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PM Update

There's a new section called "Thus Sayeth The Hellhounds"! It's random weekly quotes from the HMC board. Check out the first editon here.

News Bites has...

- The Official Angel magazine Issue 10 UK Press Release.
- SMG in negotations for "Night Train: The Sonny Liston Story".

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Thursday. Tons of stuff today...let's roll...

Happy Birthday to Emma Caulfield! She turns 31 today! :)

SevenofTN sent in his review of "Tales of the Vampires #4". Check it out in Color Me Impressed.

Don't forget to check out Tiffany Murdock's The Hellmouth Ascension. She's crazy and a bit controversial. Give it a read.

SaxySlayer sent in one new wallpaper.

News Bites has...

- An article on the Wonderfalls cancellation.
- News on Jeff Bell's new 2-year deal with Touchstone (he's going to be an exec producer on Alias).

To the poll...

Last week we asked, "Who's the funniest drunk?" Here are the results...

Giles - 32.5%
Anonymous Guy (from HMC:Live) - 28.8%
Buffy - 14.1%
Spike - 12.1%
Wesley - 5.5%
Fred - 3.7%
Angel - 3.4%

Total votes: 767

Bloody Hell, Ripper wins. Eric and his wig place in a close second, and Buffy and her "gawhhh" get third. Let's see what you guys had to say...

"Giles was just great. Laughed my butt off! We never really got to seem him unwind so that was a great way to see a different side of G-man."
- mrsmarsters

"Let me just begin by saying, Charlie, that the man known as Anonymous Guy is a heathen of uncontestable proportions. And may he burn in the pits of the WB for drinking that booze which he relishes within and praising that whore who he fantasizes so heavily upon, Fred Burkle!!! And if you would be so kind as to tell me just where he is I would like to file a lawsuit on injuries I sustained during the course of your program earlier this year. Thank you, Charlie, and may Webs bless you with a mighty hand. Amen."
- Bob Blanchard

Note from Matt: For the last time, my name isn't Charlie!

"2 words: Ba-loody Hell! Of course Giles!"
- fat tony

"Mac, ya missed the boat. The funniest drunk is Mr. Jonathan Riggins, the XBOX himself!!"
- fiatlux

"Seriously, how is Spike one the top three funniest drunk? That pisses me off. Please refrain from putting Spike into the polls, because no matter what the subject is, he'll always be voted for no reason by someone and I clearly can't see why."
- infected_slinky

- sraeps2

"SPIKE all the way...who couldnt help but laugh when in LOVERS WALK he was so drunk he passed out, outside of Angels mansion and then his hand caught on fire in the morning....priceless"
- Melissa

"Buffy, all the way. My goodness, Sarah was absolutely hilarious every time she threw back a shot in 'Life Serial'. She really should've gotten drunk more often. I guess she was also incredibly drunk in 'Beer Bad', but uh...I've repressed all memories of that episode. ;)"
- jojo

"Giles is the funniest drunk (and I should add stoner) ever. When he drinks, he will inevitably fall down and get another lump on the noggin. The only Brit that continually drinks himself into and out of --comas! lol"
- wretch

"I think Giles is the funniest drunk. Anyone remember 'The Yoko Factor'???? Buffy came in second. He...he...Stinky Parker Man!!!!! lol"
- Liz

" I voted Fred. The whole totally drunkfaced and the dancing, the yelling at the demon.... It was just a funny site!"
- Aeryn

Good comments guys. The new poll is up - go vote!

That's it for now. I'll be back later in the day.

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