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PM Update
The RANT is up. Eric and I discuss "Time Bomb" and we do a little
dance, and maybe some jenga. A fun time, really.
And now a word from George W.....
"Connor had to kill Sanj-hun, because his daddy couldn't, just like I had to do to Iraq."
This has been a word from George W.
That's it for today. Have a good one. Big Friday tomorrow.
AM Update
AHHHHH!!!!! It's Baldy McBalderson again! I just can't get enough of that.
It's Thursday (I'm pretty sure), so let's get to it...
The Image Gallery is updated with...
- Higher quality pics of the James Marsters head shave.
News Bites has...
- Spike beats Angel in a sky one poll (thanks to Myth).
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Grade this season of Angel so far..." Here are the results...
A+ - 41.3%
Total votes: 589
So 41% give in an A+, that's a good number. A gets 28.5%, and A- rounds out the top 3 grades. So really,
when it comes down to it, 80% of you gave it an A or better. Let's see what you had to say...
"So far this season has been good, but not exellent! The whole thing of Fred dead sucks!!!"
"I voted B+. After many crappy episodes at the start of the season, it really started to rock beginning with the hilarious 'Harm's Way'. But then that got toppled by the even funnier 'Smile Time'. And of course Cordelia's return. It was great to see her knowing that she wasn't evil anymore. And then there is Fred. 'A Hole in the World' aired in the UK this week and i just can't wait to see how the story develops. I regret ever saying that it's time was up...."
"Everyone who voted B- or lower are just crying because the shows going to end and you're taking it out on the show. This season kicks ass so far. I mean Lindsey's back, we get Spike, Eve is out of the picture for awhile, umm Connor's back, Fred is dead but I think she comes back because how could they do that to us(have Fred and Wes smoochies and then kill her off the next epy), and Angel is running W&H. How cool is that?"
"Best season so far! Every episode has been good or wonderful. Never a slump or a 1/3 part where it sucked! Angel the Series has hit it's mark with this new season. I love it."
"I've had to give S5 a 'C'. The last episode shown here in Australia was "Soul Purpose". Up to that point there have only been 2 really good episodes (Hellbound, Destiny). The rest have all been rather ho-hum, and I can't begin to tell you how much I hated "Harm's Way". I think that if the A-Team were not so confined to the Wolfram & Hart building and were allowed to venture outside more, that this season would be less boring. I miss Cordy, I'm hating Gunn, I'm really hating Eve, and I'm hating that Wesley has been pushed to the background. The only real saving grace is that Lindsey (Chris Kane) has returned from wherever it is he came back from. Although I've heard some upcoming episodes are really good, I'm going to reserve my judgement until I've seen them. But at this stage, I wish we could go back to season 2 when Tim Minear was writing for the show, and things were good in the world."
"When you can't pick a favourite episode because you love too many of them - those are the A+ kind! The best season yet IMO, or at a tie with season 2. At least they're going out with a bang..."
"I gave it a B. The entire first half of the season blew! It wasn't until episode 511 that it got remotely interesting. But they luckily are getting better."
"A+ for sure. If there was an A++ I would've chosen that. There were great additions to the cast, and even though I'm usually hard on Spike, he really has brought something to the show. I'll be the first one to admit that. Not only the comedic presence that he and Harmony bring, but also his contrasts and parallels to Angel's story. David has great chemistry with James, and there are sides to him that you don't normally get to see. Also really gives you further insights into Angel as a character. I think David's been doing a consitently excellent job this season, as has Amy and Alexis. I still wish there had been more balance with all the characters, though, and I still feel like new characters have been given far too much screen time. But the writing has been awesome, and there have been some of my favourite eps of the entire series."
"Gave it an A as in "All we got for now" but the shows have been fairly consistent and actually getting better. And this coming from someone who always thought Ats was pretty so-so. Oh well..."
There were more comments, but mostly from jack asses who said "I never watch it." Or "Spike or Angel is HOT!!!!!!" I don't post that
kind of crap unless I'm asking who's hot. The question was to grade the damned season. Ugh, some people. Anyway, thanks to those
who made ACTUAL comments.
The new poll is up. Go vote now.
The RANT should come later today, plus more (hopefully). See ya then.
Save Angel Campaigns
- Matt
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