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PM Update
Well, Angel received a 3.6 overnight rating. I'm officially brassed off. Check out more on the
ratings and 2 "Underneath" reviews in the News Bites.
The RANT is up for "Underneath". You can read it HERE.
That's it for today. I'll see ya tomorrow.
AM Update
It's Thursday. I'm waiting for the overnights to come out, and you better pray it got a decent
rating, because I have dug up bear-bear, and I will do some damage. Don't make me hurt the bear.
Eric and I will be around in the PM with the rant for "Underneath". Look for that in the
coming hours.
The Image Gallery has 8 promo images for "Origin" (AtS 5.18).
News Bites has...
- An article on Wonderfalls and Angel cancellations.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Who's the baddest female baddie of all?" Here are the results...
Black Magick Willow - 33.4%
Total votes: 604
The Bad Ass Wicca wins with an easy 17% victory over the competition. The Bad Slayer comes
in 2nd, and Darla rounds out the top 3. Let's see what you guys had to say...
"Darla. 400+ years of death and mayhem...plus she's the only one who was able to control Angelus to a degree. That's gotta take some serious chops."
"Black Magick Willow most definitly. She had the personal connection to the Scoobies so she knew what to do to get to them, unlike the other baddies. Aly also did a really good job!"
"I didn't go with the strongest, the most powerful, the craziest or the sexiest. (Although I think my choice would rank high in several of those areas.) I picked vamp Willow. She was the one who seemed to take the most pleasure in causing pain to others."
"While I adore all these characters (Darla and Angel's heat almost melted my t.v. screen), I gotta go with Faith. In the words of Mae West, "When she was good, she was very good, and when she was bad, she was even better!" She really gave me the creeps, especially since she was so unpre-
dictable. Remember when she had Buffy tied up while Angel was pretending to be evil just so they could get info about the Mayor's ascension? Eww. I'm glad she redeemed herself, but she wasn't as much fun."
"Black Magick Willow, because the Scoobies couldn't kill her. Can you say 'dilemma'?"
"(Santana does Satan)
Black magic Willow...she's a blaaack magic willow, and she'll flay you as soon as slay you...she's a Black Magick Willow.
(guitar solo)....sounds of Warren's skin-ny stripping."
"Vamp Willow was so awesome, I wish we could have seen more of her in action. But since we didn't, I'll have to go with Darla. We know how evil she was!"
"I voted Glory. Have you see her hair? Now that's what a baddie is all about!"
"Just clarifying, you do mean on Buffy right? Because I would have to say Illyria if not. But I went with Black Magicks Willow. She was the baddest of the bad. She was human, the one you wouldn't bet on going evil and betrayed them all. It hurts more to be betrayed by someone close to you than a random evil stranger."
Yeah, I guess I meant on Buffy...considering there were no Angel baddies on the list (with the exception of Darla...who was also on Buffy). Anyway,
good comments guys (although not very many). The new poll is up. Go vote!
I'll be back in the PM with more, including the rant!
Save Angel Campaigns
- Matt
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