June 25, 2004
Updated Junk in the Afternoon -

- Buffy.FU
- News Bites
- Upcoming Episodes

- Matt

We're baaaaack...and worse than ever! HMC had a new face-lift, tummy-tuck and boob-job all at the same time. What's different, you say? Hmmm...let's see, A LOT!

BRAND NEW features...

Cast of Characters, Buffy.FU, Comics on The Edge, HMC E-Cards, Avatars/Icons, The Water Cooler, Caption Hell, Now Available from HMC!, and a New About Us.

All of them have content. So much shit you won't know what to do with yourself. Not only all that, but the site's re-designed! You've got your announcements scroller (mouse over to pause it and read), your "Feature This!", your "Quote Me", and more!

It's a massive change. A new change. A change for the better...maybe. A change for the worse.... most likely. But hey, what the hell do we care?

You have entered HMC. We apologize in advance.

- Matt, Eric and Jon