PM Update
I forgot poll day this morning, so here it is in the afternoon. Enjoy...
Last week we asked the question I regret, "Who should be with Buffy?" Here are the results...
Spike - 43.7%
Wow. Look at the votes. Why is it the only time we get a major amount of votes is when it's a shipper
poll? Argh. Anyway, Captain Peroxide comes in first with 43%. Poofyhead gets a close second
with 38%. Our poor hero who never killed anyone for pleasure hits a 6% showing. Weirdos. Let's
see what you all had to say...
"In the end, Buffy shouldn't end up with anyone. Why? Three words: Perpetual Cookie Dough."
"Man, I can't believe you actually asked this! You're very brave! Normally I would say Angel but deep down I don't think she should be with anyone. Not just because the slayer is always alone but the fact that she's better off by herself. That's just my opinion :)"
"She definitely needs to be with Xander. He's been there since the beginning and knows her the best. Friends make the best lovers, and Xander is perfect for Buffy."
"I kinda liked Luke Perry from the movie. I'm a little bit disappointed his name wasn't on this list."
Note from Matt: Riggins should never be allowed to vote.
"Without blinking an eye...SPIKE! Buffy connects deeper with Spike than anyone because it is on many levels (not just the physical-though that is very HOT). Her trust with him has developed and they relied on each other for strength. Spike knew Buffy, the good and the bad but he accepted her and still loved her. He knew just how to encourage her and give her what she needed. I guess it is the depth of the connection that gets me, desire has always been there but the friendship has developed like none other!"
Note from Matt: I think I can see what I had for lunch in my vomit puddle.
"Other: Someone normal. Okay, not TOO normal. He'd have to know that demons exist. Maybe a watcher she meets in Europe. A guy like Wesley--but NOT Wesley."
"Buffy and Angel have belonged to each other since the beginning of the program."
"You know I like Spike. He's...well Spike. But I prefer for him and Buffy to be good friends. Angel was there first. And he will ALWAYS be there in the front of the line. So count my vote for Angel!!!"
"I like the idea of Xander and Buffy together (in a perfect world), but the way the question was worded, I have to answer NO ONE! This'll probably get me staked, but I wouldn't wish her as a girlfriend on ANYONE. Hello, can you say "high maintenance?""
"spike and buffy rock.
spike and buffy rule.
deal with it.
(HMC also rocks, rules and all other positive kick ass verbs)"
Note from Matt: I can't deal with HMC ruling. It's too much for me.
"Believe it or not, I chose Riley. Seeing how she loved making Angel miserable, turning him into a Great Big Poof and seeing how she tortured Spike with her sick & twisted mind games, I had to go with Captain Cardboard. Hey, what could be a greater punishment for The Choosy One?"
"I voted Other; after the way she was hugging him on the cover of that dog magazine a couple years ago, I can totally see her totally with Oz; besides, I feel like living dangerously and I may regret this comment myself:-)."
"SPIKE????!!!???? SPIKE?????? ---------------You people are INSANE!!!!
That is just sick and wrong! Did you people not watch Season 6 and just cringe? I am trying hard to repress that entire season (minus the two episodes where Willow goes evil). ANGEL is the only possible choice in that entire list!!!!!----Freaks!"
Note: The only possible choice? Riiiight.
"Buffy should totally be with Spike. They were the perfect couple. And oh so sweet."
Note: Yeah, I loved that sweet moment behind the dumpster.
"I voted for Spike, because, let's face it, the sex was good. My second choice would be the mummy hand, simply because I'd love to see it biotch slap SMG for snubbing her BtVS fans to make those stupid Scooby Doo movies, in hopes of furthering her 'career'. Oh, and she could take the prop home after work, and Chico Jr. could use it to... oh look, ther goes the master! *cough*bate*cough*"
"Oh, Alright...If I must comment on this: As interesting and steamy as the Spuffy relationship was... do we REALLY think that Spike and Buffy should 'Be Together'.... I mean the show made it pretty clear that she did not love (or was not In Love with) Spike, so that's the end of that then isn't it. Is Angel the love of her life? I don't thing there is any doubt about that, .. but wether she should BE with him or not I couldn't say. But out of that list then, yeah, it HAS to be Angel."
Note: Yes, it has to be Angel...because after all, nothing says precious love like dead goldfish
on a string.
"I've never really been a Buffy/Angel shipper and I was dead-set against Spuffy. I've always wanted Buffy and Xander to get together. He's loved her from the first moment he saw her and he would do anything for her. What more could a girl want?"
"I voted for Xander. I mean I love Buffy with Angel, and I loved some aspects of Buffy with Spike. But those relationships are plagued with problems from the word go. Her and Xander are best friends, have known eachother for a long time, he knows all she is and what she has done. And loves her inspite/because of all of it. I think overall in the grand scale of what is best for Buffy, is someone who can love her back with no reservations. With Angel, it was like " I love you but...I am moody and full of angsty grumpiness. I need to go save to world, and find some more hair gel." And Spike was all " I love you, but you don't love me. I am crazy..now I am not. I love you. I need a shirt."
Buffy just needs someone to love, keep her grounded, and make her laugh. Xander is all of that and more. So when Buff decides she is done with Pillsbury, she should be with Xander."
"There's too much baggage with the major ships, plus the fact that Spike ands Angel are undead, soul or no soul. Buffy will find her true love in a normal, interesting, loving guy who can give her children and a normal life. Since she's not "the one girl in all the world" anymore, she doesn't have to bear the burden of the Slayer alone (or at all). Everyone needs to move on. (unless ANGEL gets picked up for another season)."
"I had to choose Angel: how can you say no to the best soulmate-star-crossed-lovers pairing in television history? (Just MHO of course.) But with the news that SMG won't be appearing in any of the remaining Angel eps, the point is sort of moot anyway. You can't have great romance in absentia."
"Only the mummy hand is worthy - all dusty digits for lots of five fingery goodness."
I think I agree with wretch.
Not all the comments were posted, due to the excessive amount of them. Live with it.
New poll. Go vote. Do it, or maybe I'll make a necklace out of YOUR goldfish.
I may not be here tomorrow. Eric will probably do something. I'm going on a trip and probably
won't be back until Saturday morning.
AM Update
It's Thursday...April Fools Day. I have no trick up my sleeve. Sorry...the well has run dry this
week. Let's hit it...
Don't forget that an all-new WONDERFALLS airs TONIGHT on FOX at
9PM! Watch it!
The Firefly Episode Guide has been re-formatted. Check it out.
News Bites has...
- Herc's spoiler review of tonight's Wonderfalls.
Upcoming Dates are updated.
The TV Schedules are updated.
That's it for now. I'll be back in awhile with hopefully more.
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