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Quick Note: The rant is postponed for this evening, as is the entire PM update. I'm totally
stressed right now and my head isn't on straight. I sincerly apologize.
AM Update
It's Thursday. Which means it's Poll day. But first, the updates....
A Happy Belated Birthday to Alexis Denisof. He turned 38 yesterday. :)
Kirsten sent in the summary for "Shroud of Rahmon" (AtS 2.8). Check it out in
the episode guide.
There's a new Color Me Impressed up. This time Seven
reviews Fray #4.
News Bites has news on Angel being preempted for March, with the exception
of next week's episode.
Vampire Lady sent in one new Fan Art.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll...
Last week we asked, "Where do you think Angel will end up?" Here are the results...
UPN - 42.6%
Total votes: 465
Obviously, many of you are still optimistic. Let's see what you had to say...
"I think it's curtains for Angel..."
"the president of UPN said he/she wished buffy was never bought so do u really think angel will go over to there? well, we can still hope though."
"I wish that Angel would end up on TNT or UPN but I don't think that will happen."
"I think FX is a great choice; it's owned by Fox so it wouldn't cost them so much, plus they have the syndicated buffy's."
"Yeah, I'm still waiting for TNT to finish up "Pretender." So, while I appreciate the opportunity to catch a few old eppys before I fork out for the DVDs, I'm not holding my breath . . ."
"Hate to be the harvester of sorrow but I think Ats is done. UPN doesnt have the bucks. TNT is owned by AOL/TIme Warner akas the WuB.
Fox? Hello Firefly? Goodbye Joss.
PBS - only in Sprrok's mind. ;)
Methinks Msr, Joss has had enough of TVland is gearing up for the big screen and we know he's got a major woodie for the Fly.
"nuff said."
"I would like to see Angel continue even though I preferred both BTVS and Firefly to it and lost some interest when they destroyed Cordy's character. However I don't think it will be picked up as a series. We may luck out and get a made for TV movie, to wrap loose ends up. But I suspect (Joss be willing) that a spinoff in the BTVS/Angel universe is more likely than a direct continuation of the Angel story."
"As much as I would love to think that Angel could move to UPN or TNT, I think it's best for us to assume the worst, that it really is the end. UPN's under different management I believe since they picked up Buffy in 2001, so we don't know that the interest would still be there. I also doubt TNT could afford the show. That being said, I don't mean to discourage writing friendly letters to UPN and TNT asking that they consider picking up the show; that certainly can't hurt. But I just think it would be best for us all emotionally if we prepare for the worst case scenario."
"i have no idea, i really hope (now this is a fantasy) that the WB will realize what a big mistake they've made and they'll take it back admitting their mistake and blah. but that won't happen. :("
"I should have said other because it's going to haunt Jordan Levin for the rest of his long, impotent life."
"Okay, so I said UPN. I also rephrased the poll question to "where do you hope against all hope although it will never happen..."
The truth is just too damned painful..."
"Who cares, as long as it *does* come back!"
"Angel and Spike are destined for the adult entertainment industry. I'm not saying that Angel is going to star in the pornos, but he will definately direct. Spike will be the next Ron Jeremy. Remember season 4 BtVS finale predicted this? Their names will be synonomous with great porn! SMG will hit them up for work when she's finished filming those career building scooy doo flicks. :))"
"As much as I hate to admit it...Nowhere. It's not coming back. *sniff* If BBQing Jordan Levin's testicles didn't help, nothing will...*sigh*"
"I find it very unlikely that Angel will end up on another network. Although Buffy ended up on UPN, Angel just isn't popular enough to be picked up. I absolutely adore the show but I think it's time it went off the air anyway. This season just isn't anywhere near as good as the triumphant season 4 and without Buffy on the air, it unfortunately struggles to hold its own which, in my opinion, is why ratings have been flagging. I wouldn't say no to a sixth season but i don't really think its necessary."
"For better or worse, I'm afraid this is the end of the line for the Fang Gang. I think there's a slight possibility of a WB made-for-tv movie event next season, but I'm not even holding my breath for that."
"UPN!!!! They saved buffy from premature cancellation, hopefully they will have the same sense to save ANGEL!!!! I need my jossverse fix...what will i do if if doesnt get picked up somewhere else....probably go into a permanate state of shock...."
Good comments folks. The new poll is up now. Go vote.
That's it for now. I should be back in the PM with the rant and more.
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