Welcome to V12 of Fangirl! As a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer
movie, I started watching the TV series way back in S1 and fell in love with its ingenious blend of humour, action, and drama. Please feel free to put your feet up and stay as long as you like, and if you have any questions or comments, the
guestbook is always open!
July 27, 2006
Hey, everyone! This is just a quick note to let you all know that I have not abandoned this site. RL has been a beast for most of this year, but I'm very happy to have some time to work on my sites again. I'm working on an update that I hope to have ready soon, but until then, I just wanted to pop in and say hi!
Sept 14, 2005
Yikes, this summer just totally flew by! Today's update isn't that big, but it's something new for me. I've decided to post some custom BtVS Skins I've made for The Sims! Just two to start with, but more are on the way (^_-)
PS: new poll!
June 08, 2005
Well, it's yet another new layout today! I hope you guys like it :) There's a new wallpaper and icon set of it, and I've added two articles from the end of the series. The relationship chart has been updated to include Robin and Kennedy, as well as events over on Angel, and I've started over on a new collection of LJ icons. There are also some new link buttons, and some new sites in my collective.