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Happy Thanksgiving to all the Hellhounds!
I hope you and yours have a good one.
Poll time...
Last week we asked, "Who is your favorite demon?" Here are the results...
Lorne - 31.6%
Total votes: 522
The green guy wins it, with Mr. Loose-Skin coming in second, and our favorite vengence demon rounding
out the top 3. Let's see what you guys had to say...
"I'm probably about the only person who voted for D'Hoffryn. There was just something cool
about him. And he looked like a goat. LOL."
"I loved skip, was gutted when it was discovered he was evil, even more so when angel killed him.
"Gotta go with Lorne. The wardrobe and the humor alone, but add in those pipes? Hands down winner.
But I got a gripe, Clem is sweet, Skip was fun, The Mayor was a riot and Anya(nka) is a scoob...
but who the $%#@ is voting for the Judge??!! Serious whackjob with nothing to recommend him. I
mean even D'Hoffren had some funny lines "water coller vengeance"? Classic."
"Lorne is just the coolest demon ever. His voice is great. Plus he's green. Green is the bestest
colour ever. He is not evil and he's funny as hell. Lorne is the bestest and my most favourite
demon, ever."
"I love me some Lorne! Love his singing voice, his charisma, his suits, his tude! He kicks demon
ass! That and he always makes me smile. :)"
"I still have chills after reading the comments from last weeks poll as I answer this. I vote for
Anya. Her character was written beautifully. Her presence on the show started with "The Wish"
which is one of the best eps ever. She made me laugh, (her intertwining body speech she gave to
Xander and his response when he squeezed the juice box) she made me cry, (especially when Xander
jilted her at the altar and her Kool-Aid speech when Joyce died), and I was sorry that they killed
her off, but at least she died a hero's death."
"Voted for Skip[ because I'm convinced that the one who showed up in S-4 was an imposter. (okay I'm
reaching;no really inspiring choices here, y'dig?) As far as I can see Green Pyleans are actually a
mortal alien race so Lorne was disqualified by my personal rules. (Hey I'm in retail and Black
Friday's 5 days off;don't expect gems here.)"
"Lorne is my favorite because, how many demons do you know that sing...and actually sound good???
Plus that whole empath thing and that he's green and red and wears very colorful clothes!!"
"I loved Doyle. He was the only thing on "Angel" first season that made any sense to me. Without
him, I'm not sure I'd be watching anymore. I really missed him. And *seriously* cursed the name of
Joss for the blind-siding early death."
Note from Matt: I didn't include half-demons on the list. Which is Doyle and Cordelia aren't
in the poll.
"Once you've had lime, no other is worth your time! Okay...that sounded a bit wiggy. But yeah!
Lorne! Woo with a whopping side of Hoo!"
"I love Lorne, his singing abilities are so cool. I also love his family, from Pylea. "No longer
do the dance of joy", and his brother dancing had me laughing for a long time."
"Hmmm. I love Clem! BUT, I had to vote for Lorne! What would Angel be without Lorne to loosen
things up! He's our favorite green party man and dressed to kill! ;)"
"It's Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan all the way."
"D'Hoffryn...such a smooth operator/
Everyone else are rank amateurs in the demon-y department. Lorne is getting on my nerves, Clem is
too fleshy, Halfrek, Anyanka, the Mayor and Skip are dead (I guess). "here's my talisman - give us a
chant sometime..."like I said "smooooooooooooth"."
"Definitely the mayor! He had so many funny lines, "Two Words- Miniature. Golf" And was the most
unexpected guy to be a demon. I also loved his relationship with Faith."
"She had me with, "Is this an orgasm friend?" And let's not forget her capitalist dance of
superiority. Too many great things to name regarding the dearly departed Anyanka. *sniffle*"
"LORNE ROCKS!!!!!! Andy Hallet is a great addition to the Angel cast...so glad that he was finally
put in the opening credits....i am hoping for more lorne centric episodes this season...."
"hmmm... Clem or The Mayor? Clem or The Mayor? In the end I went my old friends Richard Wilkins III.
He was just too cool!"
Good comments guys. The new poll is up. Go vote.
News Bites is updated with an Adam Busch interview.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
That's it for today. Have a great Turkey day, guys. I'll see you tomorrow.
- Matt
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