Thursday, August 5, 2004 |
![]() The following is from Fernando... "Hello. Since you are not privvy to what really went on, why not drop this please? I know what went on and why, and although I am not at liberty to discuss the details with someone whose business this isn't, I can tell you that both sides have a point. However, Robia should not be airing this publicly as it does not reflect well on her beliefs, all this stuff is beneath her, and being a Christian she should turn the other cheek and forgive and move on. Fernando" And this is also from Fernando, on his board...
"Since you do not know exactly what went on, all you are reporting on is heresay and only on one
side of a two-sided arguement. If you are not going to be fair or objective in your "reporting" and
are not in full possesion of all the facts, I respectfully ask you keep it off my forum, as the
first thing a reporter learns is to get all the facts before printing a story. And now for my response: I respect that you need to protect your investments, and although I feel your responses have been rude, it still doesn't change what we know. We know that JCB fired Robia. We know that vulkon management pulled Robia from the con in Oakland. We know that SOMEONE had to tell you to do this, because you wouldn't do it for no reason. We know that the business relationship between Robia and JCB became unfriendly. We know that JCB was telling people that Robia was "difficult". These are the facts that we have reported. Everything else is just my opinion. This isn't JUST about Robia, this is about con politics, and about the way JCB conducts her business with not only her actors, but the fans as well. I want to stress that we support Robia and all of the actors, and we especially support the convention fans. They're awesome. That's pretty much all I have to say for now. - Matt
More from Vulkon and Robia From Fernando (Vulkon Management - from the Vulkon Forums)... "Please stop petitioning for Robia. I am getting numerous emails about it (as she asked you to send me emails on her behalf on her website) and frankly they are beginning to get annoying. It is a done deal and she will not be at Oakland, she has been replaced. I am not at liberty to discuss details, just accept that she will not be at Oakland. As far as future events, only time will tell if she will be invited to another. This is purely a business matter and nothing personal against Robia." In other words - "We're scared that if we bring Robia in, JCB won't bring any of her clients to Oakland." And pardon me, but this is America. We have the right to voice our opinions. And right now, my opinion is, this smells of shady politics. The latest from Robia... "wow, there have been some pretty interesting posts on various fan sites regarding this. so since this post will probably make it up somewhere let me just add: i don't hate JCB. we are not working together anymore. i only wish that she had just decided to stop working together and not try to interfere with my relationships with promoters. also, i am not trying to preach to people or force my beliefs on anyone. during q and a's i have been asked questions about my personal life. i have shared about my Christianity in my answers because my faith is a big part of my personal life. a number of people were interested in knowing more. they went to the promoters and requested that i have a separate talk just on my faith. the promoters then asked me to do that which i did. anyone interested could attend. those not interested did not. it's as simple as that. none of this is that big of a deal. i will work with someone else. i will do more cons. i am disappointed that i won't be going to Oakland, but there will be more cons. i really like the fans and especially love the group of people that i have gotten to know better through my site." I have to disagree with Robia. This IS a big deal. Because JCB (even though Robia says she doesn't hate her), is trying to sabotage her by going behind her back and keeping her off guest lists. It's as simple as THAT. We will continue, as always, to follow this story. - Matt
Robia strikes back A few days ago it was announced that Robia LaMorte was off the guest list at Oakland Vulkon. Now we know why. It appears as though she had a falling out with Julie Caitlin Brown (the con agent for MANY Buffy/Angel actors). If you don't know who JCB is, just think "Satan in Versace suit pants". Anyway, Ms. Brown has dragged Robia's name in the mud with several con managers, and got kicked out of many of the cons -- calling LaMorte "difficult". That is highly laughable, and could only be imagined by a succubus like Brown. So yesterday, after Robia stood up for herself (you can read it HERE), we decided to email her and tell her that HMC is behind her and that whatever we could do, we'd be here for her. Here is Robia's response to us... "Thanks you guys!! I really appreciate it! Believe me I know I'm not alone. This will all work itself out. I'm going to lay low for a bit and let the emotions settle. Don't get me wrong I will under no circumstances be with Julie again, but I have had some VERY interesting conversations today. Can't really talk about it now, but it will be clear to all in a few weeks. again, thanks for your support! robia" We're hoping to get more with Robia in the next few weeks. We'll keep you updated. Continue to email the Vulkon people and tell them Robia isn't "difficult". She's as sweet as they come. And sometimes the funny just has to be put aside for a moment. Poll Me - Last week we asked, "Who do you think Buffy would consider her Greatest Foe?"
The First - 36.2% Total votes: 679 The First wins, which is funny, considering Angelus was ahead pretty much 6 days out of 7. That was basically the competition, no one else even came close. Comments?
"Gotta say Angelus - I mean when Angelus came he stole away Angel, the guy she loved. He was the greatest foe because he could strike her on such a deep, emotional level, and fighting him made her feel so torn."
"Le Mayor - best actor, best plan (big snake uh yeah) and lover of The Family Circus. Plus controller of ticking sex bomb FAITH - THAT MAN'S got the POW-UH.
Bow down before Richard Wilkins III, son of Jor-el!"
"You mean besides the stylist who gave her that horrid cut and dye job in Season 6?"
I totally think Angelus because she was in love with Angel and to kill him or try and kill him killed her in the end. I was watching Dracula2000 or something like that and the guy that plays Caleb(I can never remeber his name) was in it...he was a preacher or whatever.I found it amusing because of the whole Caleb issue. If ya get what I'm blubbering on about. But, um yea, Angelus all the way was the worst."
"The WB and UPN. Seriously. The WB was a Big Bad for dropping her after year 5 (and cancelling her boyfriend Angel too.) Then UPN repeatedly preempts her in certain markets (like Detroit) for sports *without* giving rebroadcast dates, and fails to throw mucho advertising dinero toward her finale. Vamps can be staked, demons can be banished, but anyone who has tried to save their favorite show knows the networks are the worst evil in TV-land!"
"Out of every villian Angelus was the one that stung the most because she never really defeated him. She was about to stab him when Angel's was brought back. So in the end she never killed Angelus, only Angel."
"Angelus, for sure. The emotional torment he wrought upon her was, by far, the worst of any of her foes on the show. Glory ultimately beat Buffy in a way because she ended up killing her in the end, but jumping of that tower seemed to be very easy for Buffy, especially in comparison to having to kill Angel."
"The mummy hand wins everytime. It drove her nuts. Angelus? The Taunter aka the First? Not a chance at winning, the mummy hand takes the cake. By the way, Spike was her greatest foe other than the mummy hand. :) Never could defeat each other and he died a hero in love with her."
"Boy, you really like that Mummy hand, don't you? But as to your question...well, everybody seems to say "me" when it comes to shipper questions, so I thought what the hell. Me. I was Buffy's greatest foe and she knows it. Take that, The First!" Most of the comments sucked, so this is what you get. I've decided if I think any of them suck, I simply don't use them. So try, and then you'll be added. I'm a jerk like that. CHEW, YOU! -
A new poll is up. Yesterday's Prime Chew -
Episodes: Fiatlux's Timeline for Angel Season 4. Purchase your tickets for HELLHOUND CON 2004 now. The official HELLHOUND CON website -> HERE. - Matt
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