PM Update
The Image Gallery has the promo pics from "Lineage" (AtS 5.7). Check those out.
Still working on the new stuff. See ya in the morning.
AM Update
It's NEW ANGEL WEDNESDAY! Let's hit the updates..
News Bites is updated with an interview with Joss Whedon, 'Chaos Bleeds'
interviews, and an article on the new season of Angel.
There's a new Quote of the Week, Featured Fan Art, Wallpaper and FanFic.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
An apology to our international visitors: I didn't realize what I was doing when I made last week's poll. I basically
alienated everyone in the UK, throughout Europe, and Australia by having the "grade Life of the Party" poll. Not only
does the vote total look weak because of it, but it's not really fun for anyone outside the U.S. In other words,
I won't be running grade polls for newer episodes anymore. Once again, much apologies.
HMC spin-off sites coming soon! Look for a greeting card site and a web portal very soon. They'll
be very cool.
That's it for now. Back in the PM....seriously this time.
- Matt
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