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Fox and the WB suck...they suck majorly.

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday...let's hit it...

Happy Birthday to David Boreanaz! He turns 33 today. I have aired my problems with him, but I'll let it slide to wish him a happy birthday. ;)

There are 25 pics of Robia LaMorte at Cleveland SlayerCon in the image gallery. Check those out. Thanks to Dusty. That's about it for the con pics, except for a little hodge podge of different pics.

News Bites...

- An Angel-ending article.
- Adam Baldwin will guest star on "Navy: NCIS" on CBS.
- Fifteen people were injured as the ceiling collapsed at "When Harry Met Sally". Alyson Hannigan is ok, and Luke Perry actually jumped off stage to help people.
- A Toronto Star Interview with Joss Whedon.

But the big one is the Entertainment Weekly Interview with Joss. In it, he is VERY blunt about his distaste for reality shows, Fox and the WB. Here's an excerpt...

EW: So they invested millions in a show they didn't like [FIREFLY], just to kill it? Why would they do that?
Whedon: [Bewildered] Because Fox is a bad network that makes bad decisions.

Read the entire AWESOME interview HERE.

God, I love that man.

Upcoming Dates are updated.

That's it for today. Have a good one.

Countdown to the End: 3 Days.

El Presidente's HMC Angel Goodbye Bash
Where: Statesboro, GA
When: May 19. 7PM until whenever you feel like leaving.
For more info, email Eric here

Sign Up for Hellhound Con 2004. I will sell HMC to Tiffany if we don't have 20 sign-ups in 2 weeks. ;)

- Matt

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