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PM Update
The RANT is postponed until tomorrow. I got busy.
Tiffany's new "Hellmouth Ascension" is up. Check it out here.
That's it for today. I'll be back in the morning. Rant, Poobah and more. ;)
AM Update
It's Thursday. Let's get right to it....
Strandmose sent in 2 new wallpapers. The Angel group one is friggin'
News Bites has....
- USA Today's what to watch Wednesday....well duh, Robert "da man" Bianco says Angel.
Tons of stuff.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Who's your Favorite Wolfram & Hart Employee (excluding the fang gang)?" Here
are the results...
Lilah Morgan - 46.0%
Total votes: 554
It was a two-horse race in the end, but Lilah comes out on top. Lindsey comes in an extremely close
2nd, and no one else even made double digits. Let's see what you had to say...
"Oh the new guys name is Hamilton?
I bet the guys all pick Lilah and all the chiquitas Lindsay - so predictable-- buncha caterwauling muckrakes in heat."
"Lilah! She plays a very convincing bad@ss doesn't she? Someone you love to hate. I actually like seeing her on screen because she is so calculating and you can't tell what trouble she is stirring up next!
Lindsey is my second choice, mainly because he is so nice to look at! :)"
"Lilah, come-on everybody Wesley sleep's with is/turns evil."
"Well, there are the obvious choices, Lilah and Lindsey. And although I love them both, I'm gonna have to take the road less traveled here and go with Holland Manners. "And yet I can't seem to care..." and his elevator scene in Reprise earn him the title. Well, actually, it was too hard to choose between Lindsey and Lilah, so I went with Holland - he really is awesome, though!"
"Lindsey all the way baby!Christain Kane.....so hot and Lindsey has so many diffent things going on!whats not to love?"
"Really close call between Lilah and Lindsay...but went with Lindsay, for his hillarious 'evil hand issues' scene!"
"Okay, if Lindsey doesn't win over Lilah then I'll be Faith mad. He's awesome, hot, lost a body part, helped Angel, tried to kill Angel (many times), and now he's back. What more could you ask for? Well, maybe more naked Lindsey, but only in my dreams I guess."
"I chose Lilah. She is by far the best and she gets all the awesome lines when it comes to talking with Angel and the rest of the gang. Plus, she is very loyal to Wolfram and Hart, unlike Lindsey and Eve."
"Lilah started out as a one-dimensional character and then evolved into an interesting, complex one. I also bought the whole Wesley/Lilah ship. However, my hormones are voting for Lindsey. His lips alone...Mmm Mmm Good."
"Lindsey's drool-worthy. And yes, I AM that shallow. ;)"
"I voted for Lindsey, because I have a weakness for cowboy boots and tatoos. His hatred for Angel, only made me love him more. Lindsey McDonald is smokin' hot!"
"First, I'm a little surprised that Knox wasn't on the poll. Not that I would have voted for him, but still. . . .
Second, I had a hard time choosing between Lilah and Lindsey. Both are serious bads (which make them faves). I finally decided on Lilah because, from the beginning, Lilah never, ever wavered about what she believed in - bringing Angel down and being the most powerful attorney Wolfram & Hart ever had. She was such a bitch and you just gotta love her for it!"
Good comments folks. And yeah, I did kind of miss the boat a little. I forgot Knox and Numero Cinco, and
probably more people that I still can't remember. Anyway, the new poll is up. Go vote! :)
That's it for now. There should be a new rant up in a few hours, plus maybe more.
By the way - thanks to everyone who visited the site yesterday. We had over 4,000 unique visitors
on Wednesday...a new record. That's really awesome. :)
Save Angel Campaigns
- Matt
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