Thursday, August 12, 2004
Holy crap, there's a lot of news.

TONS of Joss words, TONS of other junk in the NEWS BITES today. Just go there and look around, 'cause there's too much to mention, and I'm rather tired.

Look for a lot tomorrow, including the Hellmouth Emporium being MASSIVELY upgraded, and will look so much cooler you'll want to buy everything. Oh yes, you will.

Speaking of which, check out these great bands who have contributed to our Jossverse over the years...

Four Star Mary
"Welcome Home"

Darling Violetta

Nerf Herder
"American Cheese"
I am a shill.

- Matt

X-Men + Joss = Who the hell knows.

In a recent interview, Joss Whedon mentioned that he would love to direct X-Men 3, and that if the studio came to him, he'd say yes to them. He also mentioned that he hasn't been contacted about it.

Slowly, the hopes and dreams of Buffy fans are breaking into a million shards of glass.

In unrelated news, we're all making Rupert Murdoch more rich than he already is by buying all those Buffy/Angel DVDs. So yay on Rupy, the old prick.

Tons more in the NEWS BITES.

Poll Me -

Last week we asked, "Do you want to hear Buffy/Angel episode commentary from the crew?" Results...

Sounds fun! Sure! - 70.1%
Heh? - 10.5%
Who the hell cares? Another friggin' HMC poll. - 8.6%
No...the less you people talk, the better. - 8.3%
Other (comment) - 2.5%

Total votes: 324

Well, it looks like those who DID vote, mainly voted for "sure", so I'll take that. But 324 votes is horrendous. You should be ashamed. Wait,'s a poll. Sorry. Comments?

"I think it would be funny, of course, if you do it, you have to include me because you need a female perspective and Jon's opinion doesn't count as one. :)"
- Aeryn

"Huh? What? Who? Where? When? Why? How? Just kidding! As for the commentary, sure!"
- Sweet

"Why not.... its not like anything else is going on. Might as well listen to you guys ramble on and on about whatever."
- jensa

Matt: That's the spirit.

"Ya mean, on the ep DVDs, right? Or, here on HMC? Or, like, just in my head, 'cause that happens already, and that lighting guy is a real perv."
- semaht

"It would be great to hear what big guys have to say. Why don't you have any trailers on HMC?"
- Ana

I'm not kidding when I say these were the ONLY comments all week for the poll. I am severly disappointed. Where's my teddy bear?

The new anti-poll poll is up. That's what you get!

Chew, assholes. -

News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Yesterday's Prime Chew -
Articles: Divine Musings - "Labels".

For artwork that is out of this world, visit the 
Dragon*Con Store!

- Matt


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