Random Scenes Around Sunnydale At Various Times

by Crys Loch

Copyright © 2003


Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: The characters and their premise belong to the "Grrr. Arrg." people and they in turn belong to others in some Hollywood Master/servant thing I admit to not quite understanding. Point is, I can tell by my paycheck that they do not belong to me. But I am playing with them secretly anyway and at no help to my paycheck. It is all in obsessed fun.
Distribution: /mysticmuse.net
I have no site. If you have my other works, feel free. If you want, ask and I'll probably say yes.
Feedback: Yes Please.
Spoilers: I watch the Show and some of these may be responses to them though not intentional spoilers, and certainly not in keeping with any story line. Mostly, they are nothing to do with nothing. <g>.
Author's Notes: Open talk of sex ahead – sometimes kinky cause my mind's bent, and including any combinations of season 5 characters. If that will bother you – don't read, if you are too young – wait, if it is illegal to read this where you live – move. I am not responsible for your actions. I'm in enough trouble just being responsible for my own.
Summary: Smutty scenes from around the 'dale.

Ben was on top of a panting Buffy. Finally, they had that coffee they kept talking about. He was moving steadily in and out of her, they were both near climax, he could feel it. Then he felt something else. 'No, no, not now!' he thought. "You have to go." He told Buffy.

"No, not going, coming." Buffy replied, but not really hearing.

"Oh gods, she's coming, she's coming." Ben didn't know what to do but he couldn't untangle this fast enough.

'Ew, what an ego. And wrong. I'm not there yet...' The lone thought drifted through her mind.

Suddenly Buffy looked up to find her arms and legs were wrapped around, her body was arched into, a confused and naked Glory. Buffy froze. Her mind was trying to race to understanding and a plan out of the sitch, but her thoughts were spinning uselessly in circles and her body was still reacting on its own.

Glory went from confused to amused in an instant as she realized just what was going on. "Figure it out later, slayer. We always finish what we start."

"I'm only trying to help out my Spike...the mean ol' Slayer got into your head. Deep, deep deep, just like the chip..." Dru was circling Spike, the whip hanging from her hand, following her like a demon's puppy.

"I know that, luv. I'm trying. I am." Spike was exhausted, no longer able to piece together just how he had got himself into this. And no longer able to see a way out. He was chained upright and naked, hanging from his spread-eagled wrists, in some park's gazebo.

"We only have till the sun comes up to get this right. So close now. Soon. You always lose count in the seventies...And Spike has to count each of my one hundred kisses. It's the only way to cure the Slayer bug. But will he do it before the sun rises?..." Dru was practically singing, this night had been so much fun.

"I'm trying, luv." They had been at this all night, and now he was almost out of time. A scream. "One...Two..."

"Mmmmmmm." Willow was almost purring. 'Much better than floating pencils,' she thought, 'and more fun than a waterbed.' Finally, Willow and Tara had figured out how to levitate their bodies off the energy of sex. Now if they could just make the orgasm/crash landing a little easier...

Xander was glad to see home as he let himself into the apartment. It had been such a hard day at work. He was sore and exhausted. Hearing the shower going he grinned and pondered joining her, except he would fall asleep. Then he saw it. The book laying on the kitchen table. Somehow, some way, someone..."Oh gods no...have some mercy..." Xander just stared at the Kuma Sutra, realizing it was going to be an ex-demon that would be the death of him.

Willow had been at her computer for many hours. Researching one thing had led to another, and she was now reading in disbelief and arousal what fans were doing to Star Trek characters in their stories. "Now I don't care if Seven did used to be Borg, I know for a fact that position isn't possible, both hands like that at the same time, while sucking everywhere else. Ha! I wish..." Willow muttered to herself as she selected another story...

Giles groaned from need more than pain, wishing this pansy lived up to his leather costume. But the man who's turn it was hesitated fearfully, holding the switch lightly, swinging shallowly as if thinking the man tied to the whipping post in the center of the semi-secret restaurant didn't want to feel pain. But Giles needed the pain, impersonal and dispassionate. Over and over the Ripper of his youth danced out of his bonds and to the fore of his thoughts and fantasies, encouraged and teased unknowingly by the youths ever present around him. The justifications of The Marquis chanting in time with his beating heart. Each time so far it was indulged – briefly, discreetly, and alone. And each time so far it was brought here eventually to be whipped back into its bonds, overtaken and satisfied. Each time so far.

Buffy was in the shower, washing yet more vamps from her hair and skin when her high from fighting finally brought her mind and touch to a more personal task. Then the thought hit her and given their age and circumstance she couldn't understand why it had never occurred to her before. She knew there were evil demons, she knew there were good demons, so who were the sexual demons? After the shower it was time to call a special research party – minus Giles.

"Ew." Willow exclaimed, her face slightly curled in disgust.

"Willow, I warned you about those piercing site bookmarks." Buffy assumed and replied before realizing everyone was in the Magic Box and now staring at her. "Opps. And never mind."

"No, those don't bother me," Willow wasn't paying any attention to the conversation or it's setting. Her mind focused only on the screen. "This is the recent morgue listings. And it looks like some vamp with a sick sense of humor turned our local perv and flasher."

"No, no, no, no." Buffy's blush was replaced with faint horror.

"Flashin' Jackson is now a vamp?!" Xander started laughing. "I knew vamps were sick but that goes beyond all. This is so yours Buffy. Let me know when he's dust and we'll start helping you patrol again."

"This is way beyond a Slayer's duty!" Buffy protested. "I didn't want to go near him when he was human."

As Giles started placating Buffy, almost bribing her, while assuring her she could do this, Xander filled Anya and Tara in on the history and proclivities of Flashin' Jackson.

The sun set and night had begun and Buffy was still pleading silently with her eyes to Willow.

"Alright," Willow sighed, "I'll go patrolling with you. But you owe me, big. And you pay any therapy bills."

Buffy left with Willow, trying not to hit Xander who was trying not to giggle, and sought her bizarre fate for that day.

"Hi guys, thanks for the gather...I have some news." Buffy was pacing and Giles was absent. The Scoobies grew tense.

Buffy continued, not looking anyone in the eyes. "Okay, well, what with my boyfriend record, and the whole fighting a god thing, I decided to simplify my life. I'm going to take a vow of celibacy. I just thought you guys should know, so there's no setting up dates or awkward questions." Buffy stopped and waited for them to start in.

"A what? Is that even done nowadays?" Xander started.

"Wait, does this mean not even any toys?" Willow quickly followed.

"This is a spell." Anya offered.

Buffy held up her hand for silence. "Yes it can be done, no – no toys, not part of a spell, yes I'm sane. No sex with anyone, even me. Now, I'm going to see Giles about the test period required. You guys deal with it." And Buffy left the room.

"We have to stop this." Willow addressed the group.

"I don't get it. My girlfriend record was worse than her boyfriend record. Why the extreme?" Xander pondered out loud.

"Hey." Came the glare from Anya.

"I used the past tense, thus excluding the present girlfriend." Xander quickly defended himself.

"Xander, no fair with the Cordelia. She throws off the curve." Willow was trying to figure this out. "I think maybe with everything that's going on she just snapped. She does do that you know."

"W-well, how can we help her?" Tara got right to the point.

"I'm not sure what we can do. What? Tease her back into sex again?" Willow was joking...

"Huh?" Xander didn't quite get.

"That might work you know..." Anya was getting an idea. "We could flirt with her and be all sexual in front of her till she can't take it anymore and snaps back."

"Or kills us in a fit of slayer sexual frustration." Tara, ever the practical one, pointed out.

"Would that work? Or will it kill me first?" The sudden images were already making Xander's heart race.

"Come on, it just might work. We have to try. We have to save Buffy." Willow explained.

"Okay." Everyone agreed. "To save Buffy."

"Giles, did you know that Meatloaf made an album way back when? I didn't, till I was going through my mom's albums. Have you listened to the song 'Bat Out Of Hell'? Or any of the others? Or what about his latest CD? Giles, if there's prophecy in rock and roll then I need to know about it."

Buffy had gone over to Giles' place to corner him on this new discovery. Giles started to stutter some, mumbled something like 'yes, well' then ran off to the kitchen to make some tea.

Buffy was sitting on the floor in the corner of the workout room, half hidden in the shadows. The after workout wind-down, the meditation period. Giles understood her unique method, she knew, though he never commented on it. Looking around the room and the assortment of weapons – all fancy, large and old, she had to smile to herself. Her favorite was modern, small, and simple in its design. As the butterfly knife danced open and closed, spinning and swaying from one hand to the other, to the rhythmic gleam of light off the blade, Buffy cleared her mind and focused on nothing...

"Well, what about the traditional – 'Red'?" Tara suggested.

"No, I'll think they're calling my name. People have a habit of calling me that." Willow pointed out.

"There's 'Library'." Xander offered.

"You mean the place where there's a Hellmouth? Ew. There's nothing safe about that." Buffy vetoed.

"Well what about 'Giles'? I know that would stop the mood." Anya's turn.

"That's not very nice." Tara protested.

"She's right. Effective, but not nice." Willow chimed in.

"Coffee?" "Bedtime" "Demon"

"Hey!" – Anya.

"Watchers?" "Sunset" "Boxers"

"Boxers?" – Willow

"I don't know, I'm just free thinking..." Xander replied.

"How are we going to have a SM orgy if we can't even agree on a safe word?" Buffy asked in frustration.

Xander and Willow carried the Buffy-Bot down to the basement of the abandoned house they used to hide in as children.

"Can you get her to work again?" Xander asked as he checked to make sure no-one saw them.

"Yeah, sure, but..." Willow was feeling a backlash of ickyness.

"Can you reprogram her?"

"Xander, I don't know about this anymore."

"Maybe it's just a guy thing, but I can tell you understand. Come on, Wills, you've been thinking about it..." Xander knew he only needed to reassure her.

"Not with you." Willow looked at the Buffy-bot as images of what they could do played in her mind.

"Ouch. But as they say, one fantasy at a time." Xander smiled in encouragement.

Willow looked at Xander, then back to the Buffy-bot. "Right, well then, who am I to argue with They."

Xander, Willow, Anya, Tara and Buffy sat around Xander's kitchen table on a hot summer's night. Empty beer bottles littered the room and a newly opened bottle of tequila sat in the middle of the table, each person was holding five cards in their hands.

"I'm tellin' ya, if we're going to be fighting a god, you all should know how to play poker." Xander was advising.

"You mean to tell me when you play with your carpenter buddies you bet your clothes?" Buffy was stalling.

"That's for a whole other game called truth or dare." Xander decided what the hell, be vague. Anya's eyebrows shot up.

"I can see where poker can help us. Bluff is of the good and I had only a pair." Willow smiled at her triumph at getting everyone to fold at the one piece ante. "So strip."

"Xander wants to have a threesome." Anya stated while pacing around the room.

"Don't want to know this." Buffy replied, wondering how she ended up confidant.

"He said him, me and another guy would be cool." Anya continued oblivious to Buffy's comment.

"Okay, do want to know." Buffy was surprised.

"Then it could be him, me and another girl." Anya was still pacing.

"Back to not wanting to know again." Buffy was intrigued now though.

"So, will you do it?" Anya stopped abruptly to ask.

Buffy was only speechless.

The End

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