Friday, April 8, 2005
Not Much Friday

Just call me, "Mr. Catchy Title Man".

Happy Birthday to Emma Caulfield! She turns 32 today!

Chew -

News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Poll Me -
Last week we asked, "When you aren't watching your Jossverse DVDs, what are you watching on TV?" Here are the results...

Lost - 30.2%
Veronica Mars - 11.8%
All of the above -- I'm a TV whore. - 8.0%
None of the above -- I hate TV right now. - 7.7%
Tru Calling (or at least, starting this week) - 7.5%
Other (comment) - 7.2%
Alias - 6.5%
CSI (any of them) - 6.3%
Desperate Housewives - 5.1%
Smallville - 5.1%
Total votes: 414

LOST blows away the competition. VERONICA MARS gets a surprising 2nd place, and people seem to still be interested in TRU CALLING. Let's see some comments...

"the new Battlestar Galactica blows all the others away, save for Lost. put those two together in one nightly block and you've got one exhausted viewer at the end :-D"
- Danny

"I watch Law and Order, you all must watch Law and Order or I will burn the building down, and they will think it was you for the first 30 minutes, then spen the next 30 minutes finding evidence on me. JUST WATCH DAMN IT!"
- Eric

Matt: Apparently I haven't been beating him enough, because he's screwing around with poll comments when he's supposed to be doing my bidding.

"I watch a mixture of them: Lost, Tru Calling, Smallville, and sometimes CSI: NY. I have never and would never watch American Idol. Law and Order annoys the crap out of me and Alias and Veronica mars just haven't really caught my attention. But I have also been watching Gilmore Girls, cause that show is freakin' awesome! :D"
- Vampire Lady

"CSI and L&O rock hard."
- Fortes Fortuna Juvat

"Veronica Mars and Lost! And Alias, although I'm not really enjoying it that much this year. Could the relationships on that show get any more ridiculous? I'm waiting to find out that Vaughn is really the love child of Dixon's father and Marshall's mom, so everyone in the cast can be related."
- Lazy Dolphin

"The only show I've been watching lately, because TV is such crap, is Arrested Development. It's really smart and funny, but it looks like FOX might cancel it and then I'm going to be screwed. I guess I can just watch my wide array of DVDs."
- gilbella

"My vote: None of the above. Why: 'Cause TV sucks. Where's the creativity? Where's the imagination? Where are the richly drawn characters we can come to know and love? All I see are cardboard stereotypes and recycled plots. Oh, gee, another prime time soap opera. Oh, wow, another crime/court drama. Oh boy, another medical show... and don't even get me started on "reality TV." --No thank you, I'll stick with my Whedonverse DVDs. (And my Lone Gunmen. They're my homeboys.)"
- Darkest Wicca

"I watch Veronica Mars every week, can't miss it. Tru Calling looks better this season, I can barely remember what happened on it last season though. Then again I can barely remember how I got here."
- miles

"Woohoo for CSI. Even though it makes people think we have a murder a day here...oh, and that it rains ALOT more than it actually does. But woo for CSI."
- Voltage

"there should be a way to choose more than one, since I watch Alias (tho' it sucks this season) gettin' into Lost, and, yeah, I'll watch te last 6 Tru Callings...I'm gonna try and catch VM in least the ones with Aly :)"
- Sarcastic Voice

"It's desperate housewives I'm afraid. One of the quirkiest shows in like ever (well except for buffy and angel:)) and one word for bree: WOAH MAMA! (ok that was two)"
- Levis Omelasz

"Veronica Mars is a really good is the new Buffy,but cut out all the monster of the week and put in a case of the week......also it's got Aly in it so you dumbass's that aren't watching it you should be"
- Mindy

Matt: Listen up, sweetheart....I'm the only one around here who insults visitors! It's my thing.

"Make that Mrs. TV Whore please. I'm only watching half of them. Lost, DH, VM, and AI."
- fanofangel

"Cartoon Network! Does that make me childish?"
- The Man They Call Tony

Matt: No, it makes you sound like a dork.

"Scrubs. I have a hard time liking dramas since the demise of the Jossverser and the crappy turn of the West Wing. Scrubs is the only funny and original comedy on tv now that Ive seen"
- Tom Allen

"DOG: The bountyhunter...... It is pretty cool show about a family of bounty hunters led by DOG, the dad, who served a murder sentence during the seventies and now he is a bounty hunter and so is the rest of his family. LOL I know.... but hey, I watch that or Miami Vice DVDs."
- Aeryn

Matt: Feel pity for me, folks. Feel pity.

New. Poll. Was. Posted. Yesterday. Vote. Now. Bitchfaces.

Coolness -

Articles: Divine Musings - "Killers".
Site Poop: Hellhounds Gallery.
Features: Caption HELL - "Bug Be Gone".
Articles: The Dimension - Buffy Episode Countdown (Part 19).
Multimedia: Wizard World 2005 Gallery!
SIGN UP for the "We Blew Our Refund For You!" Sweepstakes.

- Matt

[Posted @ 5:07 p.m.]

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