Five by Five

By Rainne

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17

Disclaimer: : Sing it with me (to the tune of Nobody likes Me): Joss owns everything, I own nothing, guess I'll go write fanfic.

Distribution: The Mystic Muse /

Forever Faith: / 

If you want it, please ask me first.

Spoilers: Season Three.

Feedback: Please!

Pairing: Buffy/Faith

Summary: Buffy and Faith are finally five by five.

"Faith! No!"

Buffy's shout caught the dark-haired Slayer just in time, and she was able to divert her stake from the heart of the man in front of her and into the wall next to his head instead. The man himself screamed and nearly wet himself in fear, but he was no less frightened at his brush with death than was the Slayer who'd delivered it to him. To cover her own fear, she grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into the wall. "What? What do you want?"

" name's Allan Finch," he began. "I'm the Deputy Mayor. And I'm here to help you."

"I don't think I want to go on any more sprees like tonight's," Buffy said quietly, sitting down on the end of Faith's bed and looking at her mournfully. "Someone almost died tonight."

Faith nodded and tried to still the movement of her still-shaking hands. "I know." She sat down next to the blonde Slayer and looked at her sadly. "Thank you for stopping me."

Buffy impulsively hugged Faith tightly, and Faith, startled, slowly raised her hands and hugged Buffy back. They clung to one another tightly for a moment, then slowly separated, though they remained touching, hands clasped. They stared deeply into one another's eyes for a long moment, flesh burning on flesh. Buffy's breath was coming in shallow gasps, Faith had to force herself to remember to breathe at all.

Finally, Buffy's soft voice broke the silence between them. All she said was one whispered word: "Faith." The brunette Slayer leaned forward to capture Buffy's lips with her own. Buffy let out a low moan as she leaned into the kiss, and Faith's hand slid up to tangle in the fine blonde hair, pulling Buffy closer. As Faith's hungry lips trailed down Buffy's neck to its juncture with her shoulder, Buffy gasped out Faith's name. The brunette, in response, bit down gently and began to suck, leaving a deep red mark on Buffy's pale skin, claiming Buffy as her own.

Faith gently pushed forward with her body until Buffy was lying on her back on the bed with Faith above her. Then she raised her head to look Buffy in the eye. "I want you," she growled. "I want you now."

Buffy's body shivered in reaction to the low tones, and her hand raised up to trace the contours of her counterpart's cheek. "Faith, I've never... with a girl... I don't know how to..."

Faith shook her head impatiently. "You don't need to know. I'll teach you. Please, Buffy... I want you. I need you." Buffy nodded then, her heart in her throat, and felt Faith's hand slide under her shirt. "If at any time I do something you don't want me to do," Faith whispered as she pulled Buffy's top off completely and dropped it on the floor, "you say the word 'red' and that will tell me to stop. Okay?"

Buffy nodded again, and then Faith unsnapped the clip on the front of her bra, letting it fall open to reveal the smaller Slayer's breasts. Faith's hand moved to stroke the soft skin and Buffy gasped in reaction. Faith smiled slightly, leaned forward and took the nipple into her mouth. Buffy's back arched and her hand found its way to the back of Faith's head, holding her there. Faith's fingers found the other nipple and began to tease it, pinching it softly and rolling it between her fingers. Buffy whimpered slightly, and Faith chuckled deep in her throat. She moved her mouth over to the breast her fingers had been on, and let her fingers roam down Buffy's side and to her skirt, which she pushed up around the smaller girl's waist. Her hand found the elastic leg band of Buffy's panties and slid beneath the soft cotton.

In automatic reaction, Buffy's legs opened, allowing the dark Slayer better access to the reaches beneath. Faith slid one finger between the labia and was greeted by an abundance of hot, silky moisture beneath. Even as Buffy gasped again, Faith moaned low in her throat. "I... Buffy, I can't go slow. Next time, I promise, but this time I just can't wait." She pulled the panties down and off and raised up to kiss Buffy thoroughly, her tongue searching the hot recesses even as her leather-clad knee slid up to rub at the sensitive spot between Buffy's legs.

Buffy cried out into Faith's mouth at that contact, and the dark Slayer felt heat surge through her body, centering itself in her own groin. She began to kiss her way down Buffy's body, trailing her fingertips along behind, feeling the muscles ripple and the gooseflesh come up beneath her touch. She dipped her tongue into Buffy's navel, causing the smaller girl's abdominal muscles to contract, and then she slid her hands down Buffy's thighs to her knees, gently pushing them apart and kneeling on the floor between them.

She started at the knees, alternating kisses up the slender thighs. She could feel heat radiating from Buffy's core, and when she arrived there, placing a very soft kiss on the labia, she knew she was in trouble. "Oh, God," she murmured softly into Buffy's skin—too softly for the other girl to hear. "I think I'm on fire." Then she slid her tongue gently between the lips and tasted of Buffy's essence for the first time.

Buffy cried out again at the sensation of Faith's gentle tongue invading her secret places. She had never known these sensations before—this was something Angel had not done—and the pleasure came in waves that coincided with each touch of tongue and teeth Faith held Buffy's hips tightly and set to her task with a will, devouring the sensitive flesh before her. She slid one finger into the hot depths of Buffy's body, moving her mouth to focus on the hardened nub just above that opening, and she felt Buffy's muscles begin to quiver.

"Oh, God," Buffy moaned. "Oh, God, Faith, oh, God..." she was speaking now along with the rhythm of Faith's finger inside her, and Faith added a second finger to the first. Buffy's back arched again, and she gasped, feeling her body beginning to seize up. "Oh, God, baby, oh, God..."

Faith knew Buffy was close and she focused on her task, getting all the sensitive spots within easy reach. And then she felt Buffy's inner walls clamp down in her fingers, and the blonde Slayer's voice raised in a cry as her body thundered toward ecstasy.

When Buffy was aware again, she was completely nude and under the sheets, cuddled against Faith's equally nude body. She gently traced the lines of the abdominal muscles beneath her hand, and Faith chuckled. "Awake?"

Buffy nodded. "Yeah," she said softly. "Faith, that was... wow."

Faith nodded. "It took me like that my first time, too. Couldn't even think afterward. You gonna be okay?"

Buffy smiled. "Five by five," she responded and they shared a soft laugh. She snuggled closer to Faith, who was sitting leaned against the headboard, playing with a lock of Buffy's hair. They were silent for a long moment, and then Faith spoke again.

"B, I... I don't... I don't have... I mean... I... Shit." She sighed. "This is hard. I don't usually stick around, you know? Afterward. But... but I don't want to go anywhere. I want to stay here. With you."

Buffy nodded. "I want you to stay."

Faith gasped. "You mean it?"

Buffy nodded. "I mean it." She sat up then and leaned forward to capture the dark Slayer's lips with her own. "Now," she said when they broke apart, "teach me how to make you feel the way you made me feel."

Faith grinned. "Gladly."

The End

Continued in the sequel...

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