Monday, August 29, 2005
Hottie Jewel
"Cute?!! Cute??!! Look at me, I'm friggin' HOT! You guys suck."
 Monday Morning, ain't a damn thing changed.

  Poll Me -

  Last week we asked, "If you had a profession on Serenity, which one would it be?" The results...

 Kaylee (cute mechanic) - 25.2%
 River (nutjob) - 23.4%
 Inara (prostitute) - 12.3%
 Wash (pilot in hawaiin shirts) - 11.4%
 Jayne (Bunk manager) - 9.3%
 Zoe (Mal's yes-gal) - 6.0%
 Simon (clueless doctor) - 4.7%
 Mal (tight pants wearer) - 4.4%
 Book (preacher with a shady past) - 3.3%

  Total votes: 667

Kaylee wins a quarter of the votes. It's disturbing to see that "Nutjob" and "prostitute" came in 2nd and 3rd, but what do I really expect from the HMC audience? Comments...

"I look good in a Hawaiian shirt. Gotta say Wash. Plus, he has those cool dinosaur dolls, and I...uh...don't do anything that stupid. *nervous cough*"
- Fat Tony

"I like cheese. Cheese is good. I like to wear it as a hat. I will put this on my CV. You reckon I can replace River now?"
- Knoxy

"I am Wash! Gaze upon my camp shirt, and fear me! Dude...I'm so totally the wacky pilot. Except for the part where I get to marry the hot warrior woman. Still trying to work that last bit out."
- Lazy Dolphin

"Even though I want to get in Mal's pants, I don't want to wear them. He looks too dang good. I wanna be the nutjob. It would be a nice change of pace."
- Aeryn

Note from Matt: CHANGE???!!

"I voted for Jayne, because his BIG GUN makes my girls parts tingle! *purr* He can manage my bunk any day! ;)"
- PK

Note from Matt: I'm going to ignore that.

"I would totally be Wash. I get to pilot a goofy looking ship while wearing a goofy looking tv shirt and say goofy sounding things. And I get to bang a taller woman. Wash fullfills the dreams of self-depricating men everywhere."
- The Ronin

"Even if i'm a guy, I was born to be a prostitute. i'm the chosen one under all prostitutes. hail to me!"
- Juan

New. Poll. Up. Now. Vote. Whores.

 In The News -

 - Check out next month's Empire Magazine. There will be a Serenity DVD in it with all kinds of special stuff, including one episode from the Series and a couple features from the movie.

 - Entertainment Weekly has a feature on Stars from the 90's. Tony Head is in the magazine this week, as well as on the website.

 There's more stuff for ya in the NEWS BITES.

 Don't Miss -

  An all-new CAPTION HELL is up! This one is called, "Therapy". Go check  it out.

 Check out the TRAILER for HMC: LIVE!...And Still Recorded by clicking HERE.

 Countdown to DRAGONCON: 3 days. CLICK HERE to go to the DragonCon homepage.

- Matt [@ 10:16 a.m.]

You know we're going to be pantless.


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