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PM Update
There's a new Weekly Ascension up. This week's edition was written by
Eric Hendrix. Jon is busy with college right now, so Eric will be writing the articles off and on.
Mike has a new Caritas Readings up and ready for your viewing
Strandmose sent in 10 new wallpapers. Check those out. They're awesome.
That's it for today. Tomorrow...a new section: "Ask The Poobah"! See you in the morning.
AM Update
It's Thursday. Poll day and all. Tons of stuff to get to...let's hit it...
My Rant is up for "Lineage". Check it out.
Bonnie sent in one new Wallpaper. Take a look.
News Bites is updated with an interview with Julie Benz, a Lineage
review and more.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
Now to the poll...
Last week we asked, "What's Your Favorite Ship?" Here are the results...
Buffy/Spike - 27.9%
Total votes: 681
I'm certainly shocked by the winner....note the sarcasm. That's the 2nd highest total in HMC history.
Let's see what you guys had to say...
"Where's Giles and Jenny? Or Ripper and Joyce?? Hell, even Rupert and Olivia??? No love for the
Note from Matt: Oh man...is it going to be one of those days where I find nothing but questions ABOUT
the poll and no actual comments? Darn. ;)
"I chose Xander/Anya because my VERY favoritist ship wasn't included... What is it, you ask? Why
Willow/Spike, of course!! Aaah... what could have been..."
"Ok, I had to decide between two, two which were NOT included: Angel/Kate & Andrew/Dawn.
Note from Matt: About Buffy and Spike...*cough*bullshit*cough*
"Why aren't Spike/Andrew on this poll?"
"Angelus and Darla. Strange choice I know, but I did it because of her redemptive speech in Angel.
when she apolagises for what she did to him and all that. I think that makes it more like a real
life relationship than any other. I actually felt sorry for her. I am turning into a right sappy
"And WHERE is Fuffy?"
"Spuffy all the way! Why? Well, I don't really think I could give all the reasons... someone else'll
end up saying why better than me anyway."
"I think Wesley/Lilah had the best relationship, but since they weren't on the poll, Angel/Buffy
are the close second."
Note from Matt: So let me get this straight....sex and distain makes for a good relationship?
"Xander and Anya all the way! This couple was sweet, funny, and had the best shot of a normal
"i'm all for Spuffy! they were the hottest and i could practically feel the chemistry between James
and Sarah. You can see it all through Once More, With Feeling. The 2 have great chemistry and it
was about damn time that they finally act on it together. Viva La Spuffy!"
"Said I've already voted, but didn't so here goes:
This poll is incredibly difficult. There is not one pair listed that I did not enjoy. Now if you
would have asked what ship made me nauseous, I would have answered Connor/Cordelia in a heartbeat.
I vote for Buffy/Spike, but simply based on the fact that it is the most recent. I feel that the
new season on Angel has remained basically "shipless" up to this point and I hate to admit it, but
I miss my soap opera intrigue. But I still love it!"
"Ok, i voted for W/T because they truly are the best couple that the jossverse has ever seen. I
still can't watch the last few episodes of season 6, because they still break my heart over tara's
death. *judge me if you must* But how come willow/kennedy wasn't a choice? yum ;)"
"ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, BA!!!! Did you get that!? :D Buffy Angel!! Doesn't get better! But I do
miss W/O I must say!"
"Is this really a question? Spike/Buffy is the greatest ship to ever sail. Why waste bandwidth on
questions to answers you already know."
Note from Matt: And they wonder why I'm not a Spuffy fan.
"I don't think it really counts as a ship, but... Spike and Dru! Hillarious at times, and sordid
all the time. Pure fun to watch, and together, they made one of, if not the best big bad. There,
that just thought I'd break the string of Spuffy\Bangel comments. You may proceed."
Note from Matt: Thank you.
"The fact that we can only pick one is just cruel...i went with B/A because what can i say, they
are soulmates in every sense of the word...but i would also like to give votes to Willow/Oz because
Seth Green is soooo HOT, and tell me how could anyone not love them together, go back and watch
season 3 if you dont remember their kick@ss chemistry....and what about Xander/Cordy....sure it
didnt last long but there was something in the humor that made there relationship believable...
maybe its just me but i've always wanted a reunion for those two...."
"Sure I love the misery and Joss loves to dole it out as much as Charles Bronson played in
harmonica once upon a time... The ship that held the most promise as a self sustained couple
feel to a fiery death amist the tedium of ..familiraity breeds... well Ill never tell.
The break up of Xander & Anya and the wedding from green dress hell was a bad bad trip and a
crushing blow to seeming normalcy and a lasting rlationship bewtren a 1000 yer old ex demomness
and Joe Everyman. I dont want to live in a world without love... sob...choke... So is Joss still
married? LOL"
"It's icky old people love ; ) , but I still like Giles & Jenny."
"I looooooovvve spuffy!!! see i was kinda late getting into to the show and my first impulse was
to hate riley with all my hatred and the second was to love spike with heart so i didnt know why
buffy was with that loser and not with the hot blonde british guy."
"Where's Willow/Kennedy, and Spike/Harmony?? I wouldn't have voted for them, but they were actual
couples with semi-regular characters. If Darla and Dru can be on here, why not Kennedy and
Note from Matt: Because.
"Spike & Buffy? YOU BET! I know, I know, I'm a little lust bunny when it comes to thoughts of
those two together. But they are sooo hot together! If you only knew the dreams I've had of those
two! Er...um...no, I have no life!!! (gulp)"
"Went for Willow and Tara because, to my personal tastes, no couple on the screen were ever written
to be so perfectly complementary to each other in terms of strengths and weaknesses. (Rememeber
Hepburn and Tracy weren't fictional.) "Summer Gold and Autumn Red" taught be to believe in love
again during a very low point of my life.. But Buffy/Angel and Xander/Anya, for very different
reasons each, are close in my book, with Spike/Dru bringing up the rear. I'm just an old-fashioned
"Buffy/Spike... He truly saw her for who she is, the woman and not the slayer. He was the one
that didn't leave. Other choice would have to be Wes/Fred. Those two are made for each other.
Xander/Cordy also.... The Prom. Enough said."
"What can I say I love Buffy and Angel! Lots of love and lots of pain,it keeps it fun!I'm never
bored with them two!!!"
"All of them end in pain and misery, and that's what I love to see. That's also why I've been
taping Angel and watching the highly enjoyable 'the OC' instead on Wednesdays. Sorry, kids,
but new Angel is not that good!"
"Umm, shouldn't the last option have been "All of them! I love misery." since Buffy 'ships are
misery by definition? Secondly, what gives? No Jenny/Giles? What's with that?"
Note from Matt: Kill me.
"I voted Buffy & Angel (just for a change, LOL). Not that there was much point... we all know what
the outcome of this poll will be. *sigh*"
I take your *sigh* and raise you a *hrmph*. There were a lot more comments. But the golden rule is,
spell words instead of letters replacing them. "U" for "you" doesn't fly with me, especially when
you go a whole paragraph butchering the english language.
That's it for now. Back in the PM with more.
- Matt
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