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PM Update
The Rant is up for "Why We Fight".
"Why We Fight" Episode Quotes are up, thanks to Kirsten.
That's it for today. Tomorrow - look for a new Poobah and more!
AM Update
It's Thursday. Eric and I will be around later to go nuts on you in the rant, but first...
The Image Gallery is updated with 3 pics for "A Hole in the World",
and 2 pics added to the Michelle Tractenberg in "Eurotrip" gallery.
News Bites has...
- Herc's spoiler review of "Why We Fight".
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
Now to the poll...
Last week we asked, "What is your favorite feature on HMC (board excluded)?" Here are the results...
News Bites - 42.2%
Did something happen where people forgot to press 'vote'? 289 votes is horrific. For shame, people...
for shame. Anyway, those who did vote, voted 42% for News Bites (which is a total give-in, I should've
left that off, because it will always be around). The Rant gets 2nd, and the Episode stuff rounds
out the top 3. And I am shocked that the Poobah came in 4th....shocked, I tell ya!
Ok...let's see what you guys had to say....
"I love the rants...I was a bit wary when they were a changin' format, but I was not let down. You guys rock! If this poll was taken at a later date, might my vote be cast for "A Message from HMC?" (hint)
And how is the Weekly Ascension NOT in last place? They seem to be a little, er, extinct, no? (though they were good when ACTIVE!! :) )"
"My favorite feature is the Episode Guide/Quotes. I use it all the time when my brain decides it doesn't want to work properly. Just a suggestion - add a search section or something. Maybe also break them down by person so if you're looking for something specific and you know who said it, it'd be a lot easier to find."
"It was a three way tie for me between Rants from the Crypt, Ask the Poobah and the Sunnydale Top 10, but since I couldn't vote for all three, I chose Ask the Poobah. To put it simply, it cracks me up. Well except for the Canadian jokes, you big jerk. :-P"
"I voted other. I just love the front page and hell-o-logue. I like coming in here and getting all my updates and seeing what is happening. BAM ..all right there. Nice. :)"
"Ott's parodies of course are my favorite feature of HMC...Best way to cure the blues I tell ya...."
"I adore Ask the Poobah......well it usually has a reference to me in there weekly and we all know how much I love myself now don't we? Oh and Mac? WHERE THE BLOODY HELL IS MY CHILD SUPPORT? :P"
"I voted the Weekly Ascension. I want my WA back. I need my WA. Oh and BTW why isn't the El Presidente Proverbs listed? I may have voted for that but I still like my WA."
"News Bites all the way. The amount of work that goes into it is incredible."
"There are a lot of great features here at HMC. But I have really come to love the Multimedia (fan art and wallpaper in particular) section really awesome. I use a lot of them as various backgrounds. It's just really cool to look at other peoples' work in the MutantVerse."
"Well, the Parodies, Weekly Ascension and Sunnydale Top 10 have been kinda absent of late so I didn't vote for any of them...I had a rough time choosing between Ask the Poobah and Color Me Impressed. As a comics fan, my conscience told me to vote for it, but for some reason, I voted foe the Poobah anyway...7, just wanna let you know, my heart voted for you! LOL"
"I voted that the sunnydale top 10 was my favorite, but i really cant choose between them cause there so cool , the others are wallpaper/fan art /otts parodies gallery/ guide and quotes / . ya'll this site ROCKS !!! its the best BTVS and ATS ever keep up the good work."
"Love me some news bites...yummy.
Also Ive discovered links to strange weird new places that I wouldnt go normally like the San Jose Mercury News...snarf!"
Good comments, guys. Not very many of them, but good ones nonetheless.
The new poll is up. Go vote!
I'll be back with the Rant later on. Have a good one.
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