A Slayer in Love

by My Osage

Copyright © 2003


Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer:  The characters of Buffy The Vampire Slayer do not belong to me. Wish they did. That creation credit belongs to Joss Whedon.
Distribution: The Mystic Muse    /mysticmuse.net
Feedback: Yes, please
Pairing: Faith/Tara

Summary: A witch looking for a job. A slayer looking to survive. In an old LA hotel, they find they need so much more.

She should have stayed in Sunnydale.

Stopping just inside the front door of the hotel, she suddenly realized that coming here was a mistake. Yes, she needed a job. And yes, Giles had assured her that this was the one place in Los Angeles where her talents were needed.

But the woman behind the desk of Angel Investigations was the last person Tara had expected to see. She stood on the hotel's entrance dais and just stared. There was no way this woman would help her.

She should have stayed in Sunnydale.

The dark haired beauty looked up from her reading and studied the woman who had just entered. She looked familiar. Honey colored hair, feminine, with soft, smoky-gray eyes.

"Welcome to Angel Investigations." She said coming out from behind the desk and approaching the woman. "What can I do ya for?"

Tara thought she detected a double entendre in the flawed greeting. But she let it pass. "I'm looking for Angel."

The woman gave her a small smile, showing the beginnings of what Tara suspected were spectacular dimples. But since Tara had never actually seen her really smile, she couldn't be sure.

"Well, the big guy's out of town for a few days." She answered. Standing this close to the visitor, she tried to place her. "I know you."

"You're Faith." It was a statement that often came out sounding like an accusation. But from this woman, it seemed to carry no judgment. "My name is Tara."

"Yeah.... right." Recognition kicked in for the slayer. "Red's girl."

"Not.... Red's girl anymore."

Faith couldn't tell the extent of grief, sadness or anger that might have accompanied the correction. Didn't matter. It wasn't any of her business anyway.

"Sorry." Faith climbed the steps and stood directly in front of Tara. "Didn't know." Picking up Tara's bags, she started up the stairs.

"Wait!" Tara called out to her. "If Angel isn't here, then I should come back later."

Faith turned and looked down at the pretty Wiccan. "You got a place to stay seeing as you just got into town and all?" When Tara shook her head no, Faith started back up the stairs. "Big hotel. Lots of rooms. Angel would want you to stay."

Tara followed the slayer up the stairs to a nice room with a view of the garden. It was simple, but comfortable. Faith set her bags down and turned to her. "I'm the only one here. If ya need anything, just ask. You hungry?"

The witch had forgotten to eat and it was now mid evening. "I should have thought to have dinner before I came."

Again Faith smiled, not quite showing those elusive dimples. "S'ok. I'm not much of a cook. But there must be something downstairs."

Tara rummaged through the kitchen and found Fred's tea blends, sandwich makings and some fruit. Coming back out to the lobby afterward with a cup of tea, she found Faith reading at the desk.

"I made tea. Do you want some?"

Faith gave a small laugh. "Nah, I'm an espresso kind a girl. I like it hot and kickin'."

Tara blushed slightly as she felt the twinge of flirtation. She didn't know whether the comment was intended to be sexual or if Faith was just toying with her. Tara had no reason to feel anything toward the slayer. Apart from her dazzling sexuality, her sultry good looks, her killer body, her sensuous lips and soulful brown eyes.... Tara shook herself mentally. The last thing she needed was any involvement with this woman. In Tara's only other encounter with her, Faith had been purposely cruel. She remembered the night Willow had introduced her to a woman they'd all thought was Buffy. But Faith's essence was in residence that night. She had ridiculed Tara. Even now, she clearly remembered Faith's initial harshness.

"I should turn in." Tara started toward the stairs.

"I remember you." It was a quiet statement. Tara stopped and turned toward the brunette.

"That night at the Bronze." Faith looked up at Tara, her expression unreadable.

"I was mean to you." The slayer's eyes held Tara's. "I'm sorry about that."

Tara didn't know what to say. The slayer's apology caught her completely by surprise. Merely nodding her head, she continued up the stairs to her room. The Wiccan changed her clothes, read for a while, then turned off the lights. There was moonlight and a soft breeze coming through her window. It had been a long day and she drifted into sleep quickly. A few hours later, a dream from her past made a rare appearance. She was back in her family's home. Her brother had caught her doing magic in the attic….again. He was going to beat her. When she managed to escape, she ran until she came to a house. She hoped to find protection, but no one would let her in. What would happen if he found her? That's when she would start to run again. Knowing her brother was not far behind….

Returning from patrol, Faith turned out the lights and locked up. She climbed the stairs, passing Tara's room. Her slayer hearing picked up moaning through the closed door. Smiling, she first thought that the Wiccan was pleasuring herself. But after listening a few moments, Faith detected stress in the sounds. She quickly opened the door to find Tara tossing and turning. Obviously she was in the middle of a nightmare from which she couldn't awake. Faith sat in the bed and gently tried to awaken the witch.

Tara ran in her dream, looking for someone to help her. "Help me," she would call out in the dark. "Please, someone help me...." Then she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Awaking with a start, Tara sat full up in bed and threw her arms around Faith. She held on to the brunette with a fierce grip, terrified that Faith would let her go. For the moment, nothing was rational. She just knew that as long as she held on, she would be safe.

As soon as Faith had tried to wake her by shaking her shoulder, the witch flew into her arms. She could hear the frightened Wiccan's heart racing and feel the rasping breath against her neck. Trying to calm her, Faith held her equally as tight. Rubbing her back, stroking her hair, whispering assurances into Tara's ear.

"Shhh, it's ok. I'm here. Don't be afraid. I'm right here."

As Tara calmed, she began to realize how intimately she was embracing the rogue slayer. She felt Faith's strength in the arms that held her. Her breasts were pressed up against the slayer's tight tank top. She could feel Faith's warm breath against her skin. She smelled like the night.

Gathering what dignity she could, she pulled away from her savior. Sitting back against the bed's headboard she was too embarrassed to look at Faith. She waited for some kind of ridicule.

As Tara sat back away from her, Faith noticed Tara's silken nightgown that left little to the imagination. It was maroon, held in place with tiny shoulder straps. Faith followed the expanse of fair skin down Tara's neck, over her shoulders, across her chest until it disappeared into an intoxicating cleavage. For a moment, the witch's nightmare disappeared as a motive for her being in this lovely woman's room. Faith wanted to reach out and gently lift the flimsy straps off Tara's shoulders and watch the silk slide off her body. Just as she was reaching out, Tara looked up at her. 'What was that in the witch's eyes?' She asked herself. 'Fear? Suspicion?' She snapped out of her fantasy.

"Are you ok?"

The concern in Faith's voice touched Tara. When did compassion and caring become a part of this slayer? This was not the same woman who had made fun of her at the Bronze.

"Yes. I'm fine."

"That must've been a hell of a nightmare." Faith hoped that Tara would want to talk to her. Give her a reason to stay.

"I haven't had one in a very long time." She admitted. Then noticing how exposed she was, she pulled the blanket up over her breasts. She added. "But really, I'm ok now."

Faith looked at the emotions that danced across Tara's face. The Wiccan wasn't very good at hiding her feelings. Maybe she'd never had to.

"Ok." She said trying to conceal her disappointment. "But I'll be right next door if you need anything." She got up from the bed and walked to the door. She hesitated a moment before she left, closing the door gently behind her.

Tara stared at the door. When she had finally gotten the nerve to look up at Faith, had she seen the slayer appreciating her body? Was it disappointment that Tara had seen on the slayer's face when she'd dismissed her? Shaking her head, she slid back down under her blankets. 'Now I really am dreaming' she admonished herself. 'me… and a woman like that......yeah, right.....'

The next morning Tara woke late, showered and dressed. Coming down the stairs, she found the slayer at the desk once again.

"Good Morning."

Faith looked up at her and smiled.


Watching Tara descending the stairs was like watching some modern day Cinderella arrive at the ball. Faith couldn't contain her admiration. The close fitting green lace blouse and the flowing skirt only emphasized Tara's womanliness.

"There are bagels in the kitchen."

Though Faith said it in a casual tone, Tara knew that there had been nothing of the kind there last night.

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yeah, well, slayers gotta eat too. No big."

In the kitchen, Tara found several selections of bagels and cheeses. The brand of tea she had used the night before was on the counter next to the kettle and a mug.

"I didn't know what you'd like."

Tara turned to see Faith leaning in the doorway. For a moment she had to admire the slayer's alluring physique. Arms folded over her chest, a dark blue tank top that didn't quite reach the silver studded belt that wrapped around tight leather pants.

Realizing that her open appraisal was not lost on the slayer, she dropped her eyes to the breakfast foods. "This is great, really." She tried to focus on the generous bounty instead of her benefactor. Changing the subject, she asked. "When did you say that Angel would be back?"

"In a few days."

Still looking down at the food, Tara felt she should say something about the previous evening's events.

"About last night..." She hesitated. "I just want to thank yo....."

But when she looked up, Faith was gone.

The slayer did not return the rest of the day. Tara explored the hotel and the gardens. She thought it would be an interesting place to work if Angel thought a witch would be helpful.

In her exploration, she stopped at the room next to hers. She assumed it was Faith's room. She knew she should pass it up, but she was curious. Opening the door, she found the room tidier than she would have imagined. Clothes were neatly put away. The bare essentials were there. But no personal touches at all that she could see. She walked over to the small closet and touched the leather jacket hanging there. This was what Faith smelled like. Leather. The scent seem to subtly cling to her body even when she wasn't wearing it.

"You lookin' for me?"

Tara jumped at the voice. Turning she saw Faith framed in the doorway. Her stance was much the same as it had been earlier in the kitchen. It seemed to Tara that the slayer's normal posture was defensive. As if she always expected to be under attack.

"I'm s-sorry." The witch blushed at the rare return of her stammer. "I was just curious."

The slayer shrugged. "Nothin' much to see. I travel light."

Tara had to agree. There was nothing in the room, save the leather clothes, that would have indicated that Faith lived here. It appeared that the rogue slayer kept anything personal hidden away inside herself.

"I was headin' out to get somethin' to eat." The slayer sounded casual. "Wondered if you wanted to come along."

"Oh... yes." Tara was quick to answer. She felt out of place, lonely, and just a tiny bit uneasy staying in the hotel by herself. When Faith turned to leave, Tara followed her.

The hotel was not in the very best part of LA. Nor was it in the very worst part. But she wasn't sure she would have ventured out too far alone at night. From the outside, the little café Faith took her to appeared to be a run down shack. But once inside, it was quaint and welcoming.

"Faith! Buon Giorno! Come! Come!" An older man coming out of the kitchen gestured for them to take a table in a quiet corner.

It was obvious that Faith came to the restaurant often. The owner/chef knew her preferences, the food was delicious, and the waitress lingered near Faith whenever she could. There were other patrons dining in the restaurant who also spent a good majority of their mealtime eyeing Faith. Though the slayer didn't seem to notice.

They talked about Sunnydale. Or rather, she did most of the talking. Faith listened quietly, commenting occasionally. Tara told her about breaking up with Willow over her addiction to the power of dark magic. After Willow had kicked her bad magic habit, they had become friends. But any romantic involvement was definitely over between them. She found herself confiding in the attentive beauty about looking for a job with Angel Investigations. She even told her the part of her background that had prompted the previous night's infrequent nightmare. It was cathartic to reveal the anxieties she had about what she was going to do with her life and about her troubled past. She felt better than she had in a long time.

On the walk back to the hotel, a relaxed Tara let her essence feel Faith's aura. Like that night at the Bronze when she had been able to tell that Faith's aura was pure rage hiding in Buffy's body. The aura she sensed now felt like it was from an entirely different person. She perceived compassion, harnessed power, and heavily concealed pain. This was a brave, selfless person who would put her life on the line for others. The violence and intensity were still there. But the slayer had become a caring woman who buried any pain of her own under practiced indifference.

"You're different." Tara spoke before she realized she was thinking out loud.


Looking over at the slayer, she explained. "You've changed since I last saw you."

Faith looked away. "Yeah, well, two years in prison will do that to ya."

Trying to catch her eyes again, Tara tried to explain what she had felt. "I can't begin to imagine how hard that must have been for you." Faith was looking at her now. "But it's more like....' She struggle to say this so that Faith would understand. "the rage is gone. The need to hurt someone else is gone." Tara didn't think she had adequately related how different Faith's past and present auras were. The slayer looked away again. They walked the rest of the way in silence.

When they got to the hotel, Faith told Tara she was going out for a quick patrol. She assured Tara that she would be back before the witch went to sleep. Tara spent the time looking through the vast library Wesley and Fred had amassed. She felt that she could be helpful with the kind of cases and research they were involved in.

Tara looked up from her reading as the front door opened. Faith came in wearing the leather jacket Tara had seen earlier in the slayer's closet. Faith nodded to her as she crossed over to the weapons cabinet to put away her weapons. Tara studied her every move. The dark slayer, as she had been called, moved with a grace that belied her agility and strength. Though she had tempered her rage, she still radiated a wildness and wanton sexuality. And her allure was particularly potent after fighting vampires. The slayer's magnetism was indeed compelling.

"Like what you see?"

The question shook Tara out of her slayer-induced trance. Apparently Faith had been standing at the weapons cabinet watching Tara appraise her. The Wiccan's mind spent a split second considering an evasive response. But her body stepped in and answered for her.


"Yeah, well...I get that a lot."

Instead of the comment coming out brash or arrogant, Faith sounded more resigned, almost weary. Tara realized that many people must have wanted this mysterious, sensuous woman. For sex, for pleasure, for power, for possession. But she wondered if anyone had ever just wanted to love her.

Faith started across the room toward Tara. The witch noticed that the slayer had a bruise under her left eye and a small cut on her delicious lower lip that she suddenly wanted to kiss away. Unable to stop herself she said softly.

"I never realized being so beautiful could be a burden."

The comment stopped Faith in her tracks. She had been called a lot of things, in many different ways. But no one had ever said that she was beautiful in the heartfelt, sympathetic way that Tara meant it. A slight frown made it clear that she didn't know how to react to such kindness.

Tara stood up. She closed the distance between them in a few steps. She lifted her hand to Faith's face and let her fingers gently stroke the bruise under the slayer's eye. Then her hand drifted lower until her fingertips tenderly traced Faith's lips. Looking up into Faith's deep brown eyes, she tried to decipher what the slayer was thinking, if she should go on. But Faith just continued to watch her. The decision was apparently Tara's to make.

She dropped her hands down to the leather clad arms. She stepped so near the slayer that when she lifted her head slightly her lips were merely inches away from Faith's. She waited a moment, giving Faith one more opportunity to pull away from her. She didn't.

Tara barely grazed the full lips in front of her. She lightly nibbled them, tasting, learning. She was careful of the small cut as she gently played with Faith's lower lip.

The witch's touch was as electrifying as it was calming. Faith didn't understand how that could be. She had always been about hot sex and quick satisfaction. This subtle sensual assault was maddening. And yet, she felt she could let Tara slowly taste her like this for hours.

All thinking stopped for Faith when Tara finally kissed her. The witch's lips were soft and sweet. Over and over their lips met. Caressing each other, communicating their mutual needs. Faith was holding herself back as best she could. She wanted to feel Tara's tongue in her mouth. She wanted to rip the witch's clothes off and ravage her right there on the lobby floor. Urgent familiar needs coursed through her body. But her mind wanted to treat Tara with care. She wanted to take her and she wanted to pleasure her all at the same time.

Tara could sense the struggle within Faith. She stopped kissing her and took her hand, pulling the slayer toward the stairs. "Come....."

Faith followed feeling a range of unfamiliar emotions. She knew they were going to Tara's room. She knew that she was going to get laid tonight. That's what always happened when she was hot like this. But somehow this scenario was different and she couldn't comprehend why. What was it about this witch that made her feel so conflicted and exposed? As Tara led her to her room, Faith sensed that being intimate with this woman was going to be nothing like she had ever known. Faith knew why Tara wanted the sex. But she was at a loss as to why Tara appeared to want, and more importantly, was going to get, so much more from her.

Closing the door after them, Tara turned and put her arms around Faith. She inhaled the leather jacket, as she nuzzled the slayer's neck. Stepping back she slipped the jacket off and tossed it aside. She left Faith standing there as she backed up toward the bed. She didn't speak. She just slowly started unbuttoning her lace blouse.

Faith watched the Wiccan's fingers undo her shirt. It was so enticing the way her fingers lingered on each button. The slayer's breathing was becoming labored. Her eyes riveted on the undressing witch. It took all her willpower to let Tara continue her seduction uninterrupted.

Tara opened her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. It fell to the floor revealing a flesh colored camisole. Faith was transfixed by what she saw. Tara could feel her nipples harden under the intense scrutiny. The hunger in the slayer's eyes made Tara feel more sexually alive than she'd felt in a long time. This incredible woman wanted her, no, craved her. She could feel the lust. It was intoxicating.

Faith couldn't wait anymore. She stepped up to the half dressed witch and put her hands on Tara's waist. The feel of the silk fabric covering what looked like equally silky skin was all the encouragement she needed. She brought her hands up to Tara's shoulders and tucked her fingers under the shoestring straps. With the slightest effort, the straps came down off Tara's shoulders and the camisole fell to her waist.

A sharp intake of breath was Faith's immediate response to the vision before her. She knew she had the kind of breasts that lovers liked. But Tara was absolutely beautiful. Her skin was smooth and fair. Her breasts were generous and soft. Nipples a dusky rose color. Faith's hands immediately went to them. Cupping them, fondling gently. The softness of this woman flowed over her in an almost physical wave. She looked up into Tara's eyes. If she had known what a loving expression looked like, she would have recognized it. But she didn't. What she did recognize was Tara's submission. The witch was giving herself to Faith. Tonight she could have this woman, all of this woman. Without letting go of her breasts, Faith kissed Tara again and again. They were not the sweet subtle kisses of before. Faith began to let go of the passion she'd been holding back. Tara matched her lust, matched her need. She surrendered completely to the slayer's carnality.

Tongues traded dominance as the women explored each other mouths and lips. Faith's hands were running rampant over Tara's body. She pulled on the skirt and heard the waistband buttons rip off. She didn't care and Tara didn't stop her. Pushing the skirt and the camisole down to the floor, she laid the compliant witch down on the bed. There were small silk panties keeping warm a place where Faith would soon be spending a lot of time. But for now, she wanted Tara's breasts. She wanted to taste her nipples, feel them in her mouth, hardening under the teasing of her tongue.

Tara's mind reeled as Faith laid her back on her bed. Feeling those full lips wandering over her breasts until they found a nipple they could kiss. The slayer pulled the Wiccan's left breast into her mouth. Tara felt a strong quick tongue flicking over her areola while eager fingers toyed with her other hardened nub. She entangled her fingers in Faith's thick tresses trying to hold her in place. Looking down at the vision of Faith suckling her almost brought her to climax.

Alternating between both breasts, Faith satisfied her desire. She continued to fondle Tara while she searched for the rest of the witch's secrets. She wanted to know all the special places. Those intimate areas that possibly Tara didn't even know were sensitive. She found several. The soft side where Tara's breast met her ribs. The stretch of skin between her jaw and her collar. Her left shoulder.... the right side of her navel....

Everywhere Faith touched her seem to ignite her into flames of desire. She still had her fingers in the slayer's hair. Trying to follow her lover as she worked her way down Tara's body. She knew where Faith was going. And she couldn't hold back a small moan at the thought.

At the sound of Tara's excitement, Faith stopped and looked up at her. Lying by her left hip, she brushed her hand over the satin mound at the apex of Tara's thighs. Heat emanated from underneath the delicate fabric. Exploring lower, Faith found that the panties were soaked. She looked up at Tara and grinned.

"Looks like you're my girl tonight."

For a moment, Tara thought she felt her heart actually stop. It was not only the possessive, sensual comment. But Faith flashed a smile that Tara was sure hardly anyone ever got to see. And she had been right. A truly spectacular set of dimples were winking up at her. She managed a bit of bravado as she smiled in return.

"Then you better treat me right, slayer."

Still smiling, Faith got up to her knees and pulled her tank top off over her head. She was wearing a black lace bra. She brought her hands up her flat stomach and over the lace covered breasts. She watched Tara gape at her while she fondled herself for several minutes.

"I take it back," the witch growled. "You're still mean...."

Faith laughed. Reaching behind her back, she unhooked the sexy black cover releasing her full and gorgeous breasts. She leaned over Tara and dragged them up her stomach until they rested on top of the witch's own flesh. Kissing her soundly, she let Tara feel as much of her breasts as she could reach. While the witch was being mesmerized by Faith's breasts and kisses, she sought Tara's wetness. Slipping under the saturated panties, Faith cupped the heated center between Tara's legs. The witch gasped at the sudden possession. Unconsciously spreading herself for more contact.

Again the slayer raised herself up on her knees and hooked her fingers under Tara's now useless panties. When the witch lifted her hips slightly, Faith pulled them off her. Then spreading the Wiccan's legs apart, she nestled herself between them. She brushed her cheek against the smooth skin of Tara's inner thigh. Inhaling the sweet musk that emanated from the witch's center. She looked up to find Tara watching her. She held the witch's gaze as her fingers slowly penetrated her warmth. Tara's eyes widened and her respiration stopped as she felt Faith enter her without forewarning. Not that she wasn't ready. 'Breathe,' she reminded herself, 'just breathe.'

The slayer kept her fingers inside Tara as her other hand explored the Wiccan's ignition switch. Separating the hair glistening with Tara's excitement, she found skin more silken than any she had discovered so far, if that was even possible. She investigated the little nub that could produce such intense gratification, memorizing the delicate looking folds and nuzzling lightly. As she played, her fingers instinctively searched deep inside the witch. She was losing herself in this wondrous woman.

"Faith...... Please....."

The quiet imploring brought Faith out of her preoccupation. Looking up from between the Wiccan's legs, she could see that the smoky gray eyes had darkened with desire. She gently kissed the sexual shaft several times before latching onto it and licking in earnest.

"Oh Goddess...." Any rational thought shorted out in Tara's brain. She was operating on pure passion. She tried to watch as the slayer, who seemed quite comfortable settled between her legs, enjoyed herself. But her body would not be still. She bucked against Faith's ministrations. The sensations were so strong that she tried to get both closer and farther away from them. Faith's fingers were probing her depths with more speed and intensity. Her tongue was whipping her cooperative node into a staggering surge of ecstasy. A crescendo began to build from her very foundation. She could feel the force of an orgasm that was stronger than any she had experienced using magic. It consumed her, freed her, exposed her, launched her, until she swore she could see the other side of the moon.

"Faith! oh my Goddess! Faith! oh Faith.... yes!.....oh.... yeeeessss!!......"

The slayer could feel Tara's climax expand and overtake the witch. She knew Tara was in the midst of an astounding orgasm, because she could feel the tremors ricochet into her own body. Faith had fucked a lot of women in her time. But she'd never been so connected that she'd actually shared in another woman's orgasm. The slayer was awed by the witch's prowess. And she practically burst with pride for having created these glorious sensations for Tara.

As Tara's body slowed and relaxed, Faith stopped her penetrating fingers but did not remove them. She kept kissing Tara's clit very lightly, not wanting to leave her. The spasms inside the Wiccan embraced her for several minutes before they stopped.

The witch was totally spent. She would never have imagined that a sexual liaison with the rogue slayer would be one of the most incredible experiences of her limited encounters. She'd only had one lover. And they had enjoyed each other immensely until magic had taken over. Yet here she was with only her second lover, stunned by the force of their interaction.


Hearing Tara call to her, Faith reluctantly left the cozy shelter she'd found between Tara's legs. She released her hold on the witch, and crawled up her body. But she kept one leg centered to keep the witch warm. Faith gave Tara a tender kiss, then smiled down at her still unfocused lover.

"You want me?"

It was another double meaning question. Tara realized through her post coitus haze that Faith was an expert at them. Though she didn't think she could move yet, the answer to any meaning of the question was a definite yes.

Tara wrapped her arms around Faith and pulled her close. The slayer rested her head on Tara's chest feeling almost as sated as if she was the one who'd been caressed. It was strange to feel so content. Usually she had an uncontrollable urge to get some and get gone. But she was in no hurry to be touched. And she was definitely in no hurry to be gone.

Tara rubbed Faith's back in lazy circles as she recovered. Her hand drifted down the slayer's side until she caressed a leather clad hip. She shifted so that she could kiss the top of Faith's head. The slayer looked up into Tara's eyes. She looked serene. But Tara knew Faith needed to be satisfied. Besides, the witch badly wanted to make love to the slayer. She slid her hand further down until she was fondling Faith's ass.

"I love the leather," she whispered. "But can we take these off?"

Faith moved faster than Tara could have expected. She stood at the side of the bed and unbuttoned her leathers and pushed them down her legs. Tara was somewhat shocked to find that Faith wore no underwear. Tossing her pants aside, the slayer grinned at her.

"If I'd known you were gonna get all hot and sweaty with me, I would have worn underwear." She practically smirked. "You owe me a trip to the cleaners."

Leaning up on her elbow, Tara surveyed all of Faith's assets. She was compact and toned. Tanned and defined. There were scars from years of fighting and injury. But the imperfections only made the slayer more erotic.

"Worth every penny....."

Faith jumped back onto the bed. Or perhaps pounced on top of the recumbent witch would be a more apt description. She straddled Tara's hips, holding herself up on hands and knees. She dropped into a crouch, dragging her breasts up Tara's torso again. When she reached Tara's mouth, she kissed her hard. Repeatedly trying to possess as much of the Wiccan as she could. Then she lifted up just enough so that her breasts hovered above Tara's lips.

Tara wasted no time in kissing and fondling the magnificent breasts presented to her. The slayer was so powerful and strong. But her skin was velvety and her breasts so yielding. Nibbling and licking her way around the lovely mounds caused Faith's hips to start rocking above her. The witch reached down between the slayer's legs and coated her fingers with the abundant wetness she found there. Faith's movements faltered as she felt the witch's fingers draw through her erogenous zone. Smiling up at her, Tara gently spread the slickness over Faith's nipples. As she rubbed them, they tightened again from the attention. Then she drew one into her mouth. The slayer's essence was slightly salty. Tasting Faith this way was so intimate. But she wanted more. She suckled and tongued the slayer's nipples until none of the essence was left.

Faith was so hot. She could feel the fire of need building in her body. Every fiber of her being cried out to be fucked. But she held herself above Tara. She wanted Tara to enjoy making her come. She just needed it now. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, Tara's fingers began to explore her folds. Tara found her shaft and was expertly stroking it. Faith began to thrust against Tara's hand. It was not enough. Grabbing Tara's other hand she positioned the Wiccan's fingers near her slippery lips. Seeing the fervor in Faith's eyes, Tara quickly found the heated entrance and dove in with three fingers.

The sexy slayer cried out as the witch filled her. She crashed down onto Tara's pelvis, burying the Wiccan's fingers even deeper inside her. As she drove her hips into Tara trying to get enough pressure for release, she became aware of the witch tugging on her. She tried to focus on her lover's face.

"Com' here.." Tara's coaxed seductively.

Tara pulled Faith up so that she was now straddling her head. The witch had not removed her fingers. She could feel the fever in the smooth inner walls of the slayer. She desperately wanted to make Faith come while she was tasting her. Faith's legs were powerfully built. So Tara pushed the slayer up just above her head and then pulled her hips down. Crouching above Tara's mouth gave the Wiccan perfect access to the slayer's launching pad. Covering Faith's clit with her mouth, she reached deep inside the slayer with every penetration of her fingers.

Faith didn't know how she was going to hold still so that Tara could keep licking her, sucking her, and stroking that sweet spot that Tara had discovered inside her. She tried to concentrate. But she was fragmenting. Falling apart as different areas of pleasure were being activated. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she realized that Tara was extremely good at what she was doing. But her consciousness just wanted the pleasure to propel her out of herself.

"Don't stop, baby." Part demand, part pleading. "Please don't stop....

Please.. Tara....... Please……"

Hearing the slayer beg for her touch, her mouth, encouraged Tara to increase her motions. Faith thrashed against her even more, crying out as her orgasm started to take hold. But the witch held on. She was determined to give this beauty a heaven on earth experience.

The surge that overtook the slayer was one of the most intense she'd ever had. And Faith had had a lot of really good sex. Molten lava seem to course through her veins as she climaxed. She expected the feeling to subside. And it did, for a brief moment. But, as Tara continued her manipulations, Faith felt the impact building up and hitting her again. Moving in perfect rhythm with the witch below her, she arched back off her hands, invoking Tara's name again. She wasn't usually this vocal during sex. Certainly not a shouter or screamer. But she couldn't help imploring the gods, Tara and whomever else she could think of as she came one last, powerful time.

The slayer dismounted carefully. Dropping on her back, she tried to gather her wits and catch her breath. Her heart was pounding wildly. Tara turned and gathered Faith into her arms. The slayer was completely sated, slightly confused and totally defenseless. 'What was that?' she wondered hazily.

Tara held the exhausted slayer next to her heart. 'What an incredible woman,' she mused. Faith was nothing like Willow. She had enjoyed her ex-lover immensely. But there was something about this slayer, her needs, her flaws, her lifetime of loveless sexual encounters that captivated the witch. She didn't need an explanation. But she knew eventually Faith would have questions.

But not now. Faith was almost asleep cradled by the softness of Tara's arms and breasts. She didn't leave, she didn't move, she didn't dream. She let herself be wrapped up in this cocoon of peace and contentment. Feelings that were usually so foreign to her. She was too sated to think of anything beyond that.

Tara stroked the sleeping slayer's hair. She would have been satisfied to stay in Faith's embrace indefinitely. As she drifted off to sleep, she whispered. "And that, my sweet slayer, is what it feels like to be loved......"

Dawn was beginning to drift through the open window when Faith stirred. She sensed she was in unfamiliar surroundings. Opening her eyes, she found herself spooned up against Tara's back. Her arms were wrapped possessively around the Wiccan. Her first thought was to get up and leave before the witch awoke. But then memories of the night before came flooding back. She smiled as she nuzzled silken hair away from a soft neck. Moving her lips gently up to Tara's ear, she let her lips explore. Tara shifted slightly in her arms. With her eyes still closed, she leaned back, exposing more of her neck and chest to the slayer.

"Morning..." she whispered

"Hey....." The slayer responded. Her warm breath next to Tara's ear.

The witch covered the arm that anchored her to Faith. "Can you stay with me just a little longer?"

"Yeah," Faith tightened her hold. "I can do that."

When Faith awoke again, the morning sun was streaming into Tara's room. She was alone. Rolling on her back, she stretched. She couldn't remember when she'd felt better. The door opened and Tara came in with a steaming mug.

The sheet draped seductively across the slayer's hips. Tara watched lightly bronzed muscles flex as the slayer stretched. Faith propped herself up on one elbow, a questioning look on her face. Tara sat down on the bed next to her. "One espresso. Hot and kickin'." She smiled at the look of surprise on Faith's face. "Just the way you like it."

Faith couldn't help but grin as her own words came back to her.

The slayer was again gone for most of the day. Tara was getting used to the hotel. It actually had an old fashioned charm to it. Despite the remnant essence of demon activity.

Walking the streets, Faith tried to figure out what it was about Tara that drew her so. Tara was definitely a looker and great in bed. But there was something more that made Faith want to be near her, to be with her. After they had finally emerged from Tara's bedroom, Faith had thought there would be all kinds of expectations in Tara's manner. But there hadn't been. The witch just looked at her as if their encounter had been enough. Tara's eyes had told her that it was what it was. A pleasurable night with no strings, no possessiveness attached. The slayer didn't know if she was relieved or disappointed.

That night after the slayer returned from patrol she went up to Tara's room. She knocked on the door and opened it. Tara was lying on top of her bed reading. "Angel called. They'll be back tomorrow."

"Thank you."

Faith lingered at the door. She wanted to stay with Tara. Feel her soft body against her again. This never happened to her. She didn't spend nights. And she didn't do second nights. So she just looked down at the floor, uncertain how to make this request.

Tara watched the play of emotions on Faith's face. "Do you want to stay?" Tara asked softly.

The slayer didn't answer as Tara set her book aside and moved over to make room for her. Faith joined her on the bed and snuggled into her. Tara kissed her tenderly. Small sweet kisses that the slayer returned unhurriedly. Faith realized that she'd wanted to be back in Tara's embrace all day. The witch slowly brushed her hands over Faith's body. The bright red tank top accentuated Faith's charms. The skin-tight jeans also effectively displayed the slayer's eye-catching build. The kisses continued while Tara slipped her hand under Faith's shirt and caressed the lace bra she wore. Gently laying the slayer down, she pushed the shirt up over her breasts and lightly bit the lace covered nipples. Her hand begin to stroke the seam that disappeared between Faith's legs.

Faith sighed contentedly. This unhurried, slow assault on her senses was a new experience. Somehow she'd managed to arrive in paradise.

Tara sat up and pulled the sexy red shirt off Faith. The black bra followed. She pulled her own t-shirt off to reveal a completely sheer bra. 'Wow…' was Faith's only thought seeing those lovely breasts through the transparent fabric. Aloud she said, "Damn, Tara, you've got the sexiest underwear."

The witch chuckled at the appreciative declaration. She let her fingers unbuckle and unzip the mesmerized slayer. It was clear that Faith was once again naked under her jeans. She played with the soft hairs covering Faith's mons as she resumed kissing her.

Wanting more from her witch, Faith began to tug her jeans off. Trying to keep contact with Tara's lips as she did so. It wasn't easy, but she managed to strip completely without losing one kiss.

Standing up for a moment, Tara also shed her shoes and jeans. Her panties had the same sheerness as her bra. She left them on while she lay back down next to Faith. She trailed her lips up Faith's neck. Nibbling and whispering at her ear, Tara's voice was soft and sweet while the things she said were lusty and decadent. Spreading Faith's legs, she stroked the sexual nub that would ignite the slayer's desires. It didn't take long before Faith felt like she was on fire. Tara kissed her way down the slayer's body, landing between wide open legs. Faith's hips arched up toward her. She swept her tongue immediately though the folds already slick with Faith's readiness. She took her time. But every stroke shot Faith closer to her pinnacle. The slayer was released several times by the tender barrage of Tara's tongue and long fingers probing inside her. As the slayer recovered, Tara planted feather light kisses between her legs and inside her thighs. The loving attention permeated the slayer's protective emotional armor. It didn't occur to Faith that she could ever fall in love with the witch. All she knew was fighting and sex. She'd never been in love. Faith didn't dwell on deep emotions. When she had done so in the past, it had always led to pain and heartache.

Tara gazed up at the slayer. Her head now rested on arms that were crossed over Faith's hips. Looking back down at the Wiccan, Faith felt such a connection to Tara. She brought her hand down and sifted her fingers through the witch's hair. Tara closed her eyes and leaned her head into the affectionate gesture.

She pulled the witch up so that Tara lay on top of her with her head resting on Faith's chest. Holding her lightly, Faith whispered through tender kisses into glossy hair. "You're absolutely amazing."

The next day, Team Angel returned from their trip. "You must be Tara." Angel crossed the lobby and shook Tara's hand. "Faith told me that you're looking for a job fighting the forces of evil." He introduced the rest of the gang, Fred, Gunn, Wesley, and Cordelia. "Had any experience in battling demons?"

"Kind of a prerequisite for living in Sunnydale with the Scoobies." The witch replied. "You could call Giles or Buffy for references, if you'd like. They seemed to think you could use my skills."

"I would have thought that Sunnydale would need a witch more than LA." Wesley commented.

"They already have one."

Something in Tara's tone and a look from Faith told Angel to drop the subject.

"Well then, why don't you join us on a patrol tonight and we'll see how it goes." Angel had a good feeling about this woman. "Fred can show you some of the cases we're working on. Did Faith take good care of you?"

Tara blushed slightly as she saw Faith's lips twitch into a tiny smile. "Yes," she managed to get out. "Yes, she did."

That night, Angel, Gunn, Wesley, Fred, Faith and Tara did a sweep in one of the most active cemeteries in town. They found a den of vampires planning a normal everyday siege. They attacked the nest while Tara and Fred remained a small distance from the fray. Vamps were being dusted at a good pace. Tara had never seen Faith fight. She had a very different style than Buffy. She was more violent, more reckless. Tara realized that Faith fought demons and had sex with the same kind of fierce abandon.

During the fray, while Faith staked a particularly difficult vamp, another one came up behind her undetected. She might have turned in time to protect herself, but Tara reacted faster. Her hand shot out and she recited some phrasing in Latin. A barrier immediately materialized behind Faith, blocking the vampire from her. Faith looked over at Tara. When Tara nodded and dropped her hand, the barrier disappeared. Faith then staked the vamp before he even knew what had happened.

"Way cool." Gunn said.

Faith ran over to Tara. She stood in front of her breathing hard from the physical exertion. Tara didn't know if she was pleased or angry that she had interfered with her slaying. Then Faith put one hand behind Tara's head and pulled her into an intensely passionate kiss.

"Whoa... didn't see that comin'." Gunn voiced the surprise of the entire gang.

Faith released Tara and turned to Angel. "We done here?"

"Uh… yeah...." answered a still stunned Angel.

The slayer took the witch by the hand and they quickly vanished into the night.

They were moving so fast. Tara didn't know Faith well enough to understand her mood. Was she grateful or annoyed? Tara was worried.

"Faith, wait..... please....."

The slayer stopped and looked at her.

"I'm sorry if I upset you." Tara started to explain. "I reacted hastily. I didn't mean to…..."

Faith silenced the rest of Tara's monologue with a softer kiss than the last one. Releasing her, she whispered in Tara's ear. "We'd better keep moving unless you want me to spread you right now and take you right here....."

A hand cupping Tara through her skirt was enough to let the witch know that Faith was serious.

"Let's go."

In the months that followed, Tara fit nicely into the Angel Investigations company. Her research skills and witchcraft served them well. No one seemed to be consciously aware of the overall impact Tara's presence had on the group. Her quiet demeanor gave calm to the sometimes chaotic and always dangerous situations. Everyone just seemed to feel a little more relaxed when she was around.

What they did notice, however, was the profound effect Tara had on Faith. It was obvious that the women were involved. The sullen, often antagonistic loner was changing right before their very eyes. She was less restless and more genial. She was still the rogue slayer. But for the first time since she'd arrived, she was almost sociable. If they had cared to pry, they would have also noticed that Faith didn't prowl the nights for sexual conquests anymore. Nor did she ever sleep in her own room.

Bursting through the door one day, Lorne announced his return from an extensive out of town singing engagement. "Heeeyyyyy!" he called out. "Honey, I'm home!" The old gang was scattered about the lobby attending to a variety of tasks. Angel and Cordy were in the office. Fred and Wesley were checking research notes at the desk. And Gunn was taking inventory of their weapons. All eyes turned in his direction. His demon senses started to tingle. There was definitely something different in the atmosphere of the hotel. Looking up, he saw a stranger coming down the stairs followed closely by Faith.

"Yo! Witch in the house!" He exclaimed excitedly. "So that's where all the warm fuzzies are coming from."

Everyone was looking at him with varying degrees of perplexity. Except Tara. She understood his extra sensory perception of his friends. Smiling she reached out and took Lorne's hand. "I'm Tara."

"And what have we here?" He queried looking past Tara directly at Faith. "Oh, hey! Look, a slayer in love…"

Faith's smile froze on her face. She stared at Lorne like he was crazy. 'What? What's he talking about?' She thought. 'What the hell's that supposed to mean….'

Trying to deflect attention away from the stunned slayer, Fred started yammering about a case they were working on. Yammering was her specialty and it was a very effective diversionary tactic. She stepped up, grabbed both Tara and Lorne and pulled them across the lobby into the office. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air. Lorne had inadvertently given voice to something that everyone, except Faith, already knew. That their slayer had fallen in love with their witch.

Faith disappeared for the rest of the day. Lorne was informed of everything that had happened in his absence. That evening he sought out Tara in the hotel's garden. He observed her for a moment before joining her.

"You love her, don't you?" He asked. Though he didn't have to read her to know the answer.


"I'm sorry, sweet cheeks. "He felt bad about stumbling into uncharted territory. "It's just that it was so obvious. Her feelings are so strong." He looked up at the stars. "I was sure she knew."

Tara gave him a small smile. It wasn't his fault. She knew how precarious her relationship was with Faith. "How could she?" Tara sighed. "I don't think there's a chapter in the Slayer's Handbook on falling in love." She glanced briefly at the sympathetic demon. "She's a slayer. It's all she's ever known."

Lorne chuckled softly. "Well, honey, if ya ask me… wait… there's a Slayer's Handbook?"

All afternoon Faith had wandered the city in a rage. Lorne had said she was in love with Tara. Blurted it right out as if it was something everyone could see. As if it was something that was actually true. But it couldn't be. She had been alone her whole life. Never loving anything or anybody. It was safer that way. Nobody got hurt that way. Damn. She knew that her habits had changed since the day Tara had arrived. So what if she didn't feel like cruising so much anymore. Well, more like never anymore. That didn't mean anything. It's just that nothing appealed to her like the softness of Tara. (Ok, so she noticed the momentary twinge in her groin at the mere thought of Tara's softness.) So what if she preferred to sleep wrapped around the witch instead of alone in her room. It didn't mean anything.

By nightfall Faith was looking for trouble. Not hard to find in LA. She ventured out to the nastiest of cemeteries. As she took on the vamps living there, she gave into her frustrations. But she was fighting distracted. The vamps landed blows that normally would never have connected. Luckily she was too proficient a fighter to get seriously injured. When no vampires were left standing, she dropped down onto the grass bruised, tired and reconciled. She looked over at the grave next to her that was just like thousands of others. Its marker was embossed with the sentiments of a couple united both in life and in death. The single engraving, 'I love you,' making sense to Faith for the first time in her life. Could it really be so bad? Admitting those feelings for someone? The slayer was normally fearless. But putting her heart on the line seemed more dangerous than slaying. And she'd already had enough grief in her life. Then it occurred to her that she was not putting her heart out there for some barroom bimbo. It was for Tara. And she would do anything for Tara. Her emotional tirade eased. Damn…. How hard could it be learning to love a woman like Tara?

"I know Tara's worried." Fred whispered to Angel. "Don't ya think you could just go out and maybe, find her and bring her back?"

Angel was a little concerned that Faith might be angry. He pitied any vampire that crossed her path tonite. But this was a battle she had to wage on her own. Looking up from his desk, he said. "Don't worry, Fred. She'll be all right." Following his eyes, she saw Faith slowly climbing the stairs. The slayer looked like she'd taken quite a beating. When Fred started out after her, Angel caught her arm. "She'll be all right."

The knock on her bedroom door came as a small surprise to Tara. She knew Faith needed to sort out her feelings. It was not something Tara could help her with. She could only wait and hope that Faith made a decision to come back to her. The door opened and Faith stepped into the room. All Tara's previous mental lecturing disappeared as she got up off her bed and approached the slayer. In the months she'd been here, she had never seen Faith injured like this. Her right eye was swollen and her lip was cut in several places. There were choke marks on her neck and from the slightly bent way Faith was standing, there were more injuries to her ribs and abdomen. She led Faith to the bed and sat her down. She carefully slid the leather jacket off. There were bruises on her arms and her knuckles had abrasions across them. Faith spread her legs slightly and pulled Tara in so that she was standing between them. She embraced the Wiccan and lay her head against her stomach. That feeling of peace that she always associated with Tara began to saturate her entire being. Suddenly nothing else matter except being with this woman. Faith had never had a safe haven. But if she had, she imagined it would be exactly like this.

Tara held the slayer tenderly. "You're hurt."

"Nah, just roughed up a bit." The slayer mumbled into Tara's ribs. "I was a little distracted."

"You could have been killed." Tara tried to temper her anxiety. If anything had happened to  Faith...

Faith looked up at Tara. "Nope. Couldn't happen. I had to tell ya somethin'."

The witch smoothed the hair away from the face still beautiful despite the damage. "And what's that?" she asked gently.

"I love you, Tara." The slayer's eyes were clear and honest. Tara seeing vulnerability and trust in them for the first time. Definitely a slayer in love.

"I know, Faith." Tara gathered the slayer against her again. "I know."

Laying Faith down, Tara undressed her with care. She called upon the healing forces of nature to help mend her wounded slayer. As Faith slept, she kissed every ache on the slayer's body. Between her efforts and Faith's own slayer healing power, the wounds and pain would be almost gone by morning. When she was finished, she undressed and took her slayer into her arms. She would tell Faith in the morning that she loved her. But she knew the words weren't terribly important to Faith. The slayer would feel her love in every moment of every day for as long as she lived. Perhaps this was not the smartest thing she'd ever done. Tara knew that loving a slayer might someday come with a very high price. But she didn't care. If she was fortunate enough to have Faith in her arms like this every night until then, it would be worth it.

The End

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