Thursday, July 14, 2005
Oh, how I missed this.

It's like quantum leaping back 4 months. I may be rusty, be patient.

In The News -

- David Fury received an Emmy nomination for writing the LOST episode, "Walkabout". The only question now is, will he have mustard on his shirt on the big night?

- has launched a FIREFLY website to coincide with it's airing of the old episodes of Firefly. The re-airing begins on July 22nd.

- Marti Noxon's POINT PLEASANT is coming to DVD on October 25th. All 13 episodes of the crapfest can be seen if you wish to blow 40 bucks.

Was that too harsh? I must be totally back now.

All of this and more can be read in the return of the NEWS BITES.

Bonnie sent in 2 new Wallpapers. Check those out.

It's like riding a bike.

- Matt [@ 10:15 a.m.]


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