Xander on 'Life After Buffy'
By Daniel R. Coleridge (TV Guide)OK, so perhaps it's a bit soon for a "Where Are They Now?" piece on Nicholas Brendon. The series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer aired only last May. Still, we miss our Scooby gang, especially the 32-year-old actor who played goofy good guy Xander Harris. So what's he up to? He just wrapped filming ABC Family's TV-movie, Celeste in the City, which debuts in March. Now, he's poundin' the pavement, seeking work like most thesps in Los Angeles. Here, TV Guide Online finds out his future plans — and takes a look back at Xander's past antics.
TV Guide Online: Alyson Hannigan has a sitcom coming up. Why not you?
TVGO: How pissed were you that, in Buffy's last season, you were turned into an under-five [minutes of screen time], while a bunch of Slayerettes we'd never seen before hogged all the air time?
TVGO: Played out? That's whack. Xander always seemed to have interesting stuff to do.
TVGO: Ugh! That was a gory scene, when Caleb poked your eye out!
TVGO: Did that hurt?
TVGO: You mentioned a movie. Will Buffy hit the big screen?
TVGO: So nobody's actually signed on the dotted line to do it yet?
TVGO: Do you think Buffy bungled the long-simmering Xander/Willow romance by pretending Willow didn't really love him all those years? They had her in love with Oz, then made her Tara's girlfriend.
TVGO: Wait a sec. You're not disappointed you lost out on Willow. You just want the straight guy's fantasy of romancing two lesbians?!
TVGO: Oh my! Anyway, has it been hard to move on since Buffy wrapped? [ back ] | |
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