Wednesday, August 4, 2004
Hey, it's stuff! You remember stuff, right?

Episodes: Fiatlux's Timeline for Angel Season 4.

Articles: A new Divine Musings. And hey, it's about the birthday boy's character.

News and Info: News Bites. Oh, that JCB. It's like having Cruella DeVille as your con agent.

'Tis all.

- Matt

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Our favorite color is green...because we're jealous a lot. Give us some money, bitch!

....Oh yeah, and get well soon!

On a serious note, there's no one funnier than Mr. Hallett live and in-person. (Mr. Hallett...the guy is 5 years older than me. Am I a "Mr." now? Eww.)

Chew on zees, mang -

News and Info: News Bites.
News and Info: Upcoming Episodes.

Purchase your tickets for HELLHOUND CON 2004 now. The official HELLHOUND CON website -> HERE.

Fiat's Timeline for Angel Season 4, and hopefully more to come after I hop off the responsibility train.

- Matt


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