In The Year of Our Joss
May 25, 0001 A.J.

So sleepy...

I'm pooped people, and I'm late. Here's a quick one for ya...

A new Divine Musings is up. "Endings" gives Aeryn's thoughts about the Angel finale.

There are 2 new wallpapers up by mrsmarsters. Check those out.

News Bites...

- Watch w/ Kristin at E!Online. She mentions Angel, Tru Calling and Wonderfalls.
- News item from SaveWonderfalls saying that it looks like we'll be getting the 13-episode DVD set. Excellent.

That's it for today. See you tomorrow.

Singing Slayers, Drug Metaphors, and Inappropriate Sex

It's Tuesday, and yes....Buffy Season 6 comes out today on DVD.

You can get it from HMC through amazon by CLICKING HERE.

Zizziana sent in 2 new Wallpapers. Check those out.

News Bites...

- Adam Baldwin says filming starts on "Serenity" next week. :)
- Joss was interviewed by Bravo for their "TV Revolution" series. One of the episodes ("Body Count") airs tomorrow night at 9PM.

Upcoming Dates are updated.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.

Sign Up for Hellhound Con 2004. I will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)

- Matt

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