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PM Update
Aeryn sent in one new Fan Art.
News Bites is updated with the last part of CFQ's interview with Minear and Whedon,
and an article on the future of the Firefly movie.
That's it for today. Look for the newsletter sign-up very soon. Maybe as soon as tomorrow. Have
a good one.
AM Update
It's Thursday. Poll day is upon us. But first...
News Bites is updated with a Joss Whedon interview about Firefly,
and another Firefly Series DVD review.
Now to the poll...
Last week we asked, "Which is the best Season 1 Angel episode?" Here are the results...
"Lonely Hearts. Probably an odd choice but I just love that sequence when Kate and Angel are
hunting and Vast sing "Touched". Cool song. That was a tough poll Matt. Pout. lol"
"I voted for HERO, although I love IWRY. Doyle's ultimate sacrifice, as acted by Glenn Quinn, was very moving, (especially from an actor who had been fired from the series and would die a few years later).
I still miss the character after all this time. "Am I done?" What an exit."
"I think overall season 1 is the best out of all the seasons of Angel. I liked the Faith episodes, but the one I love is I will remember you, it was so sad and so touching and it makes me cry everytime i see it!"
"i voted for rm w/a vu cause jane espenson is the best and funniest writer. im glad to see that she is last cause that was the worst episode of anything... ever!"
"I know the Buffy eps are going to rank high, but one of my faves was " Expecting" I just thought it was an interesting storyline and really showed how the characters had begun to care a lot about eachother."
"I voted for my all time fave episode Hero. Doyle's death and Angel and Cordy's pain were nicely done. It was touching and a good send off for Doyle. The hero sometimes is the guy who you least expect it to be."
"oh, comon! you KNEW i was gonna vote for this because i mentioned it 2 weeks ago! it's a no brainer for me...great ep with great writing...lotsa buffy/angel lovin' and angst...god, i miss the old days.... LOL"
"I was originally going to go with I Will Remember You, but that's too obvious for me... so I chose Five by Five. Basically, the very first time I saw that ep, I cried seeing Faith at her most vulnerable and scared. I think it was brilliantly acted. It moved Faith up in my estimation."
"I of course said, I will remember you. However, "She" needs to have an honorable mention just because of Angel and Wesley dancing. The LA trip Hellhounds know of what I speak. (As do some of the ride operators at California Adventure.) teehee"
"Good Joss, I do not have the S1 DVD's so don't know the ep names! But I figured "I Will Remember You" was the one with Buffy in it, so where she goes so goes my vote. Because I'm a huge "Buffy" fan and a somewhat reserved "Angel" fan. But more because I still remember how well-performed and heart-breaking this ep was. HUGE payout for B/A fans, great closure that satsfied in a "now my heart is a puddle" way, damn you Joss! Truly a stand-out in a very strong season."
"I am sure I will be in the minority here, but I Will Remember You is one of the most overrated Mutant Enemy episodes of all time. It's all tease with no payoff and that just hurts. Honestly, it's a waste of an hour because nothing of consequence happens. Angel has to hit the giant reset button that we ALL KNEW HAD to be there when the whole episode started. And sure, Angel remembers it and can carry around angst and be broody after the events are over...but honestly, does the guy need any more reason to brood?!? Sorry, but for me, I Will Remember You is a horrible episode. I would far rather see better episodes like I've Got You Under My Skin Or I Fall To Pieces, both of which I think are extremely underrated and brilliant first season outtings from Angel. Both are creepy, compelling and utterly watchable, whereas I Will Remember You just makes me wish I had that hour of my life back..."
"Tough decision but I'll have to go with Five by Five because Faith is the best!"
"Hero is the season one episode because Cordy finally realizes how wonderful Doyle is. Plus this was the parting episode of my favorite Angel character."
"Didn't even have to read past the first choice. "I Will Remember You" will always be remembered."
"IWRY all the way. Obviously that's the B/A shipper in me talkin', but that last scene is enough to make even a Spuffer get teary-eyed. ;) Some of the moments were so wonderfully corny and sweet, and it was nice to see these two really happy for a change. And their last few moments together before it's all taken away totally rips your heart from your chest. Says a lot about Angel as a hero as well, that he would give up so much for others. His selflessness is a constant. Superb acting by SMG and David."
"Hmmm... first season had many stinkers and while most have redeemable moments they, as a whole, just don't work for me. "I Will Remember You" is currently number one??? That's insane troll logic! I get what they are trying to do but it's one for the shippers. "Five by Five" all the way."
"sigh*...I voted for 'Hero'--mainly 'cause it was the first season one episode of Angel I saw, and in less than an hour, I pretty much fell in love with Doyle-then spazzed when he died. That was probably the saddest (and by that I do *not* mean stupid) episode of Angel I have ever seen, {spoilers coming up...} what with the whole him and Cordy nearly falling in love and all. Grr."
"Five by Five! It had great character development, great fight scenes and dance scenes, and the most shocking ending of the season(IMHO) Plus Faith doesn't hurt ;)"
"I don't really think it was the best, but I voted for Blind Date, because I love that episode and I knew no one else would vote for it. It had great action (the breaking into W&H scene was superb), lotsa Lindsey (which is always good...) and Gunn's "Y'all can cater to the demon, can cater to the dead man, but what about the black man?!" was priceless. Really underrated episode."
"Damn, what a choice. Ultimately had to go with I Will Remember You for its tragic love story even if it didn't further the season arc, but it was truly a toss up with Hero. God I loved Doyle."
"Now normally my "girly sentimental" side stays in but I will Remember You is one great episode, very sweet, dramatic, depressing, just plain good."
"I'll be honest. Aside from I Will Remember You, I really didn't like Season One of Angel all that much. Season Two I loved, but Season One just wasn't working for me."
"I voted for sanctuary. I love any episode with Faith in it...unfortunately she ends up in jail in this one."
Good comments folks. The new poll is up. This time you need to vote for the best Season 2 episode. So go do it.
Eric will be sending me a proverb to post every day. So check them out at the bottom of each daily update.:)
El Presidente's Daily Proverb:
That's it for today. Have a good one.
- Matt
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