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PM Update

The Rant is up for "Why We Fight".

"Why We Fight" Episode Quotes are up, thanks to Kirsten.

That's it for today. Tomorrow - look for a new Poobah and more!

AM Update

It's Thursday. Eric and I will be around later to go nuts on you in the rant, but first...

The Image Gallery is updated with 3 pics for "A Hole in the World", and 2 pics added to the Michelle Tractenberg in "Eurotrip" gallery.

News Bites has...

- Herc's spoiler review of "Why We Fight".
- Tim Minear talks about Angel.
- Firefly news.
- A Firefly DVD review.
- And news that Fox will release Angel Season 4 on DVD this fall.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

Now to the poll...

Last week we asked, "What is your favorite feature on HMC (board excluded)?" Here are the results...

News Bites - 42.2%
Rants from the Crypt - 10.7%
Episode Guide/Quotes - 10.0%
Ask The Poobah - 9.3%
Sunnydale Top 10 - 7.3%
Otts Parodies - 5.2%
Wallpaper/Fan Art - 4.8%
The Weekly Ascension - 4.2%
Gallery - 3.5%
Other - 2.1%
Color Me Impressed - 0.7%

Total votes: 289

Did something happen where people forgot to press 'vote'? 289 votes is horrific. For shame, people... for shame. Anyway, those who did vote, voted 42% for News Bites (which is a total give-in, I should've left that off, because it will always be around). The Rant gets 2nd, and the Episode stuff rounds out the top 3. And I am shocked that the Poobah came in 4th....shocked, I tell ya!

Ok...let's see what you guys had to say....

"I love the rants...I was a bit wary when they were a changin' format, but I was not let down. You guys rock! If this poll was taken at a later date, might my vote be cast for "A Message from HMC?" (hint) And how is the Weekly Ascension NOT in last place? They seem to be a little, er, extinct, no? (though they were good when ACTIVE!! :) )"
- Sarcastic Voice

"My favorite feature is the Episode Guide/Quotes. I use it all the time when my brain decides it doesn't want to work properly. Just a suggestion - add a search section or something. Maybe also break them down by person so if you're looking for something specific and you know who said it, it'd be a lot easier to find."
- Vampire Lady

"It was a three way tie for me between Rants from the Crypt, Ask the Poobah and the Sunnydale Top 10, but since I couldn't vote for all three, I chose Ask the Poobah. To put it simply, it cracks me up. Well except for the Canadian jokes, you big jerk. :-P"
- *glow*

"I voted other. I just love the front page and hell-o-logue. I like coming in here and getting all my updates and seeing what is happening. BAM ..all right there. Nice. :)"
- bufflover

"Ott's parodies of course are my favorite feature of HMC...Best way to cure the blues I tell ya...."
- Gabriel

"I adore Ask the Poobah......well it usually has a reference to me in there weekly and we all know how much I love myself now don't we? Oh and Mac? WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS MY CHILD SUPPORT? :P"
- Nora

"I voted the Weekly Ascension. I want my WA back. I need my WA. Oh and BTW why isn't the El Presidente Proverbs listed? I may have voted for that but I still like my WA."
- Aeryn

"News Bites all the way. The amount of work that goes into it is incredible."
- Jrzlee

"There are a lot of great features here at HMC. But I have really come to love the Multimedia (fan art and wallpaper in particular) section really awesome. I use a lot of them as various backgrounds. It's just really cool to look at other peoples' work in the MutantVerse."
- mrsmarsters

"Well, the Parodies, Weekly Ascension and Sunnydale Top 10 have been kinda absent of late so I didn't vote for any of them...I had a rough time choosing between Ask the Poobah and Color Me Impressed. As a comics fan, my conscience told me to vote for it, but for some reason, I voted foe the Poobah anyway...7, just wanna let you know, my heart voted for you! LOL"
- fat tony

"I voted that the sunnydale top 10 was my favorite, but i really cant choose between them cause there so cool , the others are wallpaper/fan art /otts parodies gallery/ guide and quotes / . ya'll this site ROCKS !!! its the best BTVS and ATS ever keep up the good work."
- raissa

"Love me some news bites...yummy. Also Ive discovered links to strange weird new places that I wouldnt go normally like the San Jose Mercury News...snarf!"
- wretch

Good comments, guys. Not very many of them, but good ones nonetheless.

The new poll is up. Go vote!

I'll be back with the Rant later on. Have a good one.

- Matt
- Check out my Blog

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