In The Year of Our Joss
May 20, 0001 A.J.

We Can Be Heroes

The RANT for "Not Fade Away" is up, entitled "We Can Be Heroes". Check it out. I think it may be our most credible one ever.

News Bites...

- Angel gets a 3.3/5 rating for "Not Fade Away" (up from 2.7/4 last week).
- An article on Joss and the ending of Angel from
- Matt Roush of TV Guide comments on the finale.
- Mediaweek reports that both Marti Noxon and Charisma Carpenter's pilots did not get picked up for the fall schedule.
- An article on how crappy the West Wing has gotten, and how great the Angel finale was.

That's it for today. I'll be back in the morning with more.

Fade To Black

It's Thursday morning, and the date is May 20, 0001...After Jossverse. It is a sad, depressing day for all of us here at HMC. If you hadn't noticed, the main page is completely grey and black today. This is our mourning day. Eric and I just want to say what a pleasure it has been covering Angel for the last year, and Buffy before that. Also - I'd like to point out that we're not going anywhere. So don't feel like it's the end of HMC, because it's not even close.

And who knows? Maybe it isn't the end of the Buffyverse either.

Thanks to the cast and crew for 5 great seasons.

News Bites...

- Whedon, Fury, DeKnight and Kral all posted about the finale and thanked the fans.
- Herc's review of "Not Fade Away". He gave it 5 stars.
- Another David Boreanaz interview.
- Another Angel-ending article.

There's a new wallpaper up by Luke Ryans.

To the poll...

Last week we asked, "Who's Your Favorite Member of the Fang Gang (past/present)?" Here are the results...

Wesley - 28.6%
Spike - 26.1%
Angel - 18.0%
Cordelia - 8.3%
Fred - 6.5%
Doyle - 5.4%
Illyria - 3.5%
Lorne - 2.4%
Connor - 0.8%
Gunn - 0.4%

Total votes: 1000

I'm a bit shocked that Wes won. My guess is we had a little bit of a campaign on our hands. Anyway, it's cool Wes won, don't get me wrong. Spike comes in a close 2nd (even though he was only on for a season), with Angel getting 3rd. And poor Gunn got less votes than Connor. Ouch. Here's what you guys had to say...

"Watching the votes pour in this week the top 3 don't surprise me at all. What is surprising is how Gunn is at the bottom!!! The only explanation is that his character has always been in Angel's shadow, but I give him props because I love the humor he brings to the show!!!!!!"
- Kristen Grand Rapids, MI

"Over the last 5 seasons, we've seen Wesley become one of the most complex characters on television. He's been through more than anyone else, and he's pretty good at kicking demon ass as well."
- Greg77

"I voted for Connor. I couldn't have gotten that 1% all by myself so someone else must have voted for him, YAY I'm not alone!"
- milesfrom730

"That's a tough question. They are all sooooo good. But for me it would either be Wes (loved him as a rouge demon hunter, and loved him even more when he got dark and shoots people in the knee)) or Lorne (gotta love a green crooning demon with always funny remarks). I voted for Wes though"
- strandmose

"Spike and Wesley in the lead? I am amazed!"
- Earthmom

"I choose Cordy because she was the heart, she kept the team or family together ,sain, and i think Angel and the gang fell apart after her departure. Wesleys' the coolest out the group and Illyria is the badass but Cordys' the one."
- Kanaka

"I do love Spike, that's always been blazingly clear, but I gotta go with Angel. My brain does not compute Spike as part of the Fang Gang, but it definitely recognizes Angel as the leader. Granted, Spike in the last few episodes has definitely become invested in the Fang Gang, but it hasn't been long enough for me to make it official. Of course, if the morons at the WB didn't cancel the show, Spike's status as a member of the Fang Gang would have been etched in stone for me by next season!"
- Jrzlee

"Cordelia!!! Of course I'm fine with Wesley in first place as well. But Spike is NOT a member of the Fang Gang. Mostly because the Fang Gang doesn't exist anymore, not the was it used to be. Without Cordy and Fred, it just isn't the same team. I think Spike is a great addition to the "team" but the team is no longer the Fang Gang. Season 3 was the Gang at it's peak."
- Prophecy Girl

"Need you ask? WESLEY! Never mind that AD is gorgeous and an incredible actor... the character of Wesley is the most mulitfacetted, well developed, and well crafted character on the show."
- fiat

"Doyle was the one who started it all, really, and without him the Fang Gang would have been merely Scooby Gang The L.A. Version, without a mission. I'm still wicked mad at Joss for killing him off."
- Life's A Show

"I really love the show, it's my favorite one, actually and i love all the universe it has created, but iFred is definitely my favorite Character. Don't really know why. perhaps becuase i love Amy Acker... and i Know her personally. A Hole in the world was the best episode ever for me."
- Harmental

"Cordy of course! She made the first couple of seasons worth watching! I miss her terribly! Her quips and stupid comments are sorely missed. Can you imagine the first season or two without Cordy? UGH!"
- JK13

"If it wasn't for Spike, I probably wouldn't be watching Angel as much as I am now. He's my favorite, but a hestitated for a moment and wanted to vote for Doyle. I guess I just love accents. European guys rule!"
- Mack the Bloody

"Of course, I voted for my brooding guy. David's done such a wonderful job with Angel, and he and the writers have done a fabulous job of giving him a rich history and story. So many facets of the character have been explored, and I think many more can still be explored. He's never boring to me."
- jojo

"Matt!!!!! How could you do this to me!!!!! You made me choose between Fred and Wesley! Evil Poobah. I went with Wesley. He has been through such a evolution over the past years and Alexis Denisof has allowed us to share by giving us great acting. Alexis brings me to laughter and tears all in the same episode. He is a complex character that you can't help but love. I also love Fred. *grumble* Poobie made me choose*grumble*"
- Aeryn

"Ah, I miss my Fred...*sniff*"
- SevenofTN

"I know there will be this big Angel vs. Spike thing going on here but I voted LORNE BABY!!!!! It's all about the horned crooner!! I love me some Lorne!!! He kicks ASS!"
- Nora

"Doyle, hands down. When his character met his demise, I stopped watching Ats until last season save for the occassional guest star or cross over. Glenn Quinn was a fine actor and if he had lived DB's Irish accent may have improved over time."
- wretch

Good comments guys. The new poll is up. Go vote.

That's it for now. I'll be back with the finale rant (hopefully) and more soon.

If You Missed Yesterday:
El Presidente gives us a heartfelt RANT about Angel and how we should define heroes, and much more. You should really check it out - Click Here.

SevenofTN previews The Astonishing X-Men written by Joss Whedon, and gives us his perspective on the issues, the X-Men, and his thoughts on Joss writing it. Check out a new "Color Me Impressed" HERE.

There's a new FanFic up entitled, "Love Never Fades" written by Ms. Divinity herself, Aeryn. All you Wes/Fred shippers should read it especially.

A new Divine Musings.

A special Pre-Finale RANT.

A new Hellmouth Ascension.

Sign Up for Hellhound Con 2004. I will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)

- Matt

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