![]() June 17, 2004
Crossin' Over, without that Edward dude
It's Thursday, let's hit it...
There's a new article written by Tiffany AND Aeryn. Yes, they're together in this one. It's a preview
of the new column "The Water Cooler". I guess you could say this is the pilot column. You can
check it out in either Aeryn's Divine Musings or Tiff's
Hellmouth Ascension.
News Bites...
- The official Serenity website is coming soon from Universal.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Who would you like to see cheat death?" Here are the results...
Wesley - 25.6%
Total votes: 737
Wes gets 1st, but not by much. Fred grabs a very close second, and Tara rounds out the top 3. Let's
see what you all had to say...
"While every one of these characters deserve to cheat death and come back to their loved ones, I voted for Cordelia because of all of the list, she was the one the Powers That Be screwed over the most. Posessed, forced to have sex with CONNOR and give birth to Jasmine. Wow. Poor Cordy. Poor everyone."
"i would like to see the Buffy/Angel Universe cheat death and come back. of curse, SMG would have needed to not screw things up by thinking she was beyond buffy."
"Mac Daddy, why couldn't I choose 'All of the Above"?? This had to be the cruelest poll for us hellhounds. As I read each name I thought, "Oh yes, that was just terrible, that's the one we miss worst..oh, but not worse than him..or her..." So, I vote "All of the Above", dammit!!!"
"I want Cordelia back! I miss her so much when I'm watching the old episodes of Buffy and Angel and get really teary. I don't care how she comes back, as long as she's got something snappy to say."
"You forgot Doyle....admitedly, It'd kinda be impossible....but hey....thought I'd point it out cause I'm pedantic like that!"
"I'd like to see them all cheat death in some kinda epic battle. You know a one shot kinda thing."
"Um... am I the only one who desperately wants Lilah to cheat death? True she was stabbed then beheaded, but I'm sure there's some way around that. Her and Spike could get together - that could work out well..."
"After season 4, Tara was my favorite character. I was too young to see seasom 6 when it came out. I've been watching reruns. When those reruns came around, I was very sad to find that Tara died. I couldn't believe it. She was the perfect one for Willow in my opinion. So in short, I would have loved to see Tara somehow cheat the inevitable."
"Doyle. I mean, we barely got to see any of him, and he seemed like such a deep character. I would have liked to see some more of his backstory."
"I know the impossibility of it, but Doyle is the character I'd most like to see cheat death. I loved Wes, Joyce, Tara, Fred, Anya and even Cordy (at least snarky Cordy) but their stories were mostly done. Doyle? His was just beginning."
"Xander's eye."
"This had to be the hardest poll. I ended up going with Fred because i feel her story wasn't over."
"Hello! Forget Doyle? Doyle was great! Can you just see Wesley and Doyle engaged in a fierce darts match? Then Doyle and Cordy falling in love. Doyle telling Angel to lighten up and sweep Kate (Or Wesley, whoever) off their feet? Why Joss did you have to kill him off so soon? And he was so cute too!"
"You are so horrible! Of course I would want to pick 3 off the list, but in the end I went with Wesley. Big surprise, but his story shouldn't end now! I also think Joss would bring him back if there was a tv movie. Fred is second choice. Cordelia, I would want her back, but her story ended beautifully and wrapped up. Anya, would love to have her back as well."
"Fred & Wesley... The fact that they died in each others arms. Almost. Anyone got a tissue?"
"You shouldn't ask this question! I can't pick just one person. So here's my vote. I wanna see Wesley, Fred, Tara,Anya Joyce, and LINDSEY cheat death. I have to say Lindsey because he's evolved so much from the second season. He, I know, would have becoe a good guy. I mean, that is, if Lorne hadn't have ya know killed him. I cried over Fred and Wesley the most but still that is a terrible question."
"How dare random victim # 9 wasn't on here!!! I mean .... he was one of the best extras ever!! VERY Pivotal to the whole BTVS universe! So sad to see your slipping Mac!! *sigh* What am I going to do with you...."
"Joyce, most definately! She's the only one out of that selection that didn't really deal with magics or the supernatural. She was just plain human who died of a "natural" cause. Writers could have a field day creating various sceanarios that would bring our favorite tv mom back :-)"
"Where's "All of the above?"....that's just a mean question...really now Matt, like I can choose? Hate when you put me in that position.....ass..:P"
Yes, I am an ass. 2 things: I didn't add Doyle because...obviously, it can never happen, so why add it? And 2 - I didn't add 'all of the above'
because I'm jerk who wants to make you choose. ;)
The new poll is up, and may quite possibly be the most screwed up one ever.
That's it for now.
Quick Annoucement: For those of you trying to contact me, my webmaster email address
is on the fritz. So if you want to get ahold of me, email me at
On June 25th...Hell will never be the same. Or maybe it will...or maybe it won't. You
don't want to know, and I don't know. Or maybe I do...? You'll have it find out on June 25th...or maybe not. Now I'm
confused, who's with me?
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- Matt
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