Friday, August 5, 2005
Eek. Veiny.
Don't cancel my show, Mr. Moonves. That would be bad.
 Friggin' Friday.

 In The News -

 - CBS has set the premiere date for Alyson Hannigan's new show, "How I Met Your Mother". It premieres Monday, September 19th.

 - There's an interesting interview with Morena Baccarin at I didn't see any boobies floppin' about on the pages  with the interview, so I'd say it's work safe.

 More in the NEWS BITES.

 DRAGONCON is just 26 days away. Join Eric, Jenn, Aeryn, Jon and myself at the HMC HQ room for some craziness...'cause that's what  we do. CLICK HERE to go to the DragonCon homepage.

 Don't Miss -

 The Poobah is back! Check out the latest edition of ASK THE POOBAH by clicking HERE.

- Matt [@ 10:07 a.m.]


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