It's Saturday. Finally a day where I can do nothing but loaf off if I want. It's our special weekend
poll day today, so let's get to the updates...
A new Sunnydale Top 10 is up. Check it out.
News Bites is updated with the "Scooby Doo 2" trailers now online (woopity-doo...doo-doo,
ha! I have a Beavis and Butthead sense of humor apparently), and another top ten television list.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
To the poll we go...
Last week we asked, "Which is the Best Angel Season 3 Episode?" Here are the results...
Waiting in the Wings - 19.5%
Total votes: 266
I knew the votes wouldn't be very impressive due to the holidays. Whedon's ballet episode
comes in first, with Lullaby and Billy rounding out the top 3. I think "Sleep Tight" got the
shaft coming in 6th, but that must be just me. Let's see what you all had to say...
"I would have to go with A New World cuz no ones voting for and I thought it was pretty cool, because see I know you probably think I'm nuts for this but 'm madly in love with Conner. This episode introduces him as an all grown up character."
"I went for 'Heartthrob'. Not too many people enjoyed it, but I thought it was an interesting season opener, and the way Angel reacted to Buffy's death was a lot different than you would expect. It was interesting, and that last scene in the subway train was pretty sad. *sniff* The rest of the season went downhill after that. And can I ask a question? Why is 'Waiting in the Wings' in the top spot??? *shudder* That was Joss at his worst, IMO. Anyways, Heartthrob all the way."
"Just a thought on the low poll response numbers: because Angel hasn't been around in reruns much and the S3 DVDs aren't out and you don't have an ep guide, people probably don't know the eps by name. (I don't, anyway.) So I can't give you a "best" but I *can* tell you my least favorite ep of S3: Waiting in the Wings. Not even a new concept given they'd done the possession thing on BTVS already, and done it far better with SMG and DB. Cordy as a dramatic character never did it for me."
Note from Matt: Our guide guy is slacking off. Don't blame me. *looks at Danny* ;)
"I chose "Waiting in the Wings." I loved that episode. It was so nice to step away from Conner a bit and I loved the humor. The Cordy/Angel banter was hilarious. Cordy: "Oh, come on. It's not that horrible. Up to his ass in demon gore-fine, but ask him to mack on a hottie, and he wigs. My champion ladies and gentlemen." So funny!"
"I said Lullaby because of (surprise...) Darla sascrificing herself in the end. Although, had I known at the time that the result would be Connor, I might not have liked that scene so much..."
"Waiting In The Wings. There was dancing. There were ghosts. There was some inappropriate Angel and Cordy action(thank god it wasn't Connor!). Fabulous episode all together. And a Joss at that!"
"I went with Loyalty. Alexis just did an amazing job with that one."
"Lullaby is freaking awesome!!! The end is just so sad and touching. I'm also partial to it because it was the first episode of Angel I EVER saw."
"i voted for "birthday"; i actually applauded when the ep ended the first time i saw it! i loved skip's reappearnce, "the cordy show"-all of it. one of my favorite all-time angel eps."
"I picked "Birthday", I thought it gave all of the pain Cordy had been going through new light. And it had it's touching moments and it's funny ones too."
"This is a tough one because there are a lot of good episodes from season three. But my vote has to go to Billy. I saw it repeated the other day and it was so wonderfully well done--dark, creepy and disturbing. Everything a good episode of Angel should be."
"I chose 'Waiting in the Wings'. Up until the point of this episode, I had found S3 boring. But of course, this was a Joss-written episode and I found it poignant and moving."
"I voted for "Billy" for the simple fact that Wes developed so much in this episode, both for good and bad. And lets just admit it Alexis was... well I will just say ME-OW *scratch, scratch* Plus, hey! pre-Connor."
Not many comments, but at least they were good. Thanks guys.
The new poll is up. Season 4 this time. After this next poll we'll have a poll to determine what the
top 10 best Angel episodes are from the first 4 seasons. So get to voting on the new one.
That's it for today. Have a good one.
- Matt
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