Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Superman & Spike
Pictured: Tom Welling and some old guy.
 Do the humpty-hump

 In The News -

  - To your left is the poster for the 5th Season of SMALLVILLE. As you can see, Mr. Marsters is on it. You can click it to see it in a larger size.

  - Rob Thomas told that he would love for Joss Whedon to write an episode of VERONICA MARS. I highly doubt that would happen...but I guess never-say-never.

  By the way, this Rob Thomas should not be confused with the dude in Matchbox Twenty. Let's not insult the guy.

  - The art for the Buffy 1-7 boxset collection is now online. Honestly, I wish I could say it didn't look like crap, but wishes are for kids and stupid little crikets who sing soprano.

 There's more stuff for ya in the NEWS BITES.

 Don't Miss -

  An all-new CAPTION HELL is up! This one is called, "Therapy". Go check  it out.

 Check out the TRAILER for HMC: LIVE!...And Still Recorded by clicking HERE.

 Countdown to DRAGONCON: 1 day. CLICK HERE to go to the DragonCon homepage.

- Matt [@ 8:13 a.m.]

You know we're going to be pantless.


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