Thursday, August 26, 2004
Divine Update...heh? HEH???!

Aeryn is back with a brand new Divine Musings. This week she rambles a lot, passes out, noticed she rambled, and then goes to confessional. Good times. Read "Ramblings" NOW.... PEASANT!

- Matt

Tyrannosaurus Boreanaz?

The rumours, they be a flyin'. Apparently what David Boreanaz meant by "four" in his TV Guide interview a week or two back is that he was up for the lead in "Jurassic Park 4". The script has already been written, and let me tell you, the way it's described it may end up being either the worst 8-figure film in history, or a clever film that differs from the previous 3 in a major way. Time will tell I suppose.

Anywhoo, one would guess the reason DB is up for the role is that Spielberg's daughter loves Buffy and Angel. Sometimes folks just luck out.

Chew -

Multimedia: Fan Art by CordeliaChse.
News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Poll Me -

Last week we asked, "Who's the funniest character on Buffy or Angel?" Results...

Anya - 22.9%
Xander - 22.4%
Spike - 16.9%
Andrew - 15.9%
Cordelia - 5.1%
Willow - 4.0%

Total votes: 603

Everyone else was under 4%. Anya wins, and I'm a little shocked. I didn't know she was that popular to actually win something, even though she is quite the hillarious little ex-vengence demon. Xander comes in a VERY close 2nd, with the JM fans giving Spikey-poo a jump up to the 3rd. Comments?

"Awfully hard to pick one "funniest" when it was usually the interplay between two characters that had me laughing out loud--Andrew & Spike, or Xander & Cordelia, or Andrew & Anya. Ultimately, I had to go with Andrew, though, as the smoking jacket and frolicking in fields of flowers just *killed* me."
- Alison

"anya - sayer of truth with barbed wire venom and mucho yuks."
- wretched

"Voted "Other" because, while I don't nece3ssarily feel Harmony is actually the funniest charcater, she was conceived and ahs always been played mainly asd a comic charctaer and, while I know mistakes happen, youw erree a complete twit to LEAVE HER OFF THE P{OLL!"
- DaddyCatALSO

Matt: If I could actually understand your response, I would think that was an insult. Unfortunently, I can't.

"Wasn't this already a poll? I remember..Anya wasn't mentioned and everyone commented on it."
- Anonymous

"Anya, Willow and Xander generated humor because they did not always fit in. They also used humor to deal with emotional turmoil. Often we laughed at them not with them. Cordelia went beyond that. She understood humor well enough to use it as a tool in dealing with other people. She wins IMHO because of her understanding of humor and how to use it effectively. She was intentionaly funny; not an object of humor to be laughed at."
- Fogey

"I went with angel. Everytime I see that doofus I laugh my head off at his sucky acting, his dumbass quiff..... oh, meant funny haha, not funny looking......oooops!"
- Zack

"Anya by far. No one could beat her sense of humour. She was beautiful and funny. Inappropriate at times, innocent humour, all kinds. She was brutually honest. You could always count on her to make you laugh. I miss Anya :("
- Aeryn

"Lorne is the funniest. He is the guy who will chear you up no matter what is going on. when U see his clothes, it is enough to laugh for next half an hour."
- Ana

Matt: It must be easy to make you laugh. Probably why you come here. Lord knows we aren't trying much either.

"Hmmm. . . this is a toughie. Xander was the funniest of the Core 4, Anya was the funniest of the longer-term characters, and Andrew stole most of the funny moments in s7. I mean, honestly, who can forget "This funnel cake is kicking my ass" or "I spy with my little eye something that begins with T" or the whole Hot Pocket monologue? But I went with Xander - because he was the funniest the longest."
- Kirsten

"I had to vote other, because in my opinion the funniest characters aren't always funny on their own. They're funnier when paired up with another cast member. For example, I think Angel and Spike together made up most of the funniest moments in the last season of Angel. Also, while Jonathan is funny on his own, he's even funnier with Spike. Therefore I couldn't pick one single character as being the funniest."
- Charissa

"I know a lot of people don't really care for Anya, but in my opinion, she is the funniest character in the Jossverse, with her sarcastic comments and sometimes rude remarks, I just love her loudass mouth! Hell yes. "Lets go get the cannon flodder"..."What am I? Insensitive?!""
- Call Me Crazy..

Matt: You're crazy.

"Oooh...that's a tough poll. Ultimately I had to go with Buffy because I just adore her humour. But Xander, Willow, old school Cordy, and Spike were other possible choices and have made me laugh my ass off like crazy. Seriously, every character has some hilarious moments. I guess Xander, Spike, and Cordy are probably more known for being "funny" characters, but Buffy's jokes are more my taste so I'm going with her."
- jojo

"What? No Mummy Hand? Jonathan, you homewrecker."
- Dust

"Xander had me at "Schpadoinkle.""
- CordeliaChse

"Thank you, Anya, for giving us such memorable lines as:..."
- Princess Kimberly

Matt: She then proceeds to mention like 6 lines that would take up too much space, therefore I cut her off. I should go O'Reilly and say 'keep it pithy'.

"Well, it was a really hard choice between Xander and Xander, but in the end I went with Xander. Seriously, the only one who comes remotely close is Anya, and she probably got it from Xander too."
- Fat Tony

There be the comments. Over to the right be the new poll. I be done.


Sign up for HELLHOUND CON!

- Matt

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"Once More, With Feeling"

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