My Possession

by My Osage

Copyright © 2003

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer do not belong to me. Wish they did. That creation credit belongs to Joss Whedon.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse    /
Feedback: Yes, please
Author's Notes: We're in my world. Time line is a little off. Just go with it. For this piece only, there is a very brief mention of three fleeting sexual situations with men that ended quickly without going anywhere. As always in my stories, Buffy and Faith are naturally and purely F/F. It just took them a bit longer to get there this time.
Pairing: Buffy/Faith

Summary: Buffy and Faith set out to trap and destroy a demon preying on participants of a dominance and submission club. Their own sexual chemistry will be the bait, but descending into the risqué lifestyle exposes more about each slayer than either of them expects.

The two slayers sat and stared at the CEO of Wolfram and Hart.

"That's a pretty big favor, Angel." Faith informed the vampire.

"I know." Angel replied. "And I wouldn't ask if there was any other way."

They were sitting in Angel's office because he'd sent word that there was something going on in LA that he couldn't handle. So far Buffy had said nothing as Angel outlined the case. During the last two months, at least sixteen people had gone missing and were presumed dead. The only thing they had in common was that they had all frequented a D&S club in LA called "Possession." 'Ok.' Buffy thought. 'So Faith had had to explain that D&S meant Dominance and Submission.' Buffy frowned for a moment. 'I would have figured it out eventually…or not…'

She and Faith had been lovers for five months. Angel had finally gotten Faith out of prison after two years time. And the rogue slayer had gone directly to Sunnydale. Directly to Buffy like a moth to a flame. Buffy smiled at the thought. They had circled around each other like rival tigers in a pride. Not knowing if when they finally fell upon each other, whether they would fight or fuck. But after three months, their feelings for each other could no longer be contained. What had started out one night as simple bantering during a sparing session had escalated into an intense confrontation. That, in turn, had led to a release of other heated emotions. Faith had slammed Buffy up against a wall and kissed her hard. Buffy had retaliated by filling her hands with Faith's breasts like she owned them. By the time Faith had insinuated her hand between Buffy's legs, passion was their middle names. And they hadn't been able to get enough of each other since.

"What about the police?" Buffy finally asked.

"They tried." Angel stated. "They managed to get one undercover team in. But they couldn't detect the demon owner. It's taken human form."

"Male or female?" Faith inquired.

"We think it's a she." Angel answered. "But we don't really know."

"Why don't you send your people in?" All the questions objecting to Angel's request were coming from Buffy.

"Because they have a vampire/demon detection system that's even more sophisticated than ours."

"Then what makes you think they won't detect us?" Faith asked.

"Because you're human." Angel explained. "With slayer powers, yes. But still human." He hesitated for a moment before adding. "Besides I don't think the demon will be concentrating on whether you're slayers or not." He looked away, clearly uncomfortable.

Buffy looked confused, but Faith smirked. "Oh… I get it, soulboy." She teased. "You're not thinking totally about our slayin' powers, are ya?" Her grin widened as Angel let out a defeated sigh. "You've been talkin' to Red."

Buffy blushed as the statement reminded her of an incident that had occurred recently during one of their more intense lovemaking sessions. Willow was still teasing them about the window they'd broken and the candles that they'd melted with their lustful energy. There was no denying that when they were together their sexual aura was both potent and riveting.

Sixteen people were already dead or missing, with seemingly no end in sight. Buffy knew that Faith would throw herself into any fray to stop such carnage. And the reluctant blonde knew that this evil thing could not be allowed to continue on its path of destruction. She made a decision that she knew she wasn't comfortable making.


Buffy and Faith entered the S&M store where Angel had made arrangements for clothing, instructions, and the membership they'd need to get into Possession. An attractive redhead came out of a back room and introduced herself as Amy. "You must be Angel's friends." She said, eyeing them appreciatively. "I must say, that I can feel the sexual intensity from here."

Amy proceeded to show them around the shop that was filled with all kinds of fetish paraphernalia. "These incidents of missing or murdered people are not what this sexual preference is about." She informed them. "It's bad for business when someone has their own agenda." Buffy listened as Faith surveyed the leather clothing. "Possession is for participants who are obsessed with dominance or submission. They know what they're doing. The activities there concern consenting adults who are excited by the roles they play. No one is forced into anything they don't want to do. It's perhaps edgier than most sexual interactions." She conceded. "But purely voluntary and enjoyed by both parties."

"Now," Amy asked, "who's going to be the slave?"

"She is." Both slayers answered at once and then grinned at each other.

With a raised eyebrow, Amy quipped. "That's not how it works, darlings." Looking them over again, she settled on Faith as she declared. "For my money, you'd be the most convincing as a dominant." Glancing at Buffy she added. "No offense, honey, but you look more the submissive type."

Faith grinned again as Buffy pouted before agreeing to be the slave. The brunette couldn't help but envision some of the things she'd enjoy making her lover do. 'This might be kind of fun after all…'

Amy took them to the back and showed them pictures of models in the kind of outfits they'd be expected to wear. "Routinely, a mistress wears provocative clothing but doesn't display herself openly. But a slave is expected to dress in a more explicitly sexual style. Faith could see Buffy's eyes widen at the kind of clothing, or rather the lack thereof, that she'd be required to wear as a slave. When Amy started to explain the behavior that would be expected from each of them, the normally modest slayer visibly paled.

"The mistress does not have to engage in any sexual situation." Amy went on. "But it might be good form to take advantage of at least one other dominant's slave. But sharing your slave will be necessary to avoid suspicion. Although you can exclude men on principal, you won't be able to avoid all of the interested mistresses."

Faith looked over at her partner as the shop owner continued her dissertation about the D&S lifestyle and protocols. Buffy was beginning to look almost ill. Faith knew that what Amy was explaining was not something her less experienced lover had ever even imagined, much less ever considered doing. And she didn't think that she could tolerate Buffy being in such a position.

"I'll be the slave." Faith interrupted Amy. Buffy looked at her with a combination of relief and apprehension. "Are you sure?" She asked worriedly. Faith smiled at her. "Yeah, I'm sure. Done a lot worse." She raised her hand and gently stroked Buffy's face. "Besides, there ain't no way I'm letting anyone dominate my girl." Faith looked over at the costumes that they had previously selected. "Damn." She muttered. "I'm gonna have to shave, aren't I?"

When all the necessary purchases had been made, Amy handed Buffy two intricately designed ear cuffs. One was gold and the other was silver.

"What are these for?" Buffy asked.

"It's your membership." Amy answered. "They're electronically encrypted. You have to wear the gold cuff on your left ear to be admitted into the club and while you're inside. They have a very sophisticated security system."

"And the other one?" Buffy inquired again.

"That's for me." Faith answered. Then looking at Amy, she added. "On my right ear, I assume."

Amy merely smiled. "You'll do just fine in there."

That evening, Buffy sat on the bed in her long leather coat. It was open enough to reveal a short, sexy, dark brown leather vest. The tight, low slung pants were made of the same supple dark brown leather with the crotch fastened in place with breakaway snaps. She was also wearing a harness around her hips. Her hair was partially pulled back to reveal the gold ear cuff.

The door to the bathroom opened and Faith came out with her long coat buttoned up. Her hair was restrained in a French braid and she was wearing the silver ear cuff on her right ear. Her face was set in resolve as she headed toward the door. "Ok, let's do this."

Buffy stepped in front of Faith, momentarily blocking her exit. "Are we gonna be all right?" Buffy asked. "After this is over?"

Faith's expression softened. Knowing that her lover wasn't talking about killing the demon, she put her hands on Buffy's arms. "It's not about sex, B." She reminded her. "It's about power. Who has it, and who doesn't." She brought her hands up to Buffy's face. "Our bodies are just weapons tonight. That's all." Faith kissed her lover gently before continuing. "I always use to think of sex as just a means to an end. A pleasurable means, yeah. But still just exercise and release. It never really meant anything more to me than that. Until I met you. And now it still means nothing to me unless I'm with you."

"I trust you." Buffy whispered.

Faith smiled at the subtle admission that in reality meant the world to her. "I know that, B. I trust you too. And believe me, we're gonna need every bit of that tonight."

Though the slayers had scouted out the address that afternoon, at night the entrance to Possession was extremely hard to find. There were no street numbers, no name or any other visible indications of the club. It wasn't until they'd opened the heavy front door and stepped into an atrium that an intricately drawn sign denoted the entrance to Club Possession. Inside the softly lit entryway a young woman in revealing leathers was standing behind a counter. "Jackets." She demanded.

Buffy slipped off her jacket and handed it to the girl. The checker waited, staring at Faith. When Buffy turned, she saw that Faith was looking down and hadn't moved. Buffy admonished herself for already forgetting that Faith was supposed to be under her complete control.

"Take off your coat." Buffy ordered gruffly.

"Yes, Mistress." Faith answered as she took off her coat. She handed it to the girl and resumed her downcast stance. The checker had turned away and didn't notice that Buffy was staring at Faith, completely speechless. Before the woman returned, Buffy managed to whisper in awe. "God, Faith…"

The submissive slayer allowed a tiny smile to play briefly across her lips. The French braid accentuated her graceful neck, strong shoulders and smooth back that were bared. Her breasts were resting atop a short bustiere, completely exposed. Leather straps were latched over each breast, securing them in an erect position making her nipples blatantly accessible. She wore low slung leather chaps that were backless and crotchless. And she was intimately shaved and barefoot.

 "You can go in now."

The girl's directive broke Buffy's stupor. She turned and went through the inner door to the club. Faith followed directly behind her. The inside of the club was in semi-darkness making the ambiance seductive and dangerous. Yet with creative lighting, it was easy to see the other patrons and what they were doing. Many heads turned in their direction as they entered.

The first person to approach them was a man dressed head to toe in thick leather and chains. Behind him stood a woman dressed only in a leather thong and handcuffs.

"Fuck! What a hot slave!" He exclaimed. "Can I do her?" He started toward Faith, but Buffy quickly stepped between them.

As Faith would not be able to speak on her own, they had worked out a system of communication. Slave Faith held on to one of the back belt loops on Buffy's pants. No movement meant "no." A slight tug meant "yes." It was the best they could do under the circumstances. The man's proposition drew no response from Faith. Though Buffy would never have allowed the man access to her anyway.

"I don't think so." She sneered. "I don't like her tasting like cock."

The man took a step back, then turned away, clearly disappointed. "Damn dominant dykes." He muttered as he angrily pulled his slave along after him.

The club was full of diverse pairs. The Masters/Mistresses and their slaves covered a gambit of coupling. Male/male, female/female, men and women in a variety of dominant and submissive positions. It all seemed so decadent to Buffy. Faith continued to look down, but noticed just as much of their surroundings.

Buffy fielded quite a few more requests to use her "slave" as they surreptitiously searched the room for the demon owner. But she knew that soon she would have to allow at least one of the mistresses use of Faith's services to avoid suspicion.

Shortly, a very pretty brunette approached the duo. She also wore a sexy leather vest, but had chosen a very short leather skirt and thigh high boots for her ensemble. Her slave was an attractive blonde also dressed in a short leather skirt. But she wore a cupless leather bra that displayed her nipple rings and a leash attached to a neck collar. The pair stopped directly in front of Buffy.

"Your slave is absolutely stunning." She commented.

"Thanks." Buffy answered. Looking over the woman's submissive, Buffy added. "Your slave is very pretty." Buffy observed the woman who wouldn't meet her eyes. "I like the collar."

But the Mistress didn't seem to hear Buffy's return compliment. She was staring at Faith in a way that made Buffy want to belt her. She was still trying to maintain her demeanor when the woman asked. "Can I use her?"

Buffy was about to say "no", when she felt a small tug on her belt loop. She supposed it was too much to hope that they'd be able to detect the demon in charge before having to act out the roles they were pretending to play. With as much calm as she could manage, she answered. "Of course."

"Come here." The Mistress commanded. Faith complied with a soft "Yes, Mistress." "Get down on your knees and fuck me." was the second demand. Faith knelt down before the woman with another "Yes, Mistress."

Faith kept her eyes down as the dominant leaned back on a railing that ran the length of the wall. "May I spread your legs, Mistress?" Faith asked. When the Mistress agreed, Faith asked, "May I lift your skirt, Mistress?"

Again, the Mistress granted permission. "May I lick your clit, Mistress?" The woman was almost beside herself with anticipation as she once again acquiesced.

As Faith brought her mouth to the Mistress's crotch, the dominant motioned her slave toward Buffy. The blonde reached to unsnap Buffy's crotch cover, when the slayer stopped her. "Over the leathers." She tersely ordered almost absentmindedly.

The sight of her lover going down on another woman transfixed Buffy. She knew very well everything the woman would be feeling from Faith's talented tongue and fingers. Part of her found the display inexplicably and extremely erotic. But part of her raged with a powerful possessiveness of Faith that she would never have guessed she was capable of feeling. The conflicting emotions whirled around inside of her as the borrowed submissive stroked her clit through her leathers. The woman Faith was pleasuring was making quite a scene. She was obviously enjoying herself and was physically and verbally letting the whole club know about it. Many heads turned and several patrons gathered to watch the scene. But no detectable demon.

After the Mistress had orgasmed twice, she ordered Faith to stop. With another quiet "Yes, Mistress," Faith returned to stand behind Buffy. The blonde slave had not gotten Buffy off, so the slayer was understandably frustrated and annoyed. It gave an authentic edge to her voice. "What else is there to do in this club?" She snapped. The sooner they found and killed the beast that had created this place, the sooner they could get out of here.

"Well, there's an accoutrements bar in the back." Replied the well-satisfied mistress. She started to walk with Buffy, introducing herself as "Diana." Her slave, whom she did not introduce, fell in step behind her.

The "accoutrements" at the bar turned out to be a wide variety of sex toys. Everything from whips, chains, and restraints, to clips, dildos, and rings. "They really have a great selection of stuff here." Diana exclaimed excitedly. "Why don't we get something and do our slaves together?"

Again Buffy could feel a slight tug on her belt loop. After the show Diana had just put on, Buffy knew that they had drawn attention to themselves. If the demon was watching them, she would be expecting more. But Buffy wanted to take Faith home in the worst way. She didn't want to "do her" here, in this public arena. But she felt Faith tug on her belt loop again. And she agreed.

At the counter, Diana selected a very large dildo with a slightly smaller prong for anal insertion. When Buffy looked surprised, Diana explained, "I like to double penetrate. Really gets me off. And I get to fuck her harder."

Buffy chose a more modest size dildo. It was ridged from top to bottom and had a clitoral stimulator for her slave. When she'd made the choice, she had to stifle her smile as Faith gave another subtle tug on her belt loop in approval.

As Diana fastened her dildo into her harness, Buffy handed her purchase to Faith. "Prepare me."

"Yes, Mistress."

Faith knelt down in front of Buffy and unsnapped her crotch flap. She covered her mons quickly by inserting the dildo's base into Buffy's harness.

When she was readied, Buffy looked over at her new acquaintance. Diana's slave was already bent over, legs spread, bracing her hands against the railing. Her mistress had already begun to imbed the head of the dildo into her vagina and the butt plug of the dildo was poised just at her rectal entrance. Though the slave was making soft grunting sounds at the penetration, Diana was still removed enough from her so that the other patrons could see her exposed slave starting to be fucked.

"Turn around." Buffy ordered. Faith complied. "Bend over and put your hands on the rail." Again Faith did as she was asked, saying "Yes, Mistress," after every command.

"Spread your legs." Standing directly behind Faith, Buffy effectively blocked the view of Faith's slit from the rest of the room. She slipped the head of the dildo up against Faith's opening. She was toying with the slick entrance when she heard Diana's slave cry out. Looking over again at her associate, she saw that the mistress had plunged the double pronged dildo into her slave up to the hilt. The slave was crying and jerking back against her mistress. Buffy couldn't tell if it was in pleasure or pain.

A slight push back against Buffy brought her attention back to her task. She pushed forward and the ridged toy slipped easily into Faith's slick channel. Buddy hadn't realized how wet Faith was. She pulled out and then in again. She could feel Faith's tightness moving back against her in a slow and sensual rhythm. She braced her hands on Faith hips and pumped into her harder and faster. Soon everyone else in the room was forgotten. It was just her and Faith. It was all she could do not to murmur the loving and encouraging words she often did during their lovemaking. But she just couldn't utter the degrading and nasty phrases that Diana was growling at her slave.

Then Buffy heard familiar grunting and she knew that Faith was close to climaxing. "Mistress." Faith uttered in a strained voice. "May I please cum?"

"No." Buffy answered harshly as she felt Diana's eyes on them. "Not yet."

Faith tried to move her hips faster, but Buffy wouldn't let her control the pace. A few moments later, Faith asked again. "Mistress, may I please cum now?"

"No, you can't." Buffy wasn't sure if it was still the game of dominance that they were supposed to be playing, or if she was actually annoyed at Faith for fucking Diana and letting Buffy fuck her like this now. Either way, she cringed at how easy it was to fall into this diversion. She was feeling as excited as she always did when she was sexual with Faith, but feeling guilty about her other thoughts. Then she heard Faith ask once again with more desperation in her voice. "Please, Mistress, please. May I cum now?"

"Yes." Buffy stepped up the pace, fucking Faith deeper, holding her hips tighter. "You can cum now."

"Oh god… Thank you, Mistress… oh god…" Faith's orgasm exploded so intensely, she felt like she was on fire. The ridges on the dildo scraped and pulled against every part of her pussy. Knowing it was Buffy on the other end of that voracious penetration was more than she could bear. Her cries of release were not fabricated in the least.

Diana was still working over her slave when Buffy stopped and pulled out of Faith. She stood for a moment watching the savage display. Both women seemed to be enjoying themselves completely. As she allowed Faith to turn and stand, she removed the dildo from her harness and refastened her crotch flap. No matter how she and Faith played sexually, she would never understand how humiliating her lover like that could possibly be pleasurable.

When Diana had finished with her slave, Buffy felt a small amount of heat from the gold ear cuff she wore. She frowned at the sensation until a whispered word was emitted from the jewelry.


Although Faith could not feel the warmth at Buffy's lobe, her slayer hearing heard the subtle solicitation. Buffy searched the room for some sign of what direction she should go to follow the invitation. She found it in a tiny red flashing laser light in a far corner. When she got near it, an entryway became apparent that had not been visible before. The moment Buffy touched the door handle she could feel the tingling of an unnatural being close by. Knowing they had found the evil they'd been looking for, she opened it and entered the inner sanctum. Still holding on to her belt loop, Faith followed closely behind her.

The room was much more brightly lit than the main club rooms. It took a second for the slayers' eyes to adjust. It was all Faith could do not to look around. Especially when Buffy inhaled sharply at what she saw.

One side of the room was filled with sophisticated surveillance equipment. From several large monitors, a variety of encounters from the club were being displayed. It was obvious that cameras had been strategically placed so as to observe a multitude of sexual interactions. Buffy realized that this was how the demon must have picked out her victims.

On the opposite side of the room was a large dais that held what Buffy could only describe as a throne. Sitting in it was an imposing, silver-haired woman. She was dressed in a leather vest, and a short leather skirt. Her hair was loose and long. And she wore leather bands on her arms and legs.

But her attire was not the most striking thing about her. She had sapphirine colored eyes. A deep, hard, almost metallic green that seemingly burned with a cold, intense fire. They were unsettling and frightening.

Around the demon were five submissives, two men and three women. They were all nude with expressionless faces and dull, empty eyes. Even after what she'd seen so far, Buffy was still shocked at their behavior. All the submissives were engaged in some sort of mindless sexual activity. To the right of the demon, a man stood facing her with a man to his right and woman to his left. The middle male's hands were fondling between each of his companion's legs. The woman was stroking her partner in return. They acted with no apparent interest or emotion.

To the left of the throne was a raised platform where one woman was lying on her back with her legs spread toward the demon. Her hands were holding herself open so that a second woman standing beside her could intimately stroke her. The standing female submissive was masturbating herself with her other hand. Everything done with the same deliberate, indifferent slowness.

The demon shifted her eyes away from the masturbating women and turned them on Faith. The submissive slayer could almost feel the indecent inspection on her skin. It took a great deal of effort not to shudder.

Buffy clenched her jaw to keep herself from reacting to the way the demon was appraising her lover. Considering what she was witnessing, she didn't want to think about the things that evil being would have in store for Faith if she ever got her hands on her.

As the demon rose, its sexual identity became more disconcerting. Though it had breasts that adequately filled out the leather vest, it also had a distinctive bulge under its skirt. And as its eyes raked over Faith, the hidden package became even more pronounced. 'Oh great,' thought Buffy. 'It's an equal opportunity abuser.'

The hybrid monster left the dais with its multitude of slaves and approached the slayers. Buffy's confusion grew as the bulge under the demon's skirt diminished and then completely disappeared.

"Your slave is absolutely magnificent." It purred as its glacial eyes leered at Faith's body. "And this," reaching out and fingering the knife scar on Faith's abdomen, "is exquisite." Looking back at Buffy, it asked. "Did you do it?"

"Yes," Buffy admitted.

The demon's eyes again crawled over every inch of Faith's body. Buffy's mind was reeling as she tried to concentrate on detecting any weakness in her adversary.

"I want her."

Buffy's attention snapped back from her reverie. There was no way that she'd ever let this, this thing, have any part of her lover. 'Over my dead body…' Buffy thought.

"You seem to have an abundance of slaves already." Buffy indicated the dais where the five submissives were still engaged in their activities with each other. She was searching for any excuse to keep this monster at bay until she could figure out a way to beat it.

"Ah, yes." The demon sighed. "But I go though slaves so quickly. They have so little stamina." It once again scrutinized Faith's physique. "Now this one, on the other hand…"

"I don't think so." The slayer answered. "As you can see, I'm not done with her yet."

The demon shifted its unnatural eyes back toward Buffy. They lit up for a moment at the assuredness of the blonde's negative response. "Perhaps we can negotiate." It purred again. "This way…"

Through a doorway near the surveillance equipment, they entered a large room off the demon's lair. It was what Buffy could only describe as a room built for torture. The "accoutrements" in this room went way beyond any consensual sex in a dominance/submission or even a sadomasochistic lifestyle. The walls were lined with all manner of ancient weaponry. Scythes, axes, knives, swords, whips, branding irons and chains. There were even more of the modern means of pain inducing items, such as a variety of clamps, rings, prods, and wicked looking dildos that ranged in size from uncomfortable to absolutely obscene. The blonde slayer had never in her life seen such a display of items solely designed to induce long tortuous pain or an agonizing death. In addition to the devices lining the walls was a table that would have been any gynecologist's nightmare. It was a standard exam table that had been altered to include thick leather restraints and a series of chains and pulleys in addition to the stirrups. All intended to bind a victim in a multitude of helpless positions. There was also a contraption that looked like a construction saw horse bolted to the floor. But the handcuffs attached to each of the four legs indicated that it was also intended to secure a compromised and vulnerable victim. The final piece in the far corner of the room, by now, did not surprise Buffy. It was a medieval Iron Maiden.

"What is this?" Buffy snapped after surveying the room.

"This is a room where possessions are exchanged." The monster answered seductively. When Buffy looked wary, its voiced turned deadly. "Starting with yours…"

The demon reached out toward her, but Buffy caught the hand before it could make contact. There was a brief test of strength before the demon relinquished its attempt to touch the slayer. Stepping back, the fiend reappraised its guest. "You have power." The demon mused, sounding pleasantly surprised. "So much power…"

"That's right." Buffy confirmed. "And I'm here to take you down."

The demon then smirked at the slayer. "Oh I doubt that." The abnormal being guffawed in response. "I will take possession of your power. And when I do, I will also take possession of your slave. I will so enjoy fucking her… to death…"

Buffy was instantly engulfed by a fury that the threat released in her. The usually controlled slayer attacked with the kind of viciousness one would normally expect from Faith. She unleashed a serious of devastating blows. But even though the barrage backed the demon up, they seemed to have no lasting effect. It was as though the wicked thing was invincible.

Though Faith had not moved, she had taken everything in and her mind was racing to find some advantage for Buffy. As she surreptitiously scrutinized the demon, she noticed that the leather strap around its left ankle was different than the other ones it wore. The band was decorated with seven gold ornaments. Faith immediately realized that the ornaments were exactly like the ear cuff that Buffy was wearing as a member of the club. It had to be significant. Faith didn't believe in coincidences.

The demon was easily fending Buffy off, while it delivered punishing blows of its own. But it was so preoccupied with the tenacious slayer, that it didn't notice when Faith reached down and ripped off the ankle strap. The monster howled in rage. It spun around and backhanded Faith, knocking her down several feet away.

"You sniveling, pathetic, bitch!" The creature hissed as it started toward Faith. "I'll tear you apart right now."

Faith got to her feet, just as the demon reached her. The evil being's eyes widened as it realized that it might not be dealing with a helpless slave. The submissive slayer took advantage of the momentary hesitation. Clutching the leather strap that was now burning in her left hand, Faith unleashed a blow with every ounce of strength in her entire being. A flash of light exploded from her fist as it connected, sending the demon flying across the room and through the opposite wall. It crashed through the video equipment, into the lair, landing near the dais. The demon lay bleeding a sickly lime green fluid from several wounds.

Buffy entered the surveillance room through the hole that the fallen monster had made. She had taken down the biggest axe from the wall. Standing above the wounded beast, she was poised to end its existence.

Just as Buffy was about to bring down the blade, the demon opened those anomalous eyes.

"You have the need." It whispered. "I saw it… possession… to own the soul of another…"

"I will never need this." Buffy asserted. "And neither will you." There were no more cryptic utterances from the owner of Possession as its head was cleanly separated from its body.

Back at their penthouse suite, Buffy let the hot water from the shower rain down on her shoulders. She wished somehow that it could wash away the ugliness of the demon's club. Once the evil being was dead, the submissives had slowly regained their free wills. While slightly embarrassed by their state of undress, they remembered nothing that had happened after they had followed their dominants into the chamber next door. Clearing out the club, rendering statements, determining which of the missing were dead and which had been held captive, were all matters for the police. Buffy's first concern was to make sure that Faith and the submissives were adequately covered. Then she also made sure that she had the hard drive that had recorded their Club Possession activities in her own possession. Faith had sent the ankle strap containing the power of the murdered dominants back to Sunnydale. They felt sure that Willow and Tara would know the best way to put those souls to rest.

Buffy emerged from the shower, wrapped in a plush penthouse bath towel. Faith was already in bed, her eyes closed. The slayer stood for a moment looking down at her lover's beauty.

"Hey, baby…" Faith murmured. She stretched without opening her eyes. "What's up?"

Buffy let her eyes wander over the beautiful face, the shiny, dark mane, enticing neck, the strong shoulders, powerful arms, skillful hands, creamy breasts and taut abdomen. Her eyes scanned the outline of the sensuous crevice between Faith's legs and the defined expanse of thigh that were evident under the sheet. She sighed. No wonder the dominants and the demon had been so enthralled with her. Faith's allure demanded attention.

The cognac colored eyes opened and swept over Buffy's body. They took in the damp, blonde hair curling past her shoulders. There were tiny beads of water still dripping onto her chest and arms. Faith wanted to lick up every drop running down the silky skin. She wanted to run her hands all over the delectable flesh and muscle on the slender frame that was partially hidden underneath the bath sheet. She openly admired her lover, before stopping and gazing back up into hazel eyes. "Damn, B. You look so sexy."

"It's a towel, Faith."

"Baby, you'd look hot in a burlap…" Faith stopped short as Buffy reached up, pulled out the tucked in corner of the towel and let it fall to the floor.

…sack." Faith finished, letting her appreciative expression confirm the truth of her statement. She flipped back the sheet that was covering her lower body and opened her arms. Buffy climbed onto the bed and lay down on top of Faith. They kissed slowly for a few moments. Each enjoying the tingling sparks wherever their skin touched.

After a few moments of the pleasurable exchange, Buffy drew back. Her eyes still held an uneasiness that she hadn't been able to shake since leaving Possession. Sensing her anxiety, Faith gently caressed Buffy's face.

"What is it, B?" She asked softly. "What wrong?"

"I can't stop thinking about what the demon said." The golden slayer momentarily glanced away from her lover's concerned expression. "And I'm wondering if it might have been right."

"About what?"

"Me." Buffy confessed looking tentatively back at Faith. "About what it saw in me." Unshed tears stung at the corners of Buffy's eyes. "About me feeling so possessive of you. Because I do…" Shame colored Buffy's tone as she looked away again. "I need you that much…"

The rogue slayer was no stranger to manipulation or the guilt that followed it. The demon had tried to instill a seed of self doubt as a lasting torment for its executioner. And since Buffy actually did feel remorse for her behavior at the club, the maneuver was successful. Faith put her hand under Buffy's chin and turned her back. She brushed aside the hair that had fallen across the blonde's face. Her gaze caught and held the worried look in Buffy's eyes.

"Listen to me." Faith instructed, her hands moving down to grip Buffy's shoulders. "That thing knew nothing about us. It knew nothing about who we are and how we live. It was a just a ploy, B. Just a last ditch effort to fuck with your head."

"And besides, if it was right, baby," Faith confessed. "then it was right about both of us." Buffy's expression showed her doubt.

"You are my possession." Faith declared. "I own your heart and soul, your mind and your body, B." Buffy looked confused. "And do you know why?" The blonde shook her head slightly. "Because you gave all that to me." Faith confided, dropping her voice to an intimate level. "When you became my everything, B, you became my most valuable possession." A small smile danced across Faith's lips. "And I became yours."

Buff could almost physically feel the heaviness she'd been carrying lift from her heart. Yes, the demon may have picked up on her intense jealousy when Faith had serviced Diana. But their possessiveness of each other went way beyond any sexual fetish or lifestyle. They truly belonged to each other. They were the light and dark halves of the same moon. They were made for each other. They were meant for each other. And that was something only the two slayers could possibly understand.

The blonde slayer leaned down and tasted her lover's soft lips again. Faith responded with equal care. She slipped her fingers through Buffy's hair, caressing the back of her neck. Her other hand gently traced up and down Buffy's spine.

Buffy interrupted the sensuous connection to lean over Faith's ear. She lightly nibbled at the lobe where Faith's submissive ear cuff had been.

"I want to make love to you." Buffy murmured. "I need to touch you my


Faith shuddered involuntarily at the whispered declaration. "B." She sighed as her lover began her erotic exploration. Faith knew exactly what Buffy meant when she said she wanted to touch Faith "her way". Often they made love Faith's way. Fast and furious. Like it'd had been months since they'd last touched instead of hours. Buffy loved the force of nature that was Faith's sex drive. She would get swept away by it, experiencing incredible orgasms that she'd never suspected she could give or receive. But then sometimes Buffy would take control and they would build the passion slowly. And it would start out soft and sweet. When Buffy took control of her like that, it drove Faith crazy. Her heart was already beginning to pound as the thought of what Buffy was capable of played out in her mind. Her lover's touch was gentler than anyone Faith had ever known. She knew that Buffy would cover her neck and chest with feather-like kisses. She knew that her nipples would tighten long before Buffy's lips and tongue ever started the subtle stimulation of her breasts that would make her mind go blank with pleasure. Faith knew that those inquisitive fingers would travel all over her in intriguing patterns designed to heighten the tingling she already felt at the connection of their slayer bodies. And all the while Buffy would talk to her. Faith had never spent much time chatting in bed. But she found that Buffy's tender expressions pierced her heart. It was the kind of torture that she eagerly welcomed.

But then somewhere during the loving worship of her body, Faith also knew that Buffy's seduction would change. Her recitation would slip into the realm of sexy and risqué and Faith's body would react accordingly. Slowly the blonde's touch would become more insistent, showing her strength. Her fingers would find Faith's intimate weaknesses. She would play with and tease the rogue slayer until Faith was desperate for satisfaction. Buffy would know exactly how far she could take Faith before her hands and tongue would release the kind of power that Faith needed and only Buffy could provide. Concentrating on their slayer connection, Buffy would drive Faith to the brink of rapture, with intense wattage charging between their bodies. Faith's excitement would reach a heated crescendo and then her orgasms would blow like overloaded fuses. Sparking and crackling like a live wire, her climaxes would run wild and untamed.

But no matter how high Faith soared or how intense her sexual release, Buffy would always be there for her. She would be waiting to catch her exhilarated lover when Faith finally needed to be grounded again. Buffy would soothe and calm, protect and contain her. Every time Buffy made love to her like that, Faith believed in heaven.

All these things raced through Faith's thoughts as Buffy began to love her. She had wondered at the beginning of their relationship if she could really be as monogamous as she knew Buffy could be. She'd had so many meaningless partners and one night stands. And Faith hadn't known if she was truly capable of anything more. But that question had been answered the first night that she and Buffy spent together. After that amazing experience, Faith couldn't imagine ever wanting anyone else. In truth, she had never wanted anyone else.

Nuzzling the formerly imprisoned lobe, Buffy let her soft breath caress Faith's ear. "It might have been the French braid." She conceded. "It was so sexy. But I wanted to run my fingers into it, untangling it. Cuz I love your hair when it's down and I can smell that spicy shampoo you always use."

Faith let out a small groan as Buffy moved down to her neck. She stopped for a moment sucking on Faith's pulse point. "Or maybe it was your leathers, or the lack of leathers, that was equally…stimulating." The blonde seductress continued. "All that silky skin exposed, these beautiful breasts…" Buffy moved down to the breasts in question, placing intimate kisses over the pliant flesh and tawny colored nipples. "Made me want to feel your skin in my hands. And your naked crotch…" Buffy's fingers danced down Faith's stomach until she was cupping the smooth, heated mound. "That may have been the most mesmerizing." Buffy brushed her middle finger across Faith's clit. "If I could have pushed you up against the front door of the club and slipped my fingers inside you…" Buffy paused, sliding her hand down to do just that. "We would have never made it into Possession at all." She pulled her fingers out of Faith and then dove deeply back in. "I could have fucked you right there and never cared about anything else."

"And I can't believe I watched you go down on another woman." Buffy reached over and nipped at Faith's shoulder. "I wanted to hurt her." She stated, sweetly kissing the mark she'd made. "But then I wanted to be her." She moved her body down Faith's torso, leaving small kisses in her wake. "I knew what she'd be feeling. I knew when your tongue started to explore her folds… And I could tell when you used the tip of your tongue to flick over her clit, making her even hotter." Faith's hips bucked slightly as Buffy spread her legs. Then the blonde turned her back on Faith while straddling her abdomen. "And it was really obvious when you switched to using the flat of your tongue to sweep over her whole slit." Buffy stared down at her fingers disappearing inside Faith. "I could almost feel you massaging her clit, stimulating it, giving it no choice but to come alive with pleasure." Buffy's monologue was now playing out directly over Faith's sex. Her fingers continued their slow penetration and the dark slayer moved in rhythm with the pace Buffy set. "I wanted to feel your fingers slip inside my wet pussy, not hers." Buffy fingers picked up the pace as she leaned down and kissed Faith's clit around her dissertation. "I wanted so badly for you to be fucking me."

"I wanted to be fucking you…" Faith struggled to say as she was losing herself to Buffy's touch.

"I know, baby." Buffy answered as she rose back up and moved her hips further up Faith's stomach. Her fingers spread the folds around Faith's clit. The nude skin was slick and smooth. Buffy braced her legs over her lover and started brushing her fingers across Faith's eager node. The movement was in direct contrast to the direction her fingers were pumping inside Faith. Buffy knew that the opposing pull of her hands would intensify the exhilaration her lover was already feeling. As she picked up the pace of her hands, she also lifted her hips just enough so that Faith could see how turned on she was. It was a subtle maneuver. But she knew that Faith couldn't resist the opportunity to touch her.

As Faith started to moan and thrust against her, Buffy felt two fingers furtively slip up inside her. "Fuck, B……" was the reaction as Buffy's inner walls closed around the invading digits. The expected orgasm came quickly for Faith. The stimulated slayer unconsciously fucked Buffy as she climaxed. When Buffy leaned down and replaced her fingers with her tongue, Faith's clit reacted again. It was difficult not to forget what she was doing and just respond to Faith's fingers as they pounded the front walls of her pussy searching for her G-spot. But making her lover come several times was equally as thrilling to Buffy. She held onto her concentration long enough to be sure her lover was completely sated.

As Faith relaxed, she released her hold on her clever lover. Buffy dismounted and slowly pulled her fingers away from Faith. The brunette's eyes were still closed as she tried to catch her breath and gather her wits. When she finally opened her eyes, she found Buffy lying by her side, smiling down at her. The blonde drew her fingers over Faith's jaw line, stopping at her dimpled chin.

"Welcome back…"

Faith looked up into warm hazel eyes. "Damn, B. The things you do to me…"

"Are things I love doing to you." The blonde leaned down and kissed her brave, fiery lover. "I can never get enough…"

"Don't want you to…" Faith cut her off. The suddenly recovered brunette rose quickly and rolled Buffy onto her back. She stared intently into Buffy's eyes. "ever… feel like you've had enough of me…"

Buffy smiled up at her lover. 'Won't happen, baby." She pulled Faith down and made her obsession quite clear in her kiss. "Faith…" Pushing up slightly, Buffy whispered against Faith's lips. "Make love to me."

Faith turned her lover over onto her stomach. She brushed her hands over Buffy's deceptively delicate back. Faith's breasts, then her lips followed the exploration. Buffy sighed in contentment at the relaxing attention. If she was aware that Faith was about to focus the talents of her tongue further down Buffy's hips, she didn't show it. She laid still and calm, totally submitting to whatever Faith had in mind.

The sexy slayer carefully parted Buffy's legs and placed herself between them. She caressed the firm mounds, warming them with her hands as they yielded to her touch. Then Faith gently spread Buffy's cheeks, exposing the private crevice. The lick of her tongue across the tight anal opening elicited an instant reaction.


"Yeah, baby?" Faith answered as she swept her tongue over the sensitive area again. "You got somethin' you wanna say?"

But Buffy had suddenly become speechless as her lover continued the sensuous rimming. This was something neither of them did very often. The extremely private interaction being something Buffy had done only with Faith. Buffy wanted so badly to open herself up to anything her lover wanted to do to her.

Faith reached under Buffy's hips and began to rub the folds and crevices around her clit. She worked her tongue and her fingers in the same rhythm. Not quite giving Buffy what she needed to climax, but encouraging her desires and making her extremely wet. Buffy tried to manipulate Faith's movements for more contact. But Faith eluded her while she played. When Faith finally slipped her fingers over Buffy's clit, she heard a soft, "oh god" signifying Buffy's gratitude and readiness. Faith stroked both areas of Buffy's body until she had elicited a delicately delicious orgasm from her.

Turning her onto her back, Faith once again knelt between Buffy's legs. She leaned down and kissed her way up Buffy's torso and over her breasts. Holding herself up on one hand, she hovered over Buffy's body, licking and sucking Buffy's nipple. Her other hand pulled gently at the other breast, rolling its nipple between her fingers. The blonde pushed up against Faith. She needed more. The pressure from Faith's stimulation was demanding major satisfaction. Her readiness dripped down soaking her crevice and her thighs.

Faith moved to kiss and nuzzle Buffy's chest, her shoulders, the sides of her breasts, her ribs, her stomach. She nipped at her hips, dipped her tongue into her navel. Buffy closed her eyes as the onslaught of sensations began to overload her with desire. She longed for Faith to fill her inside again.

Buffy sighed in relief as Faith descended down between her legs again. Faith's tongue was so strong, yet so soft. It swept over the blonde's eager nub again and again, giving her the pleasure she craved. Fingers filled her and the incessant tonguing against her clit pushed her to her limit. This time she came hard against Faith's mouth. As the explosive joy left her, Buffy could feel Faith gently lick her back to reality. She loved it when Faith brought her back down in slow measures. She again relaxed into a dreamy state.

At first, Buffy was so sated she didn't feel Faith sifting slightly off of her. When she finally did look up at her lover, she noticed the familiar harness around Faith's hips. And Faith was attaching the equally familiar ridged dildo to her crotch.

"Where did you get that?" Buffy asked, her eyes widening in surprise.

"Kept it from the "accoutrements bar." Faith grinned down at Buffy. "You bought it after all."

"But how did you get it…" Buffy suddenly stopped. "Wait, I don't even wanna know…"

Even if Buffy had wanted to object, she wouldn't have. She somehow felt that turnabout was fair after what she'd done to Faith at the club. Buffy knew that she hadn't hurt her lover. On the contrary, Faith has gotten off extremely hard with the sex toy. But she still somehow felt guilty. If this was what Faith wanted to do, then she was more than willing. Which if she'd given it any thought, she was always eager to do anything Faith wanted even before their visit to Possession.

"Just relax, B." Faith leaned back over her and kissed her. "I'll make it good for you. I promise." Faith rubbed the head of the dildo through Buffy's well lubricated folds. She held poised at her lover's sexy entrance and used her fingers to caress Buffy's clit.

Buffy became so distracted by the stroking fingers over her clit that she hardly felt the ridged dildo that she'd used on Faith until it slid easily into her wetness. As Faith's hips settled between her thighs, she gasped quietly as she felt the shaft fill her slowly. When she was completely penetrated, the clitoral stimulator replaced Faith fingers and rubbed her clit in a subtle rhythm to Faith's movements. "I won't hurt you, baby." Buffy closed her eyes as Faith kissed her lips, her jaw, her neck, her ears. She thrust into her lover at patient pace, allowing Buffy to get used to the pull of the toy.

"Look at me."

Buffy opened her eyes and stared into the loving expression on Faith's face. "Remember, it never means anything to me unless I'm with you."

The honesty of that phrase, released Buffy's guilt about her actions at the club. "Please, baby." She whispered. "Make me feel it. How I made you feel. Take me there."

Faith's expertise surprised Buffy. Though it shouldn't have. She was much more familiar with the sexuality at the club then Buffy had realized. There was much about Faith's past sexual encounters that she'd never asked about. They were definitely going to have to have a little sex talk later.

"Oh god, Faith." Buffy said as the pleasure started to build. "I'm so close."

"I know." Faith replied as she slowed her hips down a bit.

"C'mon, baby. Make me come. Please." Buffy's climax was so close, yet so far away. "I need to come for you."

"I know, baby. Not yet."

Buffy's eyes focused on her lover's smiling face. Her orgasm was totally at the mercy of the movements of Faith's hips. Whether she came or not was completely under Faith's control. She wrapped her legs around Faith's back and tried to move her hips faster against Faith's harness. But the skilled slayer just lifted slightly out of her reach.

"This is payback for me not letting you come at the club, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah…"

"Oh god, Faith. Can't you punish me later?" Buffy pleaded. "I need you so bad."

"Sorry, baby. Payback's a bitch."

"Oh you are so gonna pay for this." Buffy managed to threatened, while still trying to force Faith to fuck her faster.

"Countin' on it, blondie." Faith responded, as she suddenly pushed deep inside her lover. She plunged in again and again with speed and strength until she could feel her lover climb to dizzying orgasmic heights.

"Oh god, Faith!" Buffy screamed. "That's it! Fuck me, baby… please…" She was so close and it felt so good. "More, Faith…faster, baby… please… so deep… oh god…only for you, Faith… only you…"

Much later, an exhausted Buffy lay on her side spooned by Faith's body and firmly cuddled in her arms. Slipping toward sleep, she moved her hips subtly in Faith's lap. "I miss your bush." She murmured. "It was so soft and warm. And it tickled."

Faith laughed quietly as she nuzzled Buffy's neck. "Don't worry, baby." Faith reassured her. "It'll be back to its former glory in a few months."

When Buffy awoke the next morning at the barest hint of dawn, she reached across the bed and found that she was alone. She opened her eyes searching for Faith. She found her lover standing at the window. She was mostly turned toward the lowest light possible before the sun has any intention of rising. Like the night before, the strong set of her shoulders, the dip at her waist, the curve of her hip and the definition of the muscles in her legs were achingly familiar to Buffy. Yet they were as impressive as if she was seeing them for the first time. She always felt like that when she really looked at Faith. Always slightly stunned. She lay there on the bed falling in love with the view as she had been doing literally for years.

"I can feel you, you horny little slayer." Faith teased without taking her eyes off the horizon.

"Ya gotta love that slayer connection…" Her response was almost automatic. She was still reeling from Faith's absolute beauty.

Faith turned her head at the reply. The look on Buffy's face was distant. She was staring, which Faith liked, but her mind was elsewhere.

"Whatcha thinkin'?"

Buffy sighed. "I was just wondering if there will ever be a time when you don't take my breath away."

Faith smiled at her with the kind of tenderness that Buffy knew no one else ever got to see. The side of Faith that was hers… and hers alone.

"I hope not."

The blonde slayer got up from their bed and came to stand behind Faith. She wrapped her arms around the toned waist, feeling Faith's warmth permeate her body. The dark slayer slid her hands over Buffy's arms, securing her lover tightly against her.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

Buffy's eyes were closed and her cheek was resting against Faith's shoulder blade. "I thought I'd already covered that…"

Faith nudged back against her.

"No." She said. "The sunrise." She rubbed Buffy's forearms. "It's the only time I ever feel sorry for the creatures of the night. They never get to see a single dawn."

Buffy opened her eyes and looked out at the sky that was slowly changing hues as the sun was starting to make an appearance. She had never given the start of any day much thought. To her, it had always been the time when the evil she fought during the night went away. To her, it just signified a time to rest. But when Faith asked her to see things through her eyes, Buffy always came away slightly changed.

"It is beautiful."

"I always liked dawn better than twilight." Faith said. "Everything gets brighter at sunrise. But at sunset, everything will only get darker." Buffy turned and kissed Faith's shoulder. "Just think, B, every dawn is another chance to do everything right in your life, instead of somethin' wrong." There was amazement in the rogue slayer's voice. "Every morning is another chance to be the kind of person you know you're supposed to be."

"When did you become so philosophical?"

Buffy could feel Faith chuckle within her embrace. "It's just the facts, Ma'am."

"Like yesterday, B." Faith continued. "We did good work. Even though it was hard. We stopped really bad things from happening to innocent people."

"I know." Buffy acknowledged. "But if it's all the same to you, I'd like to keep our sex life privately behind closed doors from now on."

"Now ain't that a shame." Faith mused as she turned and wrapped her arms around Buffy's back. "Guess I'll just have to cancel that little tryst I had planned on that private beach on Kauai."

"What?! We're going to Hawaii?" Buffy exclaimed. "Wait! Can I reconsider the whole "behind closed doors" thingy? Please, Faith? Can I?"

"Well… why don't I show you what I had in mind and then you can decide if you want to reconsider." Faith proposed as she started to back Buffy toward their bed.

"Oh god, Faith." Buffy lamented. "If you show me what you had in mind, I won't be able to think at all…"


"You almost ready, baby?" Buffy called to Faith from the penthouse living room. Besides the generous payment the slayers had received for destroying the demon owner of Possession, Angel had thrown in a first class luxury vacation in Hawaii. "The limo's here to take us to the airport."

"Hold onto your bikini, B. I'll be right there."

Buffy smiled to herself. Once she and Faith were in Hawaii, there was little hope that either one of them would be able to hold onto their bikinis.

A slight knock on the door to their room and the announcement of "maid service" interrupted Buffy's thoughts. "Come in." She answered.

When Buffy looked up from zipping up their bags, she was shocked to see Diana standing there in a maid's uniform. She was looking equally stunned.

"It's you." She finally said.

"Yup, it's me." Buffy answered.

Before either woman could say more, a sexy voice sounded from the bedroom suite.

"Well now, isn't this a surprise." Faith announced. "Can't say I ever expected to see you again." She came up to Buffy, kissed her and then stood behind her with her arms wrapped around her lover's chest.

Diana's eyes grew wide. "So you two are really together?"

"Oh yeah." Faith guaranteed. "Very together."

"How about you and your "slave"?" Buffy inquired.

"Nah. I just met her on the net." Diana replied. "We got together at the club a few times." Watching Faith release Buffy and pick up her bags, she added. "They closed the club, ya know."

"Yeah, we know." Buffy stated as she picked up her own bags.

"Rumor has it that the owner was killing masters and mistresses and keeping their slaves."

"Yeah, we know." Faith confirmed.

"You some kind of undercover cops or somethin'?"

"Or somethin'." Buffy answered as they headed toward the door.

"You comin' back this way any time soon?" Diana directed the inquiry to both women, though she was clearly looking at Faith.

But it was Buffy who answered. "I wouldn't bet your dildo on it."

The End

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