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PM Update

News Bites has...

- An article on Angel's future.
- An article on Fray, and why there may be another Fray series.
- Herc's review of tonight's episode.

El Presidente's Daily Proverb:
"The day David Boreanaz is a director is the day I...
Oh...today? Really? My bad."

That's it for today. Watch "Soul Purpose" tonight!

AM Update

It's NEW...ANGEL...WEDNESDAY! "Soul Purpose" airs tonight, directed by David Boreanaz. Don't miss it. ;)

A new Sunnydale Top 10 is up, sent in by Frangelic.

News Bites is updated with the commerical for "Celeste in the City" (starring Nick Brendon).

Upcoming Dates are updated.

Upcoming Episodes are updated.

That's it for now. I'll be back after work, and before Angel. Come on back. :)

- Matt

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