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PM Update

I have absolutely nothing to update this evening, so here's me dancing....


There's your PM update. Have a good one. I'll be back in the morning with certainly more than a dance.

AM Update

It's Monday. Unfortunently it's back to work for most of us. 'Tis sad indeed.

Michael Hickerson sent in 2 new Wallpapers. Check those out.

The Image Gallery is updated with 27 pics of the Firefly cast at the L.A comic book and sci-fi con.

News Bites has another "best of 2003" list (Angel at #5), a rumour about Joss, and an article about the Firefly cast at the aforementioned con.

He's baaaaaaack.....

El Presidente's Daily Proverb:
"Joss said "I can make people that are scarier than anything you can put in latex." Um, Joss we know, I mean look at Riley. Simply horrifying."

That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.

- Matt

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