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PM Update

The 2004 Hellmouth Award winners have been announced! Click Here to check out the winners list. :)

Bonnie sent in two new wallpapers.

News Bites has...

- An article on reaction from top level writers and producers on Angel's cancellation.
- Eliza Dushku will be on "The Sharon Osborune Show" on Thursday.
- Yahoo! has an Angel cancellation poll up in their TV section.

That's it for today. Have a good one.

AM Update

It's Tuesday. I'm off to work..eck. Let's hit it...

There's a new Whedonverse Mythological Timeline up, compiled by Dannyboy. It starts at the Dawn of Man and ends in 1997 where the show began. It's an absolutely terrific idea, and he says if he missed anything, just send additions to me. So I guess that'll work.

There's one new image from "Shells" (5x16). Check it out in the gallery.

News Bites has...

- A review of "When Harry Met Sally".
- And Kristen from E!Online talks about Angel's end.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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