In The Year of Our Joss
May 19, 2004 B.J.

We Hope You're Helpless

Well, as of this post, we're just a few short hours away from the finale. Here's a huge ass update for you this afternoon while we all sit around and mope...

El Presidente gives us a heartfelt RANT about Angel and how we should define heroes, and much more. You should really check it out - Click Here.

SevenofTN previews The Astonishing X-Men written by Joss Whedon, and gives us his perspective on the issues, the X-Men, and his thoughts on Joss writing it. Check out a new "Color Me Impressed" HERE.

There's a new FanFic up entitled, "Love Never Fades" written by Ms. Divinity herself, Aeryn. All you Wes/Fred shippers should read it especially.

News Bites...

- 8 different Angel-finale/Angel episode reviews. Everyone has an opinion. And we all know what opinions are like. ;)

That's it for today. I may pop on and cry with the rest of you on the message board tonight. I invite everyone to show up tonight after the finale.

5 Seasons, 110 Episodes...and here we are.

It's the last NEW...ANGEL...WEDNESDAY. Folks, I'm a bit sad today. The Mutant Enemy-lacking-on-TV depression has set in already. Let's get to it...

There's a new Divine Musings up. This week, Aeryn talks about Spike.

A special Pre-Finale RANT is up. There are no spoilers, so you can definitely check it out.

A new Hellmouth Ascension is up. Tiffany is back. I'm sure you all are pleased.

News Bites...

- According to Variety, Tru Calling has been picked up for a 2nd season.
- "Not Fade Away" review.
- Finale Spoilers. There have been a couple of changes made.
- A Zap2it interview with Joss Whedon. In it, he mentions, "I just don't believe that the Buffyverse is dead."
- Robert Bianco's "What To Watch Wednesday", of course picks Angel.
- A very nice letter from Andy Hallett to his fans.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

The PM update will no doubt be big today. Look for a column from El Presidente (yes, you read that right), Seven's preview of Astonishing X-Men, a fanfic from our girl Aeryn, and more. That should all be up by 4pm (if I don't get delayed - maybe even earlier).

That's it for now.

El Presidente's HMC Angel Goodbye Bash
Where: Statesboro, GA
When: May 19. 7PM until whenever you feel like leaving.
For more info, email Eric here

Sign Up for Hellhound Con 2004. I will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)

- Matt

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