. She felt like taking Willow out to dinner somewhere special. However, she didn't want to send the wrong impression. Going out to a fancy restaurant would seem too much like a date and while she'd like nothing more than to go on a real date with Willow, things between them were too complicated for that right now.

However, she still wanted to do something to celebrate. Maybe they could go to a movie and then head out to the Bronze? Or maybe just go to the Bronze? Yeah, a movie would be too date-like. The Bronze was safe, comfortable even, and she could still buy them both dinner.

Now that her decision was made, Tara was free to think about other things as she continued walking. Her mind wandered back to the events of the past few days. This resulted in her thinking about Faith. She hadn't really spoken much to the dark-haired Slayer – not since the girl had hit Willow. Maybe it was time to make amends? The girl probably needed a friend right now anyway. The Slayer had trusted the wrong person when she'd put her faith in Gwendolyn Post, and that must definitely be weighing on her mind.

What's more, even though Buffy had said she'd gone to see her, Tara was certain that Faith still wasn't convinced of the girl's friendship. She needed to be shown that her judgment wasn't always bad – that there were people out there she could trust. Buffy and herself were two of those people.

This is why, Tara took a slight detour on her way back to her dorm, and was now standing outside Faith's motel room. She knocked purposefully and waited for a response.

"Yeah," she heard Faith yell out after a moment. "Who is it?"

"Hey Faith," she called out the girl's name, "it's me…Tara."

There was a moment of silence, before Faith answered. "It's unlocked."

Tara opened the door and stepped inside. Faith was lying comfortably on her bed, leafing through a magazine. As she got a better look at the girl's face, Tara couldn't help but cringe at the painful looking bruising and swelling the Slayer sported.

"Hey, " Faith shrugged off Tara's look. "I'll be right," she continued as the blonde took a seat next to her on the bed. "Slayer healing, you know?"

Tara smiled in response and lifted her right hand up to Faith's cheek. "Close your eyes," she requested softly, bringing her left hand up to the girl's other cheek, cupping her face tenderly.

"What are – ?" Faith protested, but was cut off instantly. She couldn't help but close her eyes as she felt the warmth emanating from Tara's hands. The girl's energy was incredibly soothing and she was powerless to do anything but sit there and accept Tara's help.

After a minute, Tara finally released her charge and moved her hands back to her sides. She wasn't the most advanced healer around, but with the aid of Faith's inherent Slayer healing, she'd managed to completely remove the swelling and fade the bruising on her face so that it was only barely noticeable.

"There," Tara smiled as Faith opened her eyes, "good as new. Well, almost," she chuckled.

Faith blinked a couple of times, unsure of what had just happened. She'd been caught completely off guard by Tara's actions. "I, uh…um…thanks," she finally offered up, her words coming out hesitantly and awkwardly.

"You're welcome," Tara's smile widened. "I wasn't sure it would work," she admitted. "I've only ever used my energy to reduce p-p-pain-like a magickal aspirin or something. I never thought it would actually h-h-heal you…"

"I guess it's the Slayer thing," Faith chuckled.

"Yeah," Tara agreed.

The girls looked at one another warmly and suddenly, it was as if they hadn't been estranged at all. Healing someone sure helped with closing down emotional barriers.

"I'm glad you're okay," Tara finally spoke.

"I held my own," Faith grinned. "B caught me off guard is all. I'll show her next time…"

"You really think there'll be a next time?" Tara smiled. " 'Cause, I, uh, I think you'd m-m-make much better allies."

"Me and B?" Faith quirked an eyebrow as she scoffed. "That'll be the day. That girl has some serious issues…"

"But she's still your friend," Tara insisted. "You make a good team. You, um…complement each other."

Faith laughed. "B and I are way different. Besides, I don't think she'd swing that way…"

It was Tara's turn to laugh this time. "Does everything have to revolve around sex with you?"

"Pretty much," Faith smirked. "What else is there? Patrol, Slay, Screw…"

Tara chuckled good-naturedly. "You're both Slayers," she explained. "You share something that no one else can understand. I'd say that's pretty good grounds for a solid friendship."

Faith had to concede that Blondie had a point. However, she wasn't about to admit it to her.

"You know, maybe if I got her drunk, she might be willing to reconsider her tastes," Faith quipped. "Who knows, it might even help her forget about Cold, Hard and Dead-some…although, if she wanted to share him…"

Faith's eyes glazed over as she mockingly gave the idea some thought. "Yeah, definite possibilities…"

Tara shook her head as she laughed at Faith's antics. "You really can't get your mind out of the gutter…can you?"

"Why bother?" Faith grinned. "It's so much fun there."

Tara smiled as she moved off the bed. "Anyway, I uh…I better go. Willow will be waiting and I – "

"Wait up," Faith leapt off the bed as Tara headed towards the door. "I'll walk you back. It's getting dark," she explained off Tara's questioning look. "Vamps – "

"Oh," Tara chuckled, realizing the Slayer had a point. However, she could tell there was more to the girl's offer. Faith obviously wanted to talk about what had happened, but didn't know how to ask. "Thanks," she acknowledged.

Faith shrugged nonchalantly as she reached for a nearby stake.

The girls walked slowly and in silence. After a while, Tara realized that Faith wasn't about to come right out with what was bothering her. The girl was a great one for self-denial.

"Hey, um, Faith…" Tara ventured slowly. "You know, it's, um…it's not your fault."

"What do you mean?" Faith asked defensively.

"Gwendolyn Post," Tara explained. "You had no reason not to trust her…"

"Oh, hey," Faith protested, "Who said it was my fault? She's a psycho and – "

"You had every reason to think she was telling the truth," Tara insisted, cutting off the Slayer's protest. "Buffy hid things," she continued. "You were just starting to trust her and then you found out about Angel. It was only n-n-natural that – "

"No, I – "

Once again, Tara cut off Faith's protest. She stopped walking and turned to face the Slayer, placing a hand on her arm. "Faith," she said her name gently, releasing just a little of her energy, hoping it would soothe the girl.

Faith frowned as she felt herself relax, confused by the sensation. Blondie was sure doing a number on her. Although, the girl did have a point and Faith found it a little unnerving how clear Tara made everything.

"Yeah, well…"

"It's okay," Tara insisted, finally removing her hand. "I think you don't give Buffy enough credit," she pointed out as they began walking again.

"I'm not sure I understand you Blondie. I think you've got it wrong bout B and me. Why you tryin' to push us together? You playin' matchmaker or somethin'?"

Tara chuckled and shook her head in response.

"Oh, yeah," Faith continued, ignoring her denial. "Now I get it. You think If I go after B I'll stop hittin' on you…right Cutie?"

"Faith…!" Tara said her name in a stern manner.

"I knew it!" Faith shouted out triumphantly, ignoring the girl's mock-glare. "You scared you'll get tempted?" Faith stopped walking and moved to stand right in front of Tara. "That's it, isn't it?" she leaned in, her face merely an inch from Tara's.

Tara chuckled and took a step back. "Come on," she moved passed the flirtatious Slayer, a bemused grin on her face. She was getting used to Faith's flirting by now. "I need to get back," Tara continued. "Willow's waiting…"

"Oh," Faith leered. "So you and Red gonna do the dirty in your room?"

"We're friends," Tara insisted with a blush. "Nothing – "

"No way!" Faith protested. "I see the way you two been lookin' at each other. I know lust when I see it…"

Tara sighed at Faith's observation. The Slayer did have a point. However, attraction wasn't everything.

"It's not what you think," Tara ventured. "Willow's not r-r-ready for that. She still hasn't even come out to everyone…"

"Figures," Faith replied sardonically. "I don't think Red would ever do anything that wasn't good and proper.' I bet it's killin her to realize she's gay. Aww, poor baby," Faith chuckled mockingly.

"Don't go there Faith," Tara warned. "You don't understand…"

"I understand plenty," Faith insisted. "Red's too scared to come out 'cause she thinks her goody-goody Scooby friends would ditch her. And you're' too worried 'bout how she feels to let her get into a relationship she has to hide."

Tara sighed at Faith's surprisingly accurate observation. "Oz and Xander know," she felt the need to point out. "Besides, it's hard for her, Willow's just scared. It's not her fault and I-I-I don't wanna hurt her. She – "

"Doesn't deserve you," Faith interrupted. "You're too good for her," she continued, running her eyes down the girl's body slowly. "You need to find someone who's not afraid to be who they are. If you were mine I'd wanna hang you on my arm for the whole frickin' world to see and damn those self righteous bastards who think it's wrong."

Tara chuckled at her way with words.

Faith leered flirtatiously.

"What say, you and me forget 'bout heading back to your dorm and check out the Red Oyster instead? It's meant to be the most bitchin' gay bar in town. Anyone lookin' to get laid never ends up wanting. It's not known as the Big O for nothing…if you know what I mean?" she chuckled.

Tara smiled as she shook her head. "You should go then," she insisted. "But I think I'll pass. Willow's waiting – "

Faith shook her head bemusedly. "Geez Blondie. You're pussy whipped and you ain't even gettin' any pussy. I wonder how whipped you'd be if Red ever did give you a taste…"

"F-F-Faith," Tara blushed.

Faith tapped the blonde's shoulder good-naturedly. "Well, if you change your mind…" she offered with a grin.

Tara giggled and blushed again, but said nothing.

Willow was stretched out on Tara's bed, reading a romance novel. She'd been waiting for Tara since about 5pm and it was almost 6pm now. She knew Tara would be late, but she hadn't thought she'd be this late and it hadn't taken her long to get bored.

That's why she'd grabbed CN Winters' Irrefutable Evidence' from Tara's bookshelf. After the girl's recommendation, she was curious to see what it was like. And she had to admit she wasn't disappointed. Willow was definitely enjoying her initiation into the lesbian lifestyle.

As she turned the page back so that she could re-read a particularly juicy sex scene, Willow heard voices outside Tara's door. She looked up and was surprised to see Tara enter the room with Faith. What was Faith doing here? Why had Tara gone to Faith? What were they doing together?

"Hey Red," Faith greeted with a leer, purposefully placing a hand on Tara's waist as she closed the door.

Willow looked down to where Faith's hand rested and frowned. Which is why she missed Tara's stern glare at the Slayer.

Faith winked at the blonde as she released her hold, shrugging her shoulders as if to say couldn't resist.

Willow continued to frown as she moved her gaze up to Tara. "What's going on?" she asked. "Thought you had a job interview?"

"I did," Tara insisted, recognizing Willow's shift in mood for what it was. She didn't like to make the girl feel insecure, but why couldn't Willow trust her when it came to Faith?

"You were at a job interview?" Faith asked in surprise. "How'd it go?"

Tara turned towards the Slayer and smiled, recalling her good news. "Great," she beamed. "I start at the grocery store on Monday."

"Congrats," Faith leaned in and wrapped her arms around Tara in a brief hug.

Willow was livid as Faith released her hold on Tara. She'd wanted to be the one to hug Tara, and she hated that Faith had gotten there first. How dare the girl hug her Tara. She was the only one who had that right.

Not to be outdone, Willow moved towards Tara and wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. She then boldly pressed her lips to Tara's, kissing her softly.

"Congratulations," she whispered as she pulled away, smiling warmly at Tara before turning her head to give Faith a gleeful smirk.

Tara noticed this and sighed – both with annoyance and elation. On the one hand, her lips were buzzing from Willow's kiss, but on the other, she couldn't help feeling like some kind of trophy. And that did not sit well with her at all.

Faith chuckled at Willow's display, recognizing the girl's challenge for what it was. Well, if that's how she wants to play it, Faith thought to herself. Let's see how she does at the Red Oyster…

"This calls for a Red Oyster celebration," Faith ventured, moving towards Tara's left side.

"Red Oyster?" Willow asked, taking a step closer to Tara's right.

"It's not really your scene Red," Faith jibed.

"What're you saying?" Willow demanded in confusion.

"It's a gay bar," Faith grinned. "I don't think you're ready to play with the big girls yet," she challenged, using her most patronizing tone.

"I'm 18," Willow insisted, rising to the bait.

"Ooooh, I forgot," Faith chuckled mockingly.

Before Willow could protest, Faith interjected with yet another patronizing suggestion.

"I say you stay here and get your happy off those," she ventured towards the romance novel on the bed. "We wouldn't want anyone finding out your big bad secret, now would we?"

Willow clenched her fists. How dare Faith talk to her like that? It was all she could do to keep her hands by her sides. If Faith weren't a Slayer…

"If Tara wants to celebrate at the Red Oyster," Willow raised her voice slightly, doing her best to remain in control of her emotions, "I'll take her there."

"You think you can?" Faith countered with a grin. "I bet you don't even know where it is. Besides, she needs a Slayer to look out for her, not a wannabe witch."

Willow was fuming, and she could almost feel her anger manifesting itself around her. "Fine," she gritted between her teeth. "But I'm taking her out to celebrate. You're just the Slayer Guard."

"Whatever you reckon," Faith replied, taking a step towards the door.

"Yeah, whatever," Willow followed her, reaching for the doorknob at the same time as the Slayer.

They glared at one another as they struggled to open the door, neither wanting to give way.

Tara watched the display silently; frustrated with the way Willow was behaving. This territorial side of Willow was something she hadn't seen before, and she didn't exactly like it. In fact, she found it cheapened their relationship. Why couldn't Willow trust her? She'd always been open with her feelings and attraction for the girl. So why did Willow still feel the need to compete with Faith?

"Uh, " Tara sighed as the pair exited the room, "you forgot to ask if…"

…that's how I wanted to celebrate…

Tara trailed off; her protests were falling on deaf ears. Willow and Faith were already half way down the hall before either of them had even noticed she wasn't following them. With another sigh, she stepped outside and closed the door behind her, realizing she didn't really have much of a choice in the matter.


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