![]() May 27, 0001 A.J.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
There's not much this afternoon...
News Bites...
- The Hollywood Reporter reports that Jane Espenson has signed a 2-year deal with 20th Century Fox. She will
be an executive producer/writer for "Tru Calling".
Upcoming Dates are updated. "Eurotrip" comes out on DVD next Tuesday (6.01).
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
That's it for today. Have a good one.
P.S - Send me more Poobah questions.
Look at my poll...that didn't come out right.
It's Thursday. Let's get to it...
Zizziana sent in 2 new Wallpapers.
News Bites...
- Another Angel finale review.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Where Do We Go From Here?" Here are the results...
All of the Above - 34.5%
Total votes: 669
I'm not surprised the majority wants everything to happen. A feature film comes in 2nd, and
a spin-off series gets 3rd place. I certainly thought a spin-off would be 2nd, because of
the difference in hours between it and one movie. Let's see what you had to say...
"I think that they should make a movie with both shows combined summing up the end of the Buffyverse. Therefore we wouldn't have to wonder anymore about what really happened, it would be finished, the end would come, finally."
"As much as I already miss both Buffy and Angel (yes, I sobbed like a baby through most of the Angel finale), the longer I live with "Not Fade Away" the more I love it. What could be more perfect than an ending that acknowledges the horrors of the world but also admits room for fighting the good fight and sustaining hope that happily ever after is still a possibility--whatever your happily ever after might be? I thought I wanted an Angel/Buffy movie, but now I'm not so sure. I'm not sure how Joss could give us a more fitting farewell to a universe and characters that will stick with us for a long time to come. (Or maybe I'm just in denial...after all, closure and a neat, clean ending means really having to say goodbye.) :)"
"Once again, I voted without reading all of the options...and the optimist in me votes ALL OF THE ABOVE!...but, seriously, the only one I KNOW wil be-a-comin' is in about a year, how can I wait that long! And as much as I love the crew, I wanna know what happens to my Buffyverse...WHY, Joss, WHY!?!?!?!?!? So, I also *hope* for a spin-off or (yeah, right) TV movie...I'm sad. I have nothing intangible to look forward to..."
"At this point, facing a Joss-less TV landscape. . . I'll take anything and everything I can get."
"I really do think there should be an Angel/Buffy feature film. Remember the Power Rangers movies? Even though plot sucked, it was amazing how "larger than life" they looked. I want the same "larger than life" thing for Buffy. I think it would be a kick-ass movie. I really hope Joss makes one!"
Note from Matt: POWER RANGERS? WTF?
"Spike could have his own thing. A vamp with a soul, playing a major role in the apocalypse. Could be cool."
"Well I clicked All of the Above not because I'm greedy (I *AM* but that isn't *WHY* I clicked it) simply because each notion is so different both artisitically and commercially that they shouldn't conflict."
"All of the above sounded too optomistic. So I checked other and Will say Any of the above!"
"I don't believe I'm actually going to say this, but I'm actually looking forward to a break from the Jossverse (once AtS finishes in Australia in a few months). After 8 years of BtVS and AtS, I'm pretty much spent, so I can only imagine how David Boreanaz must feel. As much as I would love to see Angel and/or Buffy tele/movies, I have the feeling they're not going to happen. I understand DB not wanting to revisit a character from his past, no matter how loved he is. I do like Spike, but only in small doses, therefore I don't know if I would actually watch should Spike gets his own spin-off series. That being said, when Serenity comes out, I'll definitely go and see it."
"I feel that a spin off is the most likely option, besides the Firefly movie. David B is obvioulsy fed up with the network jerking him around and would rather move on, but James M seems up for more. A show with Spike, Illyria and Andrew would be grear!!!!! Think of the hijinks those three would get into!!"
"Go from where? I don't know what you're talking about...we have Buffy on Tuesdays, Angel on Wednesdays and Firefly on Fridays, what could be better than that? Plus all the upcoming movies and evens, this is gonna be the best year ever! What? No, I don't live anywhere near the niles, why?"
"Everything is over. Time to move on."
Note from Matt: NEVER!
"I went with with spin off. Don't get me wrong, other things would be great, but David and Sarah are both pretty much done (until they're "film careers" fall further into the crapper), the Firefly people are cool, but it's not Buffy/Angel, and a feature wouldn't be as fun. You can do so much more with a series than you can in a 2-hour flick, especially if you have to cater to newbies with a film. Marsters would go on, and I bet a couple of others would be open to it (Illyria, Andrew, etc.), plus they could add new characters, of course. Spin off is the way to go."
"I want my joss...... I put all of the above. I will take what I can get. Give me something."
"The real question is where does Joss go from here...and we know what his priority is - SERENITY and writing a comic book(?)."
Good comments folks. The new poll is up. What I want to know is, which series do you want us to cover
this year? Maybe all of the ones listed? I don't know. Go vote.
That's it for now. I have a long day of work ahead of me. Hopefully I can get to a PM update. If not,
see you tomorrow.
Sign Up for
Hellhound Con 2004. I
will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)
- Matt
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