![]() June 3, 0001 A.J.
Thursdays are like Fridays, every week has one.
Happy Belated Birthday to Jewel Staite! Our favorite spaceship mechanic turned 22 yesterday! :)
News Bites has another article on the Slayage conference.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Which show would you want us to cover in the Fall?" Here are the results...
Tru Calling - 43.1%
Total votes: 547
Tru gets an overwhelming victory, making me think we should probably cover it. Alias gets 2nd,
and 15% of you don't want us to cover anything that doesn't have Joss Whedon's name attached to it (which
is understandable). Let me make one point to you - we haven't decided yet what we're covering,
except the Serenity movie, and Buffy animated (if it even comes out). This was basically a hypothetical
poll. Let's see what you all had to say...
"Although it is nice to support Eliza's show, I've always viewed your site as the best guide to information concerning Mutant Enemy programming. Even though I like some of those shows, I'd prefer this site remain devoted to Buffy, Angel, and Firefly."
"I don't care. I'm bitter, since the only two hours of t.v. I cared about are gone. It's hard to eat hamburger when you're used to filet mignon."
"Tru Calling is the only one on there related to Buffy or that type of thing in any way. What is wrong with you peezoples. Nevermind, I've been here a few months, I already know that answer."
"Just do alias and tru, NOT smallville."
"Considering Tru Calling is the only one of the above with a Buffyverse cast member as a regular, it seems fitting for this to be the series followed by Hellmouth Central next year."
"It's just not the shame... Oh, I promised myself i wasn't gonna get emotional... I'm gonna go lock myself in a dark room... And maybe listen to some counrty music..."
"NONE! I thought this was a Jossverse site, not a site about dumb fu*king tv shows! What's next, a
"Friends" forum?"
Note from Matt: Calm down. I said it was hypothetical. But if you want me to hum to smelly cat
I will.
"Smallville - cause out of those listed it'll be the only one ill be watching --yes, even if its on the accursed WuB."
"Alias is just a boring James Bond rip off from what I've seen. Tru Calling
is the most contrive show on T.V. and the 90210 guy doesn't help. I've only seen one whole episode of Smallville and it's the one that looked like Mummy Inca Girl. That's not a good sign. None of those shows are good or worth watching much less worth reading about in my opinion. Since there will be no Mutant Enemy shows on next fall (god I want the WB to burn) I guess the best show to cover is......um......on second thought, just sell your T.V."
"Tru Calling is what I voted for immediately. Honestly, the plots right now aren't that bad, I'm getting tired of Smallville, and I *could* be a bit biased since I've never even seen Alias. Oh, and I'll take Faith any where I can, even if it's only her face."
"I'm completely spoiled by Mutant Enemy. Now, I just couldn't care any less about TV."
"I went with Tru Calling it's the smartest pick now that it has Marti Noxon working on it."
Note from Matt: I think you mean Jane Espenson.
"All of these shows have similar aspirations to Buffy, but Alias is easily the closest to Buffy in quality. It respects a constantly developing mythology, the continuity is elaborately conceived, and Jennifer Garner's quite good. My only complaint is that unlike Buffy the show does not speak beyond its fantasy as a metaphor for anything, and there's less stylistic variance than on Buffy. But compared to the other two it's no contest; Smallville has horribly cheesy, melodramatic acting and shoves the metaphors of teenage hormones taking over down your throat unlike the more gracefully constructed metaphors on Buffy and the plots never go anywhere beyond an episode or two, and Tru Calling is just trying way too hard to hybridize as many other works as possible while still trying to pass it off as original (Buffy meets Run Lola Run meets Six Feet Under, what a headache). Plus the characters are just boring and Zach Gafawhatever is wasted and Jason Priestley's never been much of an actor; sorry Eliza I love you but you really should've gone with the Faith spinoff. The only thing that could make me question my writing off Tru is the addition of Jane Espenson, my favorite Buffy writer after Joss, but I'm not confident this relatively obnoxious show's going to be the best use for her talents, I thought she worked much better for Gilmore Girls, I wonder if she didn't like working there..."
"I haven't really followed Tru Calling, and obviously it has the big Buffy-Eliza Dushku following, but I'm a big fan of Alias. It's getting weirder nowadays, but aside from those two I'd ask that you *not* cover Smallville. Blech.
Thanks, keep up the delightful newsing. :-) "
"Smallville has been very badly written in the past, and for the most part, the WB has been banned by most here, so it would be moot. Alias would be intresting, as well as Tru Calling."
"I went for Tru Calling, although I also wouldn't mind some Alias coverage. I watched the first half of the current Smallville season (waiting for Angel to come on) and it makes the mediocrity of Tru Calling look like a taut Mamet thriller by comparison."
"None of them. This is a "Mutant Enemy Fan Community," not a "Let's Cover Crappy Shows to Fill the Void Community," right? Cover Firefly movie news, Buffy Animated (if that makes it), and maybe Joss' X-Men run (as well as other Buffy and Angel comics). Just because these shows employ some of our old writers doesn't mean they're worth our precious viewing time."
"Hmmm. . . . I like the idea of covering genre shows, but to pick one of them is very difficult given that I've never watched Tru Calling, Alias or Smallville. Why not cover them all and see what happens?"
"I can't believe you listed Smallville Matt! I thought we were boycotting that pansy ass show and the WB? I went with Tru Calling, I could see Alias, but it has been on so many seasons so far, but that maybe a good thing. God fall is going to suck. Now I am depressed. WTG! Where is my vodka? I so need a drink..."
"Alias is the best of these choices. Season 3 was a big disappointment, but hopefully it's nothing our guys can't fix! I look forward to seeing how the show is affected by the new blood- more technical or more Rambaldi?"
Good comments guys. Harsh ones as well. Apparently barely anyone likes Smallville, and most of you
want me to wait 3 years for Joss to get around to a spin-off or something. I don't know...I just
don't know. Anyway, the new poll is up. Go vote now.
That's it for now. I should be back in the PM. If not, we'll see ya tomorrow.
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