I Told You So

By Kirk Baldridge

Copyright © 2004


Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. If I did, I'd treat them better than...some people.
Distribution:  The Mystic Muse:  /mysticmuse.net
You want it? Take it. Just let me know where it is.
: Yes, please. The more the better.
Spoilers: None.
Author's Notes: This is a silly little thing I wrote on a whim. Consider it a tribute to Anya.
Pairing: Just Anya

Summary: Looks like Anya was right all along.

The end of the world.

You know, we talk about it all the time. I heard them laughing and joking about demons and Hellmouths and the plural for apocalypse. I'm still trying to figure that one out myself.

Bad timing.

See, I have a different perspective on things than the rest of them. I'm older than all of them put together, many times over, including Spike. And during those centuries I've seen the world go through a lot of changes. Some of them good, like the establishment of a stable market economy, and some of them bad, like the Great Depression and, oh, war and famine and disease too, I guess.

Okay. So maybe some of it is my fault. I've caused some death and disease in my time. A couple of famines, as a matter of fact and yeah, one war. Although, in my own defense, how was I supposed to know cursing a king who was unfaithful to his wife would lead to civil unrest? Stupid mortals.

They think I'm obsessed. Xander and his friends. They seem to be under the impression all I ever think about is money and sex. So I like money and sex. What's the big deal? They all do too. Well, maybe not Dawn. But I know Willow and Tara don't rush home all the time just to do magic, not the spell kind anyway, and Buffy was easier to take when she and Spike, or even Riley for that matter, were getting horizontal. And I know they like to buy stuff as much as I do, so why are they always on my case?

Not that it really matters anymore. Pretty soon there's not going to be any more money, and there won't be any people at all left to have sex. And it sucks too. I don't just mean that it's going to be a big, wide world with no sex or money, but the fact it could all have been prevented. If they'd just listened. I tried to warn them. For years they mocked my fear. Told me I was crazy, that there wasn't some big conspiracy to make them seem all nice and cute and cuddly so no one would expect anything. I did. I tried to warn them.

And I was right.

So now we're here, at the Magic Box, waiting for the end. Buffy and Spike were hurt trying to fight them. The two of them insisted they could win, but I knew better. At least they made it back. We were protected by Willow and Tara's magic for a while too, but it finally wore off. Now we're just sitting around, not talking, not having sex, and even I'm tired of counting the money. I just want it to end.

Anya stared out the window, one of the few still left intact in Sunnydale, at all the flames and carnage and dead bodies. The Hellmouth was wide open now. It wouldn't be long. As she watched, one of the thousands of gigantic, demon rabbits who had come through the Hellmouth was hopping their way. She glanced over her shoulder at the faces of her so-called friends, who insisted her phobia was silly.

"See? I told you so."

The End

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