Monday, September 27, 2004
Quick Note: Tuesday and Wednesday's updates will both be presented in the afternoon. This is due to my computer access being at my old house, and my bed being at my new house. So you'll have to wait a few more hours for the next 2 days to get the junk, *sniff, sniff* ya dig?

Yeah, I'm tired.

- Matt

Miserable Monday

I'm declaring this 'Miserable Monday' for several reasons, none of which I want to think about it at the moment. So let's skip the whinefest and get to the bacon.

Bacon. Breakfast. I knew I forgot something.

TNT is finally showing the 5th season of Angel, starting today at 5pm EST with "Conviction". Personally, it's my favorite season. Normally you can't say that about a show's last year. But I did, and you read, and now it's done. So there.

Workin' the ol' Chew -

Site Poop: A new Spin Zone by Sprook!
Multimedia: Wallpaper by magikangel.
Multimedia: Avas/Icons by magikangel.
Multimedia: Fan Art by magikangel.
News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Dates.
A new "Quote Me" is up. So true, so true.

If you have ANY inkling to go to Hellhound Con, this would be a good week to sign-up. We're seriously considering pushing the date to April '05 if we don't get more sign-ups. Take a gander at the Hellhound Con website HERE.

Pre-order Buffy Season 7 by CLICKING HERE. Just $38.99! Wow-wee!

SIGN-UP for HELLHOUND CON! Click HERE for more!

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"


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