Monday, August 8, 2005
SharkBoy and Toothy Girl
Pictured: We think that's supposed to be Inara, but could be Pam Anderson as a brunette.
 Hey kids, gather 'round the PC.

  Seven is back with an all-new COLOR ME IMPRESSED. This week he reviews SERENITY #1. Check it out by clicking HERE.

 In The News -

 - There are some pics up of Andy Hallett receiving his Big 3-OH project gift package. He seems to like the mini school bus. I'm sure he would much rather prefer a nice wine. Oh well, whedonverse fans. Go figure.

 - A nice article is up about a Giles series being the logical choice to air next. Here's hoping.

 More in the NEWS BITES.

 Countdown to DRAGONCON: 23 days. CLICK HERE to go to the DragonCon homepage.

 Don't Miss -

 The Poobah is back! Check out the latest edition of ASK THE POOBAH by clicking HERE.

- Matt [@ 10:18 a.m.]

You know we're going to be pantless.


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