Thursday, September 9, 2004

The Jewel Staite interview is now up! Check it out HERE.

A couple of Notes:
- The Hi-Res version is huge - 131mbs. We're going to cut this version into several sections soon, so that those of you with slower connection speed can see the better quality version of it.

- The transcription of the interview will be up soon. Probably within the next few days.

That about covers it.

- Matt

It's a Jewel of a Thursday

The Jewel Staite interview will be up this afternoon. So come back and watch it, or else... something....will..uh...happen. I don't know.

More Dragon*Con pics from Seven are in the Dragon*Con Coverage section -- CLICK HERE.

Chew, you -

Multimedia: Gallery - Assorted pics from D*C.
News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Tons more to come today and tomorrow. TONS. Reports, Top 10's, pics...the whole ball of wax.

Poll Me -

Last week we asked, "Who would win in a fight - Puppet Angel or Rat Buffy?" The results...

Puppet Angel - 59.2%
What the hell are you smoking? - 20.4%
Rat Buffy - 14.0%
It's a toss up. - 6.5%

Puppet Angel wins -- which, of course would be the case considering Rat Buffy can't really do anything except scurry.

"But superman beats them all. ;) Stop bogarting that magic bone."
- Wretch

"For the love of Joss, you officially ran out of somewhat interesting questions didnt you Lee?....Are you going to ask us next week if we prefer to see SMG eat Cap'N Crunch with or without the crunch berries? *sees Matt and runs like hell* dont' kill meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! :P"
- Nora

Matt: Close.

"I think rat Buffy might have a chance...she can always gnaw at his limbs until all his stuffing falls out."
- Saxy Slayer

"What the hell are you smoking!!!??? Besides Puppet Angel already had the stuffing pulled out of him by Nina, the wuss!"
- Dusty

"Oh of course Puppet Angel would win, Rat Buffy may be smarter, but Puppet Angel's nose can come off."
- miles

"Puppet Angel of course. Helloooooo he fought a werewolf and survived. I think he can handle an itty bitty rat."
- *glow*

"Puppet Angel????! Rat Buffy would chew him up and spit him out. He wouldn't stand a chance! Rat Buffy rules."
- E-Mom

"Puppet Angel would kick Rat Buffy's ass. Although I was tempted to vote for "What the hell are you smoking?" I miss Puppet Angel, can he come back? =)"
- Liz

"The way I see it is this: Puppet Angel still has most of his strength and facillities where Rat Buffy pretty much is only interested in eating shit and so forth. PA would simply lay down some Rat-Sak and RB would be done like a dog's dinner. However if RB managed to get her sharp little teeth thru PA's fabric lining and into his stuffing and could borow in there quickly enough, then PA would be well and truly fucked."
- Mr. Pointy

Matt: You think too much.

"Rats nibble. Puppet Angel's a biter. No pun intended. Plus he can dive under desks with the greatest of ease and he's got good looks on his side what with the cute wittle hands and his wittle hair."
- CordeliaChse

"My heart is with Rat Buffy, but it's not just a matter of felt vs. fur. We did, after all, see Puppet Angel carrying a sword."
- dml

"What, no mummy hand?"
- Fat Tony

Matt: It was considered. It's ALWAYS considered.

"Rat Buffy.... Puppet Angel's parts come off, he would be easy prey to rat Buffy."
- Aeryn

"A slayer is a slayer is a slayer. Buffy would always win. Earthworm Buffy would slaughter Snail know what...forget it...this is just too weird."
- ProudMary

Matt: Weird? Sounded pretty logical to me.

"Yeah, I gotta go with PuppetAngel. He's one mean SOB, even if he is made of felt. But "What the hell are you smoking?" was a close second."
- Kirsten

Matt: ...But #1 in my heart.

New poll is up. Vote. I won't say "Vote or Die", that's MTV's job to threaten you into doing their will. Not me....for now.

Pre-order Buffy Season 7 by CLICKING HERE. Just $38.99! Wow-wee!

SIGN-UP for HELLHOUND CON! Click HERE for more!

- Matt

"Radio Sunnydale"

"Music For Elevators"

"Once More, With Feeling"

For artwork that is out of this world, visit the 
Dragon*Con Store!


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