PM Update
News Bites has the Angel overnight rating.
Don't forget to enter the contest.
That's it for today. I'll be back tomorrow with my rant and more.
AM Update
It's Thursday...that means it's poll day. But before we get to that, some news...
Looks like Eliza's new show isn't flying with critics. News Bites has
some reviews of "Tru Calling" (not that we're covering it or anything), and a review of the new
"Seven Seasons" book.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
Now to the poll...
Last week we asked, "Who was the Scooby Gang's most evil foe?" Here are the results...
Caleb - 30.0%
Total votes: 743
That's the largest vote total in HMC history. I love it. So anyway, Caleb gets the nod with 30%
of your votes. Angelus makes it personal in 2nd, and The First is the first evil, so it should be at
least 3rd...right? I guess. We'll see what you had to say...
"Angelus is the purest evil ever on Buffy. The Mayor was evil, but he was selfish and was evil to
gain power, and Spike was evil to gain Dru's love. Caleb was just lame. Angelus was evil just to
be evil. He loved evil for evil's sake. Oh, and the First was just as lame as Caleb. Guess you know
what I thought of Season Seven now!"
"I went with The First although I'm not totally satisfied with that answer. I felt that I had to
vote that way because The First was understood to be the embodiment of all evil. I'm dissatisfied
because I don't think it was convincingly played that way on the show. Caleb, as The First's
diciple, was much more obviously evil in word and deed."
"Technically, wouldn't The First have to be The Most Evil?? Because evil is all it was. But the
only one without any other attribute besides evil was Caleb. How I hated the hell out of him! Mac,
look at that vote total! HMC is finally taking over! *evil laughter*"
"warren had a soul. any evil he did was worse than any hellbeast or vampire."
"I went for Adam, not a lot of others did, so why ? coz he had it in for demons and humans. He was
just interested in him, damn every thing and every one."
"What no Faith?!? She was redeemed in the end, but a rogue slayer is a pretty evil foe."
"I said Angelus beacuse there was a emotional attacthment all around! I made it hard for The gang to
kill him!"
"Things do not look good for our heroine when Angelus is around."
"damn. that caleb was one evil bastard. i still haven't seen what he did to that guy. i just refuse
to watch it. and he just killed. damn, he's one of the evilist evil dead guys out there on the idiot
box. hooray to Captain Tightpants. i bask in your evilness."
"The First by far was the most evil... Cuz if you think about, the first inhabited each and every
evil person that came through Sunnydale... But enough mind using..."
"Although it lacks the personality of any of the other Big Bads, I voted for The First for several
reasons. 1. The First forced the Scooby Gang to rethink thier entire battle strategy.
2. Their greatest losses came because of The First 3. More powerful than any of the other Big Bads
4. I think The First came the closest to winning, if only because it took the Scoobies until the
very end to even believe they could win against it. That's my .02."
"Oh My! What a list! The one that stands out to me was Angelus. I know that The First is suppose to
be the official answer, being the origin of all evil and everything. Angelus is just so much more
personal with his cutting words to Buffy after their night of passion (could that have been more
evil?) to killing Jenny as a message and a bit of fun. He truly was someone they had to take serious
and deal with because he wanted to get Buffy's attention and he would do it in the most cruel of
ways. Truly evil!"
"What could be worse than your closest friend, who had fought side-by-side with you for years,
turning into the very evil you fought with? Not too much, i say, which i think makes Dark Willow
the foe to end all foes. Plus, we knew and felt the pain and anguish willow was going through...
we wanted her to grieve, and we wanted our old willow back. It made for awesome television and
great acting from aly."
"Interesting that you did not consider Faith worthy of the list. I think Angelous and Dark Willow
(not Dopplegang Willow) were possibly the most effective foes because of their knowledge of the
Scoobies and Buffy. Glory also ranks well up there because of her hell-dimension-God powers.
However you asked for most evil. For me that tipped the scale away from most effective towards
3 who were moderately effective and also rejected the influence of their souls. A soul was
something Angelous, The FE, The Master & Adam lacked. Having a soul was a factor in Dark
Willow¹s redemption. Jonathan & Andrew were not really effective forces of evil. That left:
The mayor who traded away his soul, Warren who ignored his soul and Caleb who lost his soul. Out
of those 3, I chose Caleb. Partly because his attitude towards women reminded me of Parker and
partly because he was stronger than Warren but not funny like the Mayor."
"I have to say Angelus because he hurt Buffy in ways that no one else ever could."
"I'm going with Dark Willow - basically because she may have been 'evil' but she was still Willow
ergo the Scoobies couldn't really fight her; which made her a harder foe to deal with."
"I voted for the First because the First is basically in and IS all of them because it is evil
and they are all..well..evil."
"I think that Angelus is the most evil foe because because he kept coming back and not just that,
he hurt everybody (mostly Buffy). Plus, Caleb and The First are practically the same thing. Love
the new layout!!"
"Normally I'd go for Angelus or Evil Willow..but..c'mon. Most evil. The First Evil. It doesn't get
much more evil than that!"
"I took "evil' to mean literally a moral attitude, so Angelus had to win simply because he
struck me as the most malicious in his motives and the most depraved in his tastes."
"I vote for Caleb. I think the others listed all were written with a sense of "fun" in their evil
personalities, and some of them were so over the top, it was hard to take them too seriously, but
Caleb had no redeeming qualities. Just his misogynistic comments were enough to make me want to
throw up. I actually found it disturbing that a writer could write such hateful dialogue about
women. Yeech."
"I know the first is "the source of all evil" and all, but I found a lot more evil in Angelus.
Ruthless, Soulless and holding one hell of a grudge. Besides, he killed Jenny. Who did the first
kill? Amanda? Forgive me for not grieving."
"Ok, I am mad as bloody HELL! I am best friends with both Luke the Vessel AND The Master, and I can
tell you that they are too really cool, if twisted, guys. That aside, Caleb- well, besides Riley-
is without a single possible doubt the most evil "foe" ever to stalk Sunnydale's streets. See,
Willow was a human in pain, The Mayor just wanted to be a big snake- and how many of us haven't?-
Glory was just a ditz tryin' to get back home, and Angelus knew what he did was evil, he just
didn't care, what with knowing his role as a vamp. No, Caleb was not only evil and enjoyed his
sins of violence & murder, he, unlike all the others, truly BELIEVED in what he was doing. He
truly had faith-small "f" that he, by cleansing the earth of "just another dirty girl," was doing
the work of the Lord, as WELL as The First Evil, his new lord. Caleb's lust for murder & mayhem
even, if only for a moment, threw The First Evil back a step or two. Now, that's EEEEEEEEVIL!"
"The Mayor-natch. All evilly and civic minded and a FAN of the Family Circus. Now that's B-A-D mofo jazz!
Angelus - coulda wreaked a lot more damage than JennyC and Buff's heart but no--lil Will's goldfish.
Ponce face- he's always more evil in his badly accented flashbacks.
The First was cooler when we all thought it was some new dude named "Morphy" and as for Caleb he woulda been better off staying on Serenity, if that hadnt met the great frying pan in the sky.
Glory - funny as hell and her big moment came when she squeezed the Charmin out of Tara and as for the Trio, Warren's foulest deed was an accident, Andrew kills Jonathan cause of his love for Warren the First and Jonathan was a geek meister to the end. The Master was a quick throw down into a pit.
Hands down - the Mayor - his family values and Faith love not withstanding, who else had the stones to kill and maim all season long just so he could be a giant snake to commit more mayhem and slaughter before getting his reptilian butt all blowed up?
Ladies & germs - I give you the late lamented Richard Wilkins the Third. Whats next weeks poll?
Who had the best book number or breakway pop hit in OMWF? (JOSS kidding Mac Daddy)"
"I picked Glory. The first was a joke...and The Master was kind of a dork. I was going to pick
Angelus but the only hard thing about him was he had Spike and Dru backing him up. Buffy didn't
know if she would kiss him or kill him. But Glory...She was soooooooo close to killing Dawn, And
that alone makes me love her. Mwahahahaaa. :)"
"I chose the Mayor because he was human, which means he had a soul (at least until he sold it),
and thus a capacity (and one might even argue, a drive, to do good as well as evil, and yet he
chose evil every time, for the most pointless, selfish reasons. All this also applies to Warren,
of course, but Warren just wasn't as creepy (or as fun, which is creepier) as the Mayor."
And that was less than half of the comments on the poll, but I didn't want to have a page a mile
long, so I picked some and put 'em up. Great comments guys. Even the ones that I didn't post were
The new poll is up. What did you think of last night's episode? Go vote and comment.
That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM.
- Matt
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