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Sunday, Sunday, Sunday....I'm back and I have a TON of stuff...

Kirsten sent in the summary for "Smile Time". Check it out in the episode guide.

There's a new Parody up. Otts sent one in for "Why We Fight". It's hillarious.

SaxySlayer sent in one new Wallpaper.

There's a new section in "The Articles" section, called "Reports". These are for misc articles and fan reports. The first report comes from Dru's Delight, who saw Aly Hannigan in "When Harry Met Sally". You can view the review here.

News Bites has....

- An Interview with Alyson Hannigan.
- Another Angel cancellation article.
- A letter from Joss about "A Hole In The World".
- A poll at Futon Critic. Vote for Angel.
- "Serenity" has popped up on Universal's website. (YES!)
- And finally, "Eurotrip" completely flopped on opening weekend.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

And that's it for today. Have a good one.

Angel Cancellation News Updates
- Click Here to read Joss Whedon's first comments on Angel's cancellation.
- Sign The Petition to let the cast and crew know you want a sixth season.
- For the petition to save Angel, Click Here.
- Click Here for the official statement by the WB.
- Click Here for comments from David Greenwalt.
- Click Here for an article on the cancellation from Film Force.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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